farmer's daughter

Chapter 312 Is it you?It's you?

Chapter 312 Is it you?It's you?
Chapter 310 The second is you?It's you?

As soon as she stepped out of the room, Xue Jian's smile collapsed.She didn't know whether it was good or bad to know this King Liang.I haven't been to Jingzhong myself, and I haven't heard what the big brother said about the relationship between the characters.But I know that among the 5000-year dynasties in the world, which dynasty did not form cliques?If it's not good for me, it's not good to cause trouble for the elder brother.Not only the elder brother, but also that Fu Jinghao, it is said that their family is also a Hou family, who knows which faction it is?If some relationships are not good, there will be great troubles in the future.

Xue Jian didn't want to waste this hard-won rebirth life on those intrigues.I had to think about my own little life.Help others as much as you can.That's it.

Xuejian hurried out.I also didn't notice that someone was arguing in the hall downstairs.One of the two people arguing was a girl, and the other was a guy in the shop.It seems that this girl wants to return something to the store, but the guy doesn't agree to return it.Xue Jian only knew that there were several people talking together.Without looking at who it was, he rushed out first.I have to find out where the family members have gone.

Xue Jian hurriedly went out to the door, and bumped head-on with a girl who came in.The girl looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old. Seeing that it was a child who bumped into her, she immediately got up and cursed:

"You don't have eyesight when you walk! You won't be able to pay for the things I've smashed."

Xuejian was hit and fell back into the store from outside the house, and fell on her back. Although she was wearing thick clothes, her buttocks still hurt from the fall.Xue Jian felt a tingling pain in her hands, and raised her palms to see that the skin on both palms was scratched.In this cold weather, the scratched skin hurts the most.As soon as Xue Jian stood up with gritted teeth, she was greeted with a burst of cursing.

Before Xue Jian raised his head, the young man in charge of welcoming guests came forward to support Xue Jian, looked at Xue Jian's hands and said:

"Madam, do you want to get some medicine?"

Although I don't know who this girl is, but the person who can stay in the boss's room for so long before coming out, and the person who has not been told by the boss, is either the daughter of someone in the boss's business, or the boss' relative.The boy thought so.So come forward and take care.

Xue Jian shook his head and said:

"I'm going to find my parents. It's okay, little injury."

Xuejian turned her head to look at the girl who was still staring at her, wanting to scold someone, but without saying a word, she wanted to walk past that person.But when Xuejian looked up, the girl saw Xuejian, pointed at Xuejian with wide eyes and said:
"Is it you? Is it you? It's you who caused our lady to have nothing now!"

That girl was the little mosquito that Miss Liu was with last time, Xue Jian didn't recognize her, but she did.Looking around, Xue Jian was alone this time, and just heard that she was going out to find her family.This girl can't wait to think of the past.Because just because of the slap that Xuejian slapped the young lady last time, the young lady became a person with nothing.In addition, now that the master has been taken away, the madam can't control those concubines who are demons at home.The house is a mess right now!And all because of this little girl!
Of course, if Xue Jian knew that this girl thought this way, she would definitely roll her eyes and say:
"It was your lady who hit me first."

That girl will definitely say:
"There are a lot of people who have been beaten by my lady. You just have to bear with it. Now our lord has lost his official position, and the lady has been half-married and half-sold to a half-hundred people to fill in the house. The man's son is bigger than the lady. big."

Naturally, Xuejian didn't know about this, but when Xuejian, who didn't take the collision seriously, stepped up and wanted to leave again, the little mosquito bumped over on purpose again, and this time Xuejian was prepared, and stepped back to give way , the girl slammed into the door, and threw herself on the ground in the posture of a hungry dog ​​grabbing shit, and at the same time remembered a "pop" sound.That girl fell really hard.I didn't get up for a long time because of the pain.Xue Jian would not pay attention to her.With a soft snort, he tapped his foot, jumped out lightly, and then briskly set out on the road.

Xuejian didn't know, but with her slight movement, she saw the eyes of Prince Liang at the upstairs window, and Prince Liang could see that Xuejian was also a person with a bit of kung fu.But think about it, this is Senior Mo's disciple, so he must have two hands.Thinking about it and sighing, when I was a child, I also wanted to practice kung fu with this senior, but my father refused.Therefore, I have always envied Lian Quchen.

Xue Jian knew that grandma and the others would go shopping along this street, so she went along the street to look for them. She didn't see any of them until the street was gone.Xue Jian frowned, this is a crossroads.I haven't been here either.After looking left and right, he sighed and walked to the right according to his intuition.Sure enough, not far from turning the corner, he saw his own carriage parked in front of a shop.

Xue Jian stepped forward to take a look.This is a shop that sells makeup.Xuejian went in and took a look, sure enough everyone was there, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Hu were choosing some makeup powder for Xiaocao.It seems that she wants to dress up this young lady.Too.This year is over.Xiaocao is also 11 years old.Coupled with the improvement of life in the past half a year or so, the grass has grown a lot taller.And the skin has grown much better.Dressed up, it must be very beautiful.

Xue Jian came in and said hello to grandma, grandma and little aunt.Zhang smiled and said:
"I said I bought something here, and I went back to look for you. But I didn't want you, but I found you. How is it, have you done your business?"

Xue Jian nodded, and said, "Okay."

He turned his head to see what he had chosen for Xiaocao.Xiaocao's small face was a little excited, but also a little shy.Seeing Xueer coming, he directly pulled her and said:

"Come on, Xue'er, I've also chosen one for you, this one is only a little red."

Xue Jian looked at it, it looked like rouge.Xue Jian shook his head and said:
"I'm only so old, I don't need it. Sister Cao'er can buy this lighter one, otherwise the painting will be too red, and it will look like a monkey's ass."

I couldn't help laughing when I said it.Wang patted Xue'er's head with her hand and said:

"Little girl, what are you talking about?"

In fact, Xuejian disapproved of little girls wearing makeup. Shen's family used to live in a bad way, and everyone was ugly, but now that life has improved, Xuejian found that all of her family members are handsome and beautiful.Natural beauty!With such a good innate condition, she doesn't need to wear any makeup, but Wang Xiaocao usually never buys anything for herself. For the sake of her happiness, she doesn't discourage her enthusiasm.He also helped to give Xiaocao a eyebrow and hair flower.

The family has been shopping for so long, and it is noon.Xue Jian said that she should go to the restaurant run by Jiang's family to eat. Zhang had no objection, but just mentioned that Xue'er should not eat for nothing, she must pay, otherwise she would lose her reputation, and it would not be good for Liang Shuang to marry in the future. .Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Understood. Grandma, if they don't want money, we won't eat at their house."

 Thanks to yh1166 for the second reward!Added a new chapter!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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