Chapter 340
Chapter 340
The man wiped his eyes with his sleeve and cried loudly:

"You pay my horse, pay my horse!"

There is also a person next to him:

"Hey, this young man is unreasonable. Your horse ran out and hurt someone. These two are also kind. Look, what else would you say if your horse hurt someone?"

The owner of the horse stretched his neck and shouted:

"Did you hurt someone? Did you see my horse hurt someone? My horse didn't hurt anyone. They beat my horse to death. Why don't they pay for it? If my horse hurt someone, I pay for it myself, I don't need them to meddle in their own business and kill my horse. If they kill my horse, they should pay."

This is purely unreasonable!Qiu Yuan is not a person of good words, he was blocked by others' words.It seems to be true, other people's horses didn't hurt anyone, it was him who killed the horse.It seems to be compensated.But Xue Jian who was standing behind did not follow her.The horse came rushing up the road.This is still on the street.When people come and go, the possibility of hurting others is the highest.If it wasn't for their own family to save the old and the young, the two horses would have injured the old and the young.

But it seems that the man didn't think so, he only thought that his horse didn't hurt anyone, but was killed.

Xue Jian pulled the third senior brother to her side, stood up and said:

"Why are you so fierce? Which eye did you see that we beat you? Did you see how I beat you?"

Qiu Yuan was stunned, did Xueer plan to be unreasonable?
The man was also obviously stunned, and then said:
"I can't run as fast as the horses. When I arrived, the horses were all killed by you. Just now everyone was saying that you killed them. You have to pay! You have to pay! You have to pay!"

Anyway, it's just one word, sorry!Or BMW!Get a lot of money!
Xue Jian calmed down, feeling that this person was wrong, as if he was pestering them on purpose.Xue Jian said coldly:

"You said that everyone is talking, who is talking? Stand up and perform, how did I fight just now? Whoever said it, let me see. Where is the horse I hit? How did I fight?"

The people around were also a little confused, thinking:

"Obviously it is, but how to call to see?"

The people around stopped talking.Those who are smarter can also see that the person who let the horse out is here to blackmail people.Just keep silent.Xuejian turned to look at the people around him coldly, and the people around him also turned around knowingly and pretended not to see it, and pretended not to watch the commotion.It looks like it's about to end.

At this time, someone in the crowd responded:

"I saw it. It was this girl who beat her, and this girl also beat her to save everyone."

Xue Jian looked over coldly, this man was a man in his thirties, and he looked at the man who let the horse while talking.It seems to be a gang.Xue Jian didn't wait for the people around to respond, and immediately said:

"If you see it, you can call me to see, how did I call?"

The man froze for a moment, jumped to the middle, and acted out how Xue Jian flew up to hit the horse, and said that Xue Jian kicked the horse first and then hit the horse.It's true.But Xue Jian didn't want to admit it.It's not just that I don't want to pay, but I don't want these people to bully me!I don't want to be angry with this!

The man was gesturing, and he acted out wherever he kicked Xue Jian's feet and wherever he hit his hands.Just this performance touched the horse with his hands and feet, although what he said was true.But Xuejian immediately said:

"Look, look, he killed the horse. I saw it, you saw it. Everyone saw it. He killed it!"

The performer froze, jumped up and shouted:

"I'm just repeating, where I beat the horse, you killed the horse long ago."

Xue Jian shook his head and said:
"No, I only saw you typing!"

Who can't do it?If you are unreasonable, who can't do it?
The man was speechless, so angry that he rushed over to fight Xuejian, but Xuejian yelled again:
"Look, look, if you can't blackmail someone, you still want to hit someone."

The people around also saw that the little girl was not afraid of them, but just angry with that person.The rescued old woman called out:
"Yes, that's the man I saw beat the horse to death. Not the girl."

People in twos and threes followed suit.Everyone can see that these two people are here to blackmail people, but think about it just now, if the little girl hadn't made a move and knocked down the horse, she might have hurt herself.So the people around responded:
"It wasn't the little girl who killed her. You should seek compensation from this person. We saw it just now. It was this person who killed her."

The person who put the horse was dumbfounded, and the person who cooperated with the performance was even more dumbfounded.Originally, I came here to make trouble, but I didn't expect to be troubled instead.Turning his eyes, he looked at Xue Jian again and said:
"Ah, I know you. If you can escape today, you won't be able to escape tomorrow. Aren't you the guy from Leisurely Villa? You beat my horse to death, and I'll settle the score with you. You can't blame me!"

As soon as these words came out, Xue Jian and Qiu Yuan looked at each other, it was obvious that this was the person sent by the He family.Qiu Yuan took a step forward, looked at the man coldly and said:
"You're not mistaken, but you missed one person. I'm from the princess's courtyard. Do you understand? Don't you want a bill? You come to me for it!"

The people around fell silent again.This leisurely villa is quite famous recently.Older people know that the outside of the city is afraid of being flooded during the flood season. If the Leisurely Villa is flooded, the water will enter the city.Over the years, when there were floods, everyone could not sleep well, worrying whether the water would rise into the city.But fortunately, only half of the villa was flooded every time. Of course, the other villas below the villa were all flooded.

But now the owner of this villa is a discerning person, he would rather reduce his own land, and ended up occupying dozens of acres of his own land to build a water diversion ditch. The ditch has not been completed yet, if it is repaired.You don't have to worry about flooding in the future.Therefore, everyone remembers Leisurely Villa as a good one.

Then, I heard that the Princess’s Bieyuan had made two new farm tools, and they took them to Youran Villa for trial use. Even the adults of Futai went to see them in person. It seems that Youran Villa and the Princess’ Bieyuan are related.

Just these two things are enough to make Youran Villa famous in Fucheng.

Then someone came forward and said:
"Little girl, report to the official, and we will all testify for you."

The man who let the horse over there shouted even more arrogantly:
"Just report to the official. Don't think that I'm afraid of you. Anyway, if you don't pay me for these two horses, I will never end with you."

Qiu Yuan looked at the man coldly, and the man shivered when he saw it. It seemed that he had provoked someone who should not be provoked.But thinking of what the master said, the man still stretched his neck and said:

"It's okay to lose money, if you don't pay, you can't do it! Don't think that you are a member of the princess's other courtyard and want to use power to overwhelm others!"

(End of this chapter)

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