farmer's daughter

Chapter 307 Don't Raise People

Chapter 307 Don't Raise People

Chapter [-] Don't Raise People

Hong Linzhen hurriedly asked the woman to go to her firewood house to bring out a large bundle of straw, and the woman did it face to face.After finishing, Xuejian looked at it, made some comments, and said:

"You call the women and old people in the village. If you have nothing to do, you can make some of these cushions. It costs three yuan a piece. I will charge you as much as you want. But I have to make them tight, not loose."

"Really? That's fine, I'll do it right away when I get home."

Several women immediately turned around and wanted to leave, Xue Jian shouted:
"Hey, go on a trip and inform every family that if you have money, you have to make it. Besides, I want a lot, and you can't make it with one or two. I have as many people as I have. But I have to do it well."

"Yes, don't worry, girl. We'll inform you right away."

Several women ran out laughing and laughing.

Xiaocao looked at Xuejian suspiciously and said:

"Xue'er, what are you doing with straw mats?"

"Don't worry, sister, I am useful."

Turning around, he said to Hong Linzhen:

"Aunt Hong, please turn around and tell Uncle Song that I want as many bamboo pieces as wide and two feet long, and I want as many as I can, and I need to sharpen both ends. But pay attention when chopping bamboo, I only want older bamboo Make it easy to break, ask him to tell the old men in the village, I charge a penny for one piece. They make it fast. They must be of uniform length. You can’t follow the length and the short.”

Hong Linzhen nodded repeatedly.Wait until the women are gone.Only then did the second son of Song come forward and hand over the meat to his mother, saying:
"Mother, this is given by the girl from the master's family. I went to touch some field fish for her, and she gave me meat in exchange."

Hong Linzhen patted her son and said:

"You silly boy. This meat costs money, and your field fish is not worth it. Send it back to the girl's house."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Take it, I told him. I will look for him when I want to eat Tianyu in the future. Your son is very capable."

Xuejian went to the village for a while and came back, then went back to the house to write and draw.I don't know what she is going to do.Come out when it's time to eat.Bring out an envelope.Give it to Qiu Yuandao:

"Third senior brother, I wrote a letter to my father. When you return to your home, get someone to deliver it to Hongfu Cloth Village in Huishan Town for me. This other letter is for Auntie Hong, the proprietress of the Cloth Village."

The next morning, every household in the village sent someone to collect the seeds.In previous years, I would have to buy it myself. I didn't expect the host to buy seeds this year, and after looking at it, they bought good seeds.Everyone is very happy.Since there is no mistake, the work is done.

After the seeds were distributed, Xuejian left behind Pang Dahu, Song Gentu and Lu Cheng.Then he took out a larger piece of paper, and drew the hundred or so acres of land he had left on the paper, saying:
"Uncle Pang Da, I believe there is still a surplus of labor in the village. I want to recruit a few people now, as long-term jobs for me. What to do, how to do it, listen to me. Boys or girls up to the age of sixteen or seventeen. These people have to sign a contract with me, and they will be my people from now on. See if you can find them. If no one is willing, I will go to my hometown to find them.”

"These people, I want to follow me and learn to grow some new things, which will be of great use in the future. Don't worry, I will find a future for those who follow me! And the first thing I want to name is Song Uncle, the second boy of your family. Think about it, if you have this wish, you can ask for me. I will give you three days, as long as you follow me. When doing things in this village, you can also talk to me at any time. We meet at home, but we have to stay in the manor for food and lodging. In life, I will not treat him badly, and I will give each of them five hundred coppers every month. If I study well and have a future, I will naturally increase the money For them, men and women, I will handle the marriage, whether it is a banquet or a dowry. I take care of it."

Xuejian urgently needs a group of his own people now.No one can't do something.But asking people to see them is not so reassuring, then follow the method of this dynasty, that is, buy people.And how can the person who bought it take care of it.Then buy it from an early age and teach it.Xue Jian believes.These people will eventually become their right-hand men.

Song Gentu and Pang Dahu got acquainted with each other, and this matter really needs to be discussed at home.You also have to discuss it with the villagers.If anyone is willing, that's fine.The two of them didn't agree to Xue Jian right away.Xue Jian also understood.

Xuejian said again:

"You also saw it when I came that day. I brought a group of strong men, and those people went to the capital, because I did a business in the capital, repairing houses. We are repairing a special kind of house. After a while Someone came to change my house here. Before they left, each of my family gave ten taels of silver. When I came back, I would pay back the wages. My second uncle and my grandfather led the team. Not long after, in Fucheng I'm about to start building this house. Another group of my people is helping to repair a few rich people's houses in our hometown. I'll come to Fucheng later. So, don't worry, I have the money. I don't only have the money. This Zhuangzi. In the future, there will be many, many Zhuangzis."

The two didn't speak, Xue Jian said again:

"You guys go back first. Except for this matter, tomorrow we will call the free laborers in the village to help me weed out the grass in my field. A man is twenty coins a day, and a woman is fifteen coins a day. I will take care of one meal at noon. .Voluntary, if you want to do your own work, go and get busy. I'm not busy here, and I haven't finished what I want."

The two nodded, turned around and went out, looking at these two people, they were discussing all the way.It seems that he is also paying attention.

Xiaocao waited for everyone to leave, and then stepped forward and said:

"Xue'er, we only have more than 100 taels of silver here. You have to count some money. In fact, these tenants are not paid for doing some things, so don't raise them. You can cut bamboo and make straw mats." Those who don’t pay, and those who come to help weed, you pay back the money after taking care of the food, and you shouldn’t take care of the food after paying the money.”

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Hey, my sister is keeping a close eye on my watch bag. Don't worry. I'll go to Fucheng tomorrow. I'll sell a few pictures of headdresses, and I'll have money. Will you go with me tomorrow? Let's take grandma and Grandma and the little aunt took them out for a walk, and let the grandfather and elder sister watch the field. With the little aunt here, we will not go astray. The little aunt is from this prefecture."

"Still going shopping? When did you go to the street and return it empty-handed? How much money did you use? No, I have to save some of the money, otherwise, when someone asks you for money later, you won't be able to get it." It would be embarrassing if you come out. It’s still a home.”

As soon as Xiaocao heard that she was going to go shopping, she immediately put the money bag in her arms.Xuejian just giggled.Xiaocao glared at her and went out.

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(End of this chapter)

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