farmer's daughter

Chapter 342 My He family will definitely give you an explanation

Chapter 342 My He family will definitely give you an explanation

Chapter 340 Two, My He Family Will Give You an Account

So Xuejian talked about today's events from the beginning to the present, and the old lady was surprised and angry when she heard it.It turns out that the people under his son are so human!Xuejian also told about He Yuan's trip to Leisurely Villa.The old lady was even more furious, and shouted:
"Yuan'er. Is what Miss Shen said true?"

He Yuan knelt down anxiously and said:
"Mother, no. There's no such thing. My son didn't do that."

But Qiu Yuan added from a distance:

"Master He, you did more than this. You probably didn't know the relationship between my junior sister and us at the beginning. After you didn't take advantage of the leisurely villa, you sent someone to my junior sister's hometown to check on my junior sister's family. People have gone, right? Your people came back the day before yesterday. Isn’t it?”

He Yuan was startled, it seemed that his every move was under the eyes of others.He Yuan lowered his head, and the old lady He said angrily:

"You go to find out what Miss Shen wants to do? Ah! I know your temper, and you never want to suffer. But don't think about it, how did your mother teach you to behave? Your brother has done a good job in these areas. You can't Do you want to learn from him?"

Mrs. He is furious!I know the character of my son!This He Yuan has been studying since he was a child, but he didn't even pass the exam as a scholar, and he stopped at Tongsheng, while his elder brother, who was compared with him since childhood, was admitted to Jinshi smoothly.Then the officialdom also developed smoothly.This time I heard that there is a possibility of promotion, and the old lady also wanted this young son to contribute and support it when she came back. The management in the officialdom requires money!He Qing hasn't saved much money these years, and he is the only one receiving salary for the family's expenses in the capital. Fortunately, he has this shrewd old mother to help with housework.

And this son gave up his studies because he failed the exam for many years, but he is a good businessman, and he has earned a considerable family business over the years.He also helps his elder brother in the capital every year.But these older brothers asked for more money, fearing that the younger brother would not agree, so the old lady came back and wanted to talk about it in person, but she didn't expect that she had just arrived home and hadn't returned to the backyard.I heard such a big thing.

The eldest son is on the threshold of promotion.The youngest son offended the Princess and Lian Shizi's people.And before leaving the capital, I heard that the second son of Xiaoyaohou is also Shizi Lian's junior.This family is all from the Hou family, and my own family is from a poor family. It is not bad to be able to get to this point.You can't pull yourself down just because of this!

Mrs. He turned her head and said to Xue with a pleasant face:

"Miss Shen, Young Master Chou, I just came back from this matter, the old lady, so it's time to sit down and have a cup of tea. In this way, I will give you an explanation later."

Qiu Yuan wanted to say something else, but Shen Xuejian pulled him, smiled lightly and said:
"Old lady, the villages of our two families are all next to each other. This is considered a neighbor. People say that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. I believe that our two families can take care of and respect each other. If you are free, old lady, go to Zhuangzi. When you are walking, please come to our Zhuangzi to sit down. Today, the third senior brother and I broke into He's mansion in a hurry. I ask the old lady to forgive me. Then the third senior brother and I will go first. Farewell!"

Xue Jian could tell that the old lady still wanted to save some face for her son.Ready to teach the child behind the scenes.But no matter what, I always said things face to face.Let's see how their family is dealing with things. Anyway, when the soldiers come to block, the water comes and the soil is flooded.Xue Jian is not worried.

Where did Xue Jian and Qiu Yuan come from, Qiu Yuan was still a little bit aggrieved.But Xue Jian said in relief:
"Third senior brother, don't worry. This old lady seems to be a sensible person. Besides, we have something to do now, so we won't bother him anymore. I have to hurry back and see if my father is here."

Qiu Yuan nodded and said:

"Okay, anyway, I'll let people watch his people. This person will stop here at last, otherwise, I will not act according to these rules. I will follow the rules of the rivers and lakes."

Xue Jian didn't make a sound, just rushed all the way with Qiu Yuan, thanks to her lightness kung fu, she can jump a little bit, but she is still a novice, sometimes she can't control her strength well.It was Qiu Yuan who took her all the way.

The brothers and sisters hurried all the way.Finally arrived at Youran Villa.As soon as he entered the courtyard, he heard laughter inside.Xue Jian hurriedly rushed in and shouted:


Sure enough, it was Shen Sanzhu who brought a dozen people into Fucheng.It's just arrived, and I haven't eaten yet.Shen Sanzhu looked at his daughter and said with a smile:
"Where have you been?"

As soon as Xue Jian heard it, she knew that Shi Chun hadn't told them about it.If you think about it, it will only make them worry.So he said:

"Senior Brother Three and I looked around. Dad, how many people are here? You have to help Brother Three build the house on the side of the princess first. The sisters of the Princess have sent letters, and they are in the capital city. It's open, we want our Qingyang side to start moving. Even if you don't come today, I will send a letter back to ask you to come."

Shen Sanzhu nodded and said:

"Come here, in Huishan Town, there are still two rooms in Mr. Zhao's house that have not yet been paved with wood boards. I am afraid that two or three days will be enough time. So I will bring the first group of people first. Come on. We have to do the preparations first."

Xue Jian giggled and said:

"That's fine, let's follow the third senior brother to the other courtyard according to the arrangement. Dad, how is my mother? What about Wen'er and the others? I miss them so much!"

Shen Sanzhu patted Xue Jian's shoulder and said:

"Don't worry about the family. Now the family is very good. Your seventh grandpa and seventh grandma take Lianer and Chengwu to play every day. Wen'er went to your uncle's place and learns characters with your cousins ​​every day. Your mother is much better , Your master came back a few days ago. I don’t know what kind of medicine he found. He gave it to your mother when he came back, and asked your seventh grandpa to give your mother another injection. Stand up. She is too busy to talk to us every day."

"The little girls in the village all went to our house to learn embroidery. Your mother said that Xiao Hua from your aunt's house learned the best, and now she can help embroider some big corners. And Lingqiao from your aunt's house , also learned very well. They are all doing big things. Two days ago, your aunt Hong was worried that your mother would not be able to travel far, so she came to pick up the goods specially, and even sent over large and small items. Yesterday I helped your mother settle the embroidery workshop’s money for this month, and I just went out today.”

Hearing that my mother is in better health, Xuejian is also very happy, but after hearing about Master, Xuejian immediately asked:
"What about my master? Why didn't you come?"

Shen Sanzhu smiled and said:
"How could he be missing. Here, I heard that something happened in your field, and he ran out again. Maybe he will come back in a while. Isn't it time to eat?"

(End of this chapter)

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