farmer's daughter

Chapter 314 Teach You to Keep Accounts

Chapter 314 Teach You to Keep Accounts
Chapter 310: Teach You to Keep Accounts

Boss Yang laughed and said:

"There is nothing inconvenient. Our ancestors were slaves of the queen's natal family. Later, because I saved the life of the queen's grandfather and received the grace of the master's family, I was released from slavery, but the ancestors have passed it down. Warm to the old master's family. The direct branch of the family should respect and help each other. And it is because of this that Prince Liang has a half-hearted relationship with me."


Xue Jian nodded.laughed:
"I'm sorry, I made you laugh. I don't have anything else to ask. Just think about it. It's better to ask Boss Yang directly. You also understand that I, a little girl, seem to be a bit ahead of me when I come forward to do these businesses. But our family In this situation, I have to stand out. The children of poor families have long been in charge of the family. It is the situation of my family, that is, because of the iron, my family has a little family business. This is the beginning of a Zhuangzi. I know it all at once. I'm a little worried about a prince. We country people have never seen an official. I've always been afraid of a prince."

Boss Yang laughed and said:

"I didn't see that you looked scared."

"Pretend. Pretend not to be afraid, pretend to be calm. Do you know that I was knocked down because I was anxious at the gate of your house when I went out."

Boss Yang put away his smile and said:
"If you don't talk about it, I want to talk about it later. Do you know who you bumped into? It's the original Miss Liu's girl. She happened to come to forcefully buy the original Miss Liu from us. I got a pair of jade bracelets back to pawn the money, but she didn't want her to break the jade bracelet after you collided. Now I don't admit it. But she quarreled with me until noon. She said it was between us It fell here. I want to pay for it! I even cursed you through gritted teeth. Said that I want to trouble you. You have to be careful, don't go shopping alone. There are three catties of nails on the rotten boat, I'm afraid of them Find someone else to trouble you."

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Thank you, Boss Yang, for your reminder. It's just that the collision today caused you trouble."

Boss Yang said lightly:
"I'm not afraid of them. I just don't like to make trouble. A businessman talks about making money with harmony. But I'm not a person who is afraid of trouble. I used to think about making money, Mr. Liu. If you don’t cause trouble, you won’t cause trouble. But it’s different now. Mrs. Liu is gone. Then Miss Liu herself has become someone else’s stepmother. In the future, there will be more hardships for her. It’s better for her to be less Bounce a little better."

Xuejian also said:

"Well, I'm not afraid of her either. It's getting late. I'm afraid it will either rain or snow tonight. I'm leaving too. I'm leaving. I'll trouble Boss Yang later."

"Okay, I hope you will come to trouble me like this often. Then I won't be short of new products."

Boss Yang personally sent Xue Jian out of the shop and watched Xue Jian get into the carriage, but when he saw that the driver of Xue Jian's carriage was a female driver, Boss Yang was stunned for a moment.

On the carriage, there were people sitting around, and a large basket was placed in the middle, which was full of copper.It takes a long time to count.As soon as Xue Jian got into the carriage, her head was covered with black lines.I remember that Boss Yang ordered them to be packed separately, but I didn't expect those servants to pack them into the car separately.There is also a bag of scrap silver and a bag of silver ingots.This can all add up to 1000 taels.

Wang sighed and said:

"Mother-in-law, I'm not afraid of your jokes, me. I've never seen so much money before."

Zhang smiled and said:

"I haven't seen it either. There's nothing funny about it, but old sister-in-law. It's better now. Our little granddaughter has taught us a lot. She also took us around this prefectural city. I'm satisfied! Ha."

"Sigh. I have to trouble you when I go back. Divide this basket of copper into a bag of a hundred. It will be more convenient for later use. Sister Cao'er will make more cloth bags later on."

Xuejian now has too much money to worry about.This should be done in modern times, when it is deposited in the bank and everyone transfers the money, it is more convenient to put it in.Sighing again, he secretly kicked the basket of money.

All the way back home, Gu's son and daughter were playing in the courtyard of the outer courtyard, Xue Jian asked Ban Xia to give them each a bag of candy.He also asked Ban Xia to deliver the pastries he bought to the two cooks in the kitchen.When Xuejian went out for a trip and came back, everyone in the family got presents.

Xuejian went back to the house first to collect the large amount of banknotes she got today, changed her clothes and came out.Xiaocao also brought the scattered silver coins and silver ingots, and put them in Xuejian's room.Xuejian only put the silver ingots in the cabinet, handed the bag of loose silver to Xiaocao and said:

"Sister, you will be in charge of our family's expenses and purchases in the future. Don't worry, I have the money. Today I earned more than 1 taels of silver!"

Xiaocao hesitated for a moment, but took the bag of loose silver and said:

"Okay! I'll take care of it, you have to teach me to keep accounts."

Xiaocao's hesitation was not because Xuejian was frightened by making so much money. For her, she already knew that Xuejian made a lot of used to.She hesitated because she was worried that she could not do well.She has seen the money accounts of Xue Jian's management family and the embroidery workshop, and they are all clear.I haven't done it myself, and I haven't learned many words. I'm afraid I won't be able to do it well. Looking back, Xueer's affairs are getting bigger and bigger. I learn to help her now, so I can help her in the future.This is also your own opportunity.

"Okay! I'm also going to teach you how to keep accounts. There will be many places to keep accounts in the future."

The two sisters talked out.Ban Xia happened to find him and said:

"Sister Xue, many people are looking for you outside. They are all carrying bamboo chips and straw mats."

Xuejian quickly called out:

"Sister, bring a pen and paper. Keep accounts!"

Xiaocao quickly took the loose silver back to her house and put it away.Turning around and running out again, many people surrounded the gate of the manor, the old Mr. Shen just came back from the field, sat in the main room with a dark face, looked at Xue Jian who ran out and said:
"Xue'er, what do you want these straw mats and bamboo chips for? Who can't make this kind of thing? Need money? I can make a lot too!"

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Grandpa, don't be angry! I said to give you the money. I will deal with this matter first, and I will talk to you later."

Turning to Gu Shi, he said:

"Sister-in-law Gu, you open the side room here, tidy up the inside, and make room for me to put straw mats. I thought they would deliver them tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Gu Shi responded and turned around to tidy up the ear room.Xue Jian turned around and walked out of the yard, when she heard a voice say loudly:

"Look, I just said that this kind of thing will not be paid for, Mrs. Hong, could it be that you spread the word of the girl randomly?"

Xue Jian just heard this sentence when she came out, and looked up to see that the person who said this was Pang Shi, the wife of Pang Panghu.It seems that Ponzi is not yet angry because of his displeasure about the land, and is still sowing discord!
As soon as Xuejian came out, everyone surrounded him with one word or another.Xue Jian was small, and these people were all holding straw mats.I couldn't see Xuejian at once.With a little kick, Xue Jian flew up from the crowd and stood on the fence of the manor.said out loud:
"Everyone be quiet! Listen to me! Come one by one!"

(End of this chapter)

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