farmer's daughter

Chapter 344 This Idea Is Really Good

Chapter 344 This Idea Is Really Good
Chapter 340 Four This Idea Is Really Good

What interested Liang Zhongqiu the most was the sheds built by Xuejian, and he had to put a brazier in the sheds every day, and the ground in the sheds was arranged into rows by Xuejian's request.Those ten teenagers are doing just fine.Now we are waiting for the seeds of Xuejian to germinate.Once the seedlings emerge, they can be transplanted.

Back in the manor house, Liang Zhongqiu deliberately went to see the seeds of Xuejian. Old Shen and Mo also went in to have a look. Old Mo was just watching the fun, because he had never planted land before, what? I don't understand, just thinking that what Xue Jian made must be different, to see if there is anything interesting.

At a glance, Old Shen was a little restless.How is this so fast?The afternoon before yesterday, I saw Xue Jian bringing some girls to make this. Yesterday, I saw some girls come in to pour water twice, and change the brazier once. Look again, and now there is a tender white tender in the middle of every mud ball. white things.Is this about to sprout?
Xuejian was also happy to see it. For her, what she was most worried about was that everything had been prepared, but in the end, this kind of seeds expired and became useless, so what else is there to do!I didn't expect that the store said it had been several years.The seeds still germinated.Xuejian was very happy, and hurriedly called the girl who took care of these seeds and said:

"Starting today, you should water lightly when watering, and don't let the water get on the bud. In this way, lightly pour it on the mud beside the bud. Tonight, one person will take a turn to see the charcoal fire in this house. You don’t need to stay here all night, you just need to check if the charcoal fire is still alive in the middle of the night, and if there is no fire, just change two.”

The eldest of the three girls was called Hong'er, Hong'er replied yes, and said she would come and see at night.

Xuejian said again:

"The soil I left over there, go to Tuan Tuan Zi, we did all the rest of the seeds."

Hong'er responded and took the two girls out.They know how to do it. I am a peasant girl, so it's not easy to do these things?

Old man Mo followed and watched the three girls making mud balls and putting corn and peanut seeds in one by one.Old man Mo ran to Xue Jian's side in surprise and said:
"Xue'er, what are you planting? I don't seem to have seen it in our dynasty?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"I don't know what it's called, but I wrote a letter to my uncle, asking him to buy me agricultural books in the capital and come back to see if there is any introduction to this kind of thing. However, we will get it when it is planted. name."

Xue Jian's statement naturally left a way out for himself, so that he can explain it later.After a while, the three girls made all the seeds into dumplings and put them neatly together.Or put it in the warm room according to Xuejian's previous practice.Shen Sanzhu looked at it and said:

"It seems that you should do floor heating first here. In this way, your seeds will be easy to handle."

Xue Jian nodded and said with a smile:

"Don't be in a hurry. I plan to build my manor house slowly after you finish all the work in the city. I have to design this place well. Our family can live here in the future. Yes Dad, if you go back this time, bring the younger sister here. We will bring the younger sister. It won’t be so tiring for the younger brother to stay at home for Grandma Seven to look after. If you are not at home, Grandpa Seven and Grandma Seven will be busier Yes. Fortunately, there is Second Aunt here, otherwise, Mother may not be able to support her body."

Shen Sanzhu nodded and said:
"It's okay, your little sister just celebrated her fourth birthday a few days ago, so it's fine to bring her here, and I'll just look for you and Xiaocao every day at home."

Speaking of Xiaoyue Weixuejian, I really miss that little girl.So does Chengwen, but Chengwen wants to enroll.Yuewei can be brought here first.Thinking about those months when I was at my grandma's house, I brought my three little ones with me. Although they were all taken care of, in my heart, I was considered the elder sister.You have to bring three small ones.Therefore, Xuejian's feelings for the three little ones are different.

Early the next morning, when Xue saw off Shen Sanzhu, she called Liang Zhongqiu:
"Grandpa, come and take a look. Let's discuss it with Grandpa. I have an idea. We have to bring the water from this ditch to the field. I heard you said yesterday that we need to use a load. It doesn't work if you always carry it. The paddy field needs a lot of water, and we have to figure out a way. The ditch is built to prevent flooding. What should we do in a drought? Is it possible to carry water for hundreds of acres of land? This is unrealistic. We have to think There is a solution. Take precautions!"

As soon as Liang Zhongqiu heard Xueer say this, he knew that Xueer had a new idea.But I had to listen to my own and the old Mr. Shen's ears to see if it would work.

Liang Zhongqiu and his wife sat in the main hall with old Mr. Shen and Mrs. Wang. Xue Jian laid out a few sheets of paper on the table in the middle, and what kind of pictures were drawn. Neither Liang Zhongqiu nor Mr. Shen could understand. .

Xue Jian sat down and said:
"Grandpa, you may not have finished transferring all the land in our Zhuangzi. Grandpa has seen it. This picture is what our current land in Zhuangzi looks like. I made it smaller according to this drawing. You see Look, this is the boundary, and the place beyond this line is someone else's land. The thick line in the middle is the ditch that is being repaired. We planned this ditch not too small, with a width of two feet. Therefore, As long as we open up the mouth of the river, there will be a lot of water in the ditch. If we close both sides of the ditch when storing water, the water in the ditch will be enough for us. Basically, we can A year of drought. However, if you carry water from this ditch to the farthest part of the ground, to be honest, if the sun is high, the first load of water will almost be gone by the time the second load of water arrives. So, I have an idea."

Saying that, Xuejian took out another piece of paper.Many thin lines were drawn on the paper, and Xue Jian pointed to these thin lines:
"The size of each field is different. Some fields are more than three mu, and some are less than one mu. Therefore, I used the line separating these fields. After the big ditch is repaired, we will repair the small ditch. Just follow the line I drew, and the opening of each field faces this small ditch, that is to say, the water in this small ditch flows to each field, and then we only need to pour water into this small ditch. At the head of the ditch, the terrain of our land is going downward, and the water will go along the ditch. When the water reaches the bottom of the ditch, open the opening from the back and put it into the field, and put it all the way to the beginning. .We just need to ensure that the water is constantly getting the water from the big ditch to the small ditch. Do you think it will work?"

The two old men looked at Xuejian, Liang Zhongqiu laughed loudly and said:
"This idea is really good! Xueer! How did you come up with it?"

Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:

"For the river on this side, isn't what we are building a small ditch, then we can build a smaller ditch on this small ditch, and build it into the fields, that would be great! Not only that , I also want to build a big pond for storing water!"

 Thank you WBJ8103 for the monthly ticket reward!I wanted to add more thanks today, but the child is a little uncomfortable, so I can only add more thanks on the weekend.Thank you pro!

(End of this chapter)

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