Chapter 329
Chapter 320 Nine Nissin Moon End

Lian Shizi had already told the butler about Liang Shengyue.The housekeeper also knew that this scholar had a good relationship with the prince.It happened to be a good opportunity to do Liang Shengyue a favor, so why not do it?
So, Liang Shengyue called Yuan Conghai, told him about the matter, and introduced him to the housekeeper.Yuan Conghai came forward to salute and said:
"Students have never kept accounts before, so please ask the housekeeper if there is something they don't understand!"

Yuan Conghai's attitude is still very good!It seems that Liang Shengyue's talk on the way back is still useful!

As Liang Sheng was on the road, he found that the child's books were good, but a little sour.His own conditions are only like this, and he still insists on the principles of some so-called scholars!Liang Shengyue was not afraid of offending him, and talked with him from the bottom of his heart along the way. At the beginning, he argued a few words strongly, but he never won no matter whether he preached the scriptures or talked about real life!Two or three days later, he stopped arguing with Liang Shengyue. Four or five days later, he doubted whether his persistence was right. When he entered the capital, he had completely convinced Liang Shengyue, and he regarded Liang Shengyue as his own from the bottom of his heart. Sir!
Liang Sheng smiled knowingly when he saw Yuan Conghai's attitude.This kid is smart and sensible!Now that you know how to advance and retreat, you have grown up!

The butler bowed in fear and said:

"Young master, why did you say that? You are a talented person. This bookkeeping is a trivial matter, but if there is anything unclear in this courtyard, just let me know, and I will definitely make it clear. I will take you to visit us later. This yard, and get to know the people here. Let me explain to you about our daily dealings. Then go to the accounting room to look at the account books. There is no problem if you think about it.”

Liang Shengyue also said:
"You should remember two things about keeping accounts, you have to keep a clear account of your entry and exit, and you have to clear your accounts every day and every month."

Yuan Conghai bowed seriously to Liang Shengyue and said:

"Also please advise sir!"

Liang Sheng laughed more:
"Actually, I only know how to read and teach. It's okay to ask me to count. I haven't done bookkeeping. But my little niece does business bookkeeping and discussed bookkeeping with me. She also taught me these two points. Yes, her original words were, once you enter and exit, as long as you remember it, it is considered good. Every night when you close the account, you will calculate the balance of the day’s entry and exit, and calculate the remainder of the month at the end of the month. Can't go wrong."

The housekeeper nodded and said:

"Mr. Liang's niece is a good housekeeper. Yes, if the accounts are as she said, it must be correct. But usually we don't settle the accounts every day. We always make a summary in three days, and a big one in five days. The accounts must be reconciled at the end of the month."

Yuan Conghai said:

"I'm a novice, so I can't do things sloppily. In this way, I will follow what my husband said, and I will settle the accounts every day. If the hospital needs to reconcile accounts, I will also calculate a large number in five days. Is that okay?"

The butler smiled and said:

"If you settle accounts every day, you don't need to settle accounts every five days. That is the best account. It can be seen that Mr. Liang's niece is a smart person. The accounts produced by doing this are indeed better. If there is a mistake on any day, it will not matter. Easy to find."

Liang Sheng smiled and said:
"My niece is your Shizi's junior sister."

The butler was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly bowed and said:

"Then it can't be wrong. The old slave also heard the princess and the son come back and talk about a young junior sister who is smart and capable. It seems that she is Mr. Liang's niece. She is indeed a capable person."

It was night, and Lian Quchen came again.This time I met Mr. Hu directly and said:

"I have already contacted my second junior brother. He will send someone to take care of your walking safety. Don't worry about this, he has a good reputation in the Jianghu, and anyone will sell him to save face. You take this number plate. This is in the Jianghu If there is an accident or someone on the road, there will always be an explanation if you take this out. This is the number plate of my teacher's gate. If Mr. Hu is ready, you can go on the road tomorrow. I have prepared the carriage, the carriage There is also everything you need for food and shelter. There is a coachman and a boy walking with you, these two people are reliable, they are my people, and they know martial arts."

Mr. Hu nodded repeatedly.Lian Shizi said again:

"Don't worry about this matter. I have secretly notified the Holy Majesty, and the Holy Majesty is very happy about it. So you can rest assured to do it, and come back after finishing it. Just wait to receive the reward."

Turning around, he said to Liang Shengyue:

"Junior Sister said one thing in her letter, that is, she hoped that Mr. Hu could go all the way and record something along the way. All the records left will be passed on to you, right?"

Liang Sheng nodded more and more.Lian Quchen said:
"I went back and thought about it, and it wasn't right. You're going to take the exam next, regardless of whether you're distracted or not. After you pass the exam, I will definitely use you in a certain place. You will be judged by others Watch out, it's not safe. I've made sure that my second junior brother is there. During Mr. Hu's stay in the northwest, my second junior brother will personally accompany him to ensure his safety. If he passes through the northwest area, he will also accompany him. , if he has something to do, he will leave reliable people to accompany him. Therefore, if Mr. Liang and Mr. Hu think it is appropriate, give your records to my second junior brother, and the second junior brother will pass it on to the younger junior sister to sort out. Even if the younger junior sister It can't be sorted out, but she put it away. Then pass it on to Mr. Liang, it's a family letter, so it's safer, what do you think?"

Mr. Hu slapped the table and got up and said:

"My son, I have nothing to worry about. Xuejian is the smartest girl I have ever seen. Besides, she taught me how to draw pictures. I think I will hand over all the parts to her and let her put them together. Naturally. The best. Give her some itinerary records, she can tidy them up if she has time, or put them away if she doesn’t have time. In fact, the more I hear, the girl has a good literary talent.”

Liang Shengyue also said:
"What the prince is worried about! This arrangement is indeed better than our plan. Just follow the prince's words."

Lian Quchen smiled and said:
"It seems that you are all convinced of the junior sister. In this way, don't worry, Mr. Hu. You give the things to my second junior brother. My second junior brother has his own way to pass it on to the junior junior sister. When you receive the reply from the junior junior sister, you can destroy it." The manuscript in hand. There are some things, it is better not to leave a manuscript. Mr. Hu see it?"

Mr. Hu pondered for a moment, then nodded, which was considered to be in agreement with Lian Quchen's statement.

Lian Quchen said easily:

"It's been a hard journey, so please excuse me, Mr. Hu! If you have anything to do, feel free to ask my second junior brother. If you get tired halfway, don't be in a hurry. Take care of your health!"

"Lao Shizi is worried, I am very grateful."

That night, Lian Quchen took Mr. Hu away.Mr. Hu will start from another place tomorrow.Lian Quchen didn't want Liang Shengyue to see him off again.So as not to give people's eyes and ears.Although Liang Shengyue was worried, he couldn't say much, but he took a letter to Xue Jian the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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