farmer's daughter

Chapter 318 Do you want me to check?

Chapter 318 Do you want me to check?
Chapter 310 Do you want me to look it up?

The little uncle of Aunt Shen's family finally got up, talked to his father, and also told his father that he was going to start wine making again.It explained that it was money from Shen Xiaomei's natal family, and now that stubborn old man stopped making trouble.Finally accepted the care of his daughter-in-law.In this way, the little uncle will have time to do something of his own.I heard that they have prepared some outfits and are going to buy a batch of food to start work.

Seeing that her daughter is doing well here, Xiaocao is getting better and better, and Shen Sanzhu is also very happy.After talking with his father again, he followed the Jiang family and his son and left again.Because the family still can't do without him.Xue Jian also reluctantly sent his father away.

Because if the visitor is delayed, Xuejian will delay the repair of the ironworks by a day, and will make a total calculation at night.Lao Niu Dao simply didn't do it here, and went directly to another courtyard to do it, anyway, that will be the focus in the future.Xuejian thought for a while and said:
"Okay, then I'll send you to another hospital tomorrow. One thing, you should do all the new things I plan to make in the future, and don't pretend to others, and don't tell others. Maybe we will do it separately from the other hospital in the future. Because The other courtyard will eventually become the place where the princess’s achievements will be made, and some of the things we do will have a certain degree of privacy. I don’t have time and people to come here now. When it’s free, we’ll build a smaller one here. If you want to fight, you can fight, if you don’t want to fight, just leave it alone.”

The old cow also nodded.Now Xue'er is really short of manpower. Although there are dozens of tenants, once the land is so wide, it is impossible to have no people.

The next day, Xuejian sent the old cow to another courtyard, and told Butler Huang about it, but Butler Huang said with a smile:
"No problem, just right, the two masters who came first chose a place, and they are now leveling the ground. When it is finished, we will build a stove. I don't know much about these, and it will all depend on this master."

After carefully arranging all aspects of Lao Niu's life, Xue Jian left.This time Qiu Yuan also came back.It is said that there is nothing to do in other courtyards, so it is better to come to Zhuangzi to play.

After collecting bamboo chips and straw mats for four or five days in a row, Xue Jian announced that they would not accept them.Because Xue Jian saw that all the bamboos that were cut down had tender bamboos.Xue Jian didn't want to get rid of the bamboo.There will be no more bamboo in the coming year.The same goes for the grass mat, some rotten grass is sandwiched in it to fill it up.Even if Xue Jian didn't accept it, every household was still happy.In the past few days, after rushing to do this, every family has an income of several hundred coppers.It's not too late to weed the ground.

This afternoon, Pang Panghu and Song Gentu brought about a dozen and a half boys, including two girls, who raised their eyes.These people are all around 12 to 15 years old, and some are tall and strong, such as Pang Dahu's youngest son.Some are thin and small.Among them was the thinnest one, but Xue Jian had a little impression of him, as if his father was a scholar.It's just that the family was in decline, and finally married a tenant's daughter.When the child was five or six years old, he fell ill and died prematurely. He left his wife and son, and had no other means of survival. He returned to his natal family to farm the land. Fortunately, his brothers and parents helped him. life is better.But after the parents are gone, the sister-in-law and younger siblings have their own families to take care of them.The lives of these two girls are going to be a little tighter.But one good thing is that this child can read some words.He can be regarded as the only literate person in the entire tenant village.

This time, Xue Jian specifically told Song Gentu that he wanted this child.Because she needs one or two people who can read and write to do some record work.

When Xue met these people, they were not bad, they were all from hard-working families.But after hearing about Xuejian's request, Pang Panghu's youngest son was a little reluctant.Because Xue Jian asked them to be converted from tenants to slaves.As soon as he thought of becoming a slave, he would have to listen to his master in everything from now on.Pang Dahu's son would not do it.

Pang Dahu was very embarrassed.Because at home, he was willing to come because he talked about the youngest son.He came when it was an opportunity to be close to the home of the Lord.He wanted to stabilize his Pang family's position in this village.But I didn't expect to sell myself, so that I would be a little higher in the rank of a tenant who was a little higher than the slaves, the child understood.quit.

He didn't do Xuejian and didn't force it. He had heard that this person was not that kind of hardworking person.Being spoiled by his mother, he is also a bit of a bully in the village.Now he voluntarily quit.Xue Jian will not stay even more.Xue Jian made his meaning clear.Let these ten or so people go back and tell their families what they mean.Then to be sure.

Of course, Xuejian still made a certain promise.After most of the people left, Xuejian left behind the scholar's child named Wu Qiming.

What made Xue Jian fall in love with him was not only that he could recognize a few words, but that this person gave people the impression that he was firm, smart, credible and loyal. Xue Jian left him and said:
"I know you were born in a scholar's family, and you can be regarded as a scholar. I stayed here to give you a chance. You are here to help me manage some things in my village. In the future, if you want Going to catch the exam or do something, as long as you bring it up, I will cancel your slavery. But there is one thing, you and your mother have to give me the deed first. What do you think? If you want to discuss with your mother Just a moment is fine. You can go back and discuss it."

"Oh, that's right. If your mother comes to my village with you, I will arrange for her to work in the village, just like Gu's. I will take back your family's land. From now on, I will give you money every month. I take care of your mother's monthly money, food, housing and clothing. What do you think?"

Wu Qiming was looking at Xue Jian.Although he is a little taller than Xuejian, his thin body does not look tall, but he stands up straight.

Wu Qiming looked at Xuejian seriously, and responded:
"You don't need to wait, girl. I can make the decision in our family. My mother and I are the only ones in our family. Recently, my mother's health is getting worse and worse. I also want to stop her from being a farmer. If the girl doesn't dislike my mother's poor health, We are willing to do what the girl says. Don't worry, girl, as long as I enter the manor house, I will be a member of the manor house. I will do my best for the girl in this life!"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Okay. Then you go back and clean up, and bring your mother to live in the manor tomorrow. I will order you to go down and leave a good house for you. From tomorrow on, you will follow me, and you can read and read when you have nothing to do. Read books. At least you must be able to write and speak. Next year, I will invite my husband to teach the children in the village how to learn characters. If you want to go to school then, I agree that you can find time to learn again. "

When Wu Qiming heard this, he knelt down with a plop.He kowtowed to Xuejian and said:
"Thank you girl! After Qiming, I will listen to the girl's arrangement!"

After Wu Qiming left.Qiu Yuan jumped off the beam and said:

"Little Junior Sister is becoming more and more like a master. But the child you chose is not bad. I think he is a good one. Shall I check it out?"

Xue Jian nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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