Chapter 350

Chapter 350

When Xue Jian came to the backyard, she saw everyone who was busy. Steward Huang was standing with Shen Sanzhu, as if they were discussing something.

I saw Xuejian coming.Butler Huang bowed slightly and said:

"Miss Shen is here? You are just in time. Come and help us see this."

Xue Jian stood over and took a look. What the two of them were looking at was a drawing, which was the design drawing of the house to be newly built here drawn by Shen Sanzhu following Xue Jian's technique.Butler Huang said:
"Miss Shen, look at this place. This place was originally a small fish pond. This is where the personnel of the planned shelter live. My opinion is to fill it up. Anyway, there are no fish farmers. It is empty. ...and Village Chief Shen said that there is no filling here, and fish are raised in the water. I thought that the people who will live here will be old men, who would have the heart to enjoy the fish. "

"You can't say that. I think it's necessary to stay. One is to save some construction work. Second, after coming to this yard, all the elders will live in it. It's good to have a little different living things."

Shen Sanzhu insisted on his own opinion.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"Housekeeper Huang, this time, I think my father is right, let's stay. In fact, you didn't expect a problem. In the future, this place will be built into a floor heating house. If it becomes a floor heating house, it will be very dry. If here There is a sink, just right. Add some humidity, so that people won’t feel dry nostrils and chapped lips when they wake up every day.”

Butler Huang smiled and said:
"Ms. Shen's opinion is different. I heard that this fish pond is still very useful here, so let's stay."

Xue Jian stepped forward to look at the construction plan ahead, and said:

"It won't take long for the house to be built with this progress. Did the third senior brother say when he will go to jointly issue a notice with Mr. Wang? No one will come to live if there is no notice?"

Butler Huang nodded and said:

"Miss thought carefully, yes, Young Master Qiu has already gone to Mr. Wang's side. We are waiting for Mr. Futai to issue a notice. I think there is nothing wrong with this matter."

Just as he was talking, the little concierge hurried over and shouted:

"Housekeeper, Young Master Qiu has brought Mr. Wang here."

Xue Jian frowned lightly and said:

"Housekeeper, I don't know what the third senior brother said to Mr. Wang, but if you don't want to talk about building a warm house, you can just stop talking about it, and just say that you are building a house for the shelter. Let me avoid it first."

After Xuejian said it, she turned around and walked out with Shi Chun through the back door of the backyard.Steward Huang didn't have time to ask Xuejian what he meant, but he thought that there must be a reason for Xuejian to say this.After thinking about it, he went out.Just arrived at the backyard gate.Then I saw Qiu Yuan bringing Mr. Wang in.

When Sir Wang saw Steward Huang, he walked two steps quickly with a smile on his face. Steward Huang was about to bow down, and Lord Wang hurriedly supported him. They are all maidservants in the prime minister's mansion, and this Steward Huang is also a housekeeper with an official position. Well, Mr. Wang dare not ask him to salute casually.But Butler Huang is also an old fritter, no matter what, he bowed slightly and saluted:

"I don't know that Lord Wang is coming, but this old servant is far away from us. Please forgive me, Lord Wang. The residence is currently building a shelter ordered by the princess. Please come and see when Lord Wang is here, and give this old slave some advice. Please! "

After talking about turning sideways, I didn't want to hear the reason why Mr. Wang came, so I didn't want to be wordy, and everyone went to the backyard together.

Master Wang really walked towards the backyard, and the construction team of Shenjia Village pretended not to see who came in, and each of them was busy working quickly.Mr. Wang strode forward, walked straight to the site where the pit was being dug, looked left and right, and said:

"What are you digging? Why are you digging a hole like this? Isn't that how you build a house and make a foundation?"

Qiu Yuan was about to speak, but Butler Huang stepped forward and said:

"My lord, when the foundation was dug here, I found an undercurrent here, so I asked them to dig this area. If there is an undercurrent, they should be blocked first. Otherwise, people will live in the house after the house is repaired. The house will collapse. That's okay That's easy to say."

Qiu Yuan looked at Butler Huang, but said nothing.Master Wang said with some doubts:
"Undercurrent? It looks like there are stones below you, why is there an undercurrent?"

Butler Huang said without blinking:
"My lord doesn't know. When this other courtyard was built, an undercurrent was found on the left side of the front yard. This undercurrent is underground, and we don't know where it goes. So this time I made a big move. I want to find this Come out. That’s why I dug this way step by step. The stone was just dug out here. It seems that there is no more here, but there is still this side. I will level the stone here today, and I will dig this side tomorrow. Be sure That's right. It's a good thing to do this asylum, if someone doesn't find out what happened, the old slave can't discredit the princess."

Mr. Wang can't say much more, it's all moved out of the princess.Except for seeing that the hole controlled was a little strange, I didn't find anything else.Lord Wang turned around again to look around, and said:

"Are you going to push down this wall? Connect to the mountain behind here?"

"Yes, my lord, the old slave originally said to buy a large yard in Fucheng to set up this shelter, but the princess thought about it and said that there is no need to buy it, and just split half of this other yard out for renovation. Save some money In the future, the people in this shelter will still have to eat and drink. The old slave thinks it makes sense. But we can’t really divide the other courtyard into half. If the princess comes to live in it someday, it’s not good to only have the front yard .So I thought about using these two small yards and the mountain at the back. That’s all right. But how many people can come in depends on Master Wang’s help.”

Mr. Wang listened carefully, and also strolled to the door of the backyard, as if he wanted to go out to have a look. Butler Huang was a little impatient, Xue Jian must have reason for not wanting to see Mr. Wang at this time.But if Mr. Wang stood up, he would be able to see Xuejian.

Butler Huang stepped forward and blocked half of the doorway:
"Master Wang stop!"

Mr. Wang looked at Butler Huang with some doubts, but Butler Huang said with a smile:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang. It's the old slave who didn't finish talking. There is a latrine outside the back door. It's a filthy place used by the servants in the past. How can an adult step on it? Look at the soil dug out, wait a minute They're going to be shipped out to fill up the latrines. There won't be any strange smells after that."

Just talking, it really smells like blowing with the wind.Although Mr. Wang was born in the countryside, he was also raised by a scholar since he was a child. Although he must use these places himself, he is always particular about them.Also stopped.Secretly, I also thank Butler Huang for reminding me in time, otherwise I would have stood in that kind of place and been seen by so many people again.Alas, what a shame for scholars!
Turning around, looking at Qiu Yuan standing not far away from him, he said with a smile:

"It seems that this building is also very well thought out, and it should be able to accommodate hundreds of people. Mr. Chou is here to do this on behalf of the princess, so let's write the notice and send it to the counties tomorrow. Gather those people from our Qingyang mansion. Help the princess to finish this matter, but give the court judge a face, give the princess a face!"

Qiu Yuan nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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