farmer's daughter

Chapter 354 Either use her or destroy her

Chapter 354 Either use her or destroy her
Chapter 350 Either use her or destroy her

Xue Jian brought the elder brother to this place. There were two big rocks under the straw mat, and the top was also cleaned. It was usually the place where Xue Jian and the third senior brother or the master meditated.Xuejian asked senior brother to sit down and said with a smile:

"Eldest brother, have you just arrived in Fucheng?"

Lian Quchen lowered his shoulders and sat cross-legged on the stone to relax.Hearing Xuejian's question, Lian Quchen nodded and said:

"Yes, my horse is still in an inn in the last town. I drove here from there. I didn't go into Fucheng."

Xue Jian also sat cross-legged and said:

"Have you eaten yet? Have you received my letter for you?"

Lian Quchen frowned and said:
"Which one? I received two letters from you. One is from your grandfather, and the other is from Butler Huang. It's about you making two farm tools." .This is received."

Xuejian asked again:
"Would you like something to eat? I'll get you something to eat before we talk? You're tired, too?"

Lian Quchen shook his head and said:
"I won't stop for a long time. I will rush back to the inn overnight. I don't need to eat. I brought a pancake with me when I came, and I ate it on the way."

Seeing this, Xue felt relieved, and said:
"No matter what, the body still needs to pay attention."

Then he said:

"Then I'm afraid you missed the letter I sent you recently and the letter sent to you by the third senior brother. I hope it won't fall into the hands of others. It's like this. I built a different kind of shed for growing things, so It attracted the attention of some people, who sent someone to spy on them in the middle of the night, but was discovered by the tenants. Unexpectedly, the person came again the next day, and was followed by the master. It turned out that the person was sent by Master Wang."

Lian Quchen frowned, this Lord Wang was recommended by the Princess, saying that her father had saved this person's life.So this person is secretly helping her.Now Qingyang Mansion is the county owner's food town, if this person is allowed to be the mansion here, it will definitely be better for the princess.But now it seems there is a problem?Lian Quchen thought of this question, but he didn't interrupt Xuejian's speech, and waited for Xuejian to finish first.

Xue Jian talked about what Master had inquired about again, and also said that she immediately reported to Third Senior Brother and Steward Huang, and then Mrs. Wang went to see the house built in another courtyard, but she hadn't seen the floor heating yet. I only saw different pit foundations.After Huang Steward heard about it, he also sent letters to the Princess in anger, and Xue Jian and Qiu Yuan also sent letters to him.

When Lian Quchen heard this, he stood up and walked a few steps:
"Look, I didn't expect these things to draw you in. Xue'er, you are still young, so don't worry about it so much. You just need to improve your martial arts and family business. If you can deal less with these officials, deal as little as possible. .Did you take care of the farm tool last time?"

Xue Jian sighed and said:

"I don't want to deal with officials either. But you are an official, and we are brothers and sisters. The people in the capital don't know about it, but the people below will know when they go to check. I want to avoid them, but they Maybe they want to get involved with you from me, if they don’t want to harm you, if they don’t want to lure you into the group, or if they want to have a relationship with you. For example, the family of Mr. He. His family is He Qing, the servant of the Ministry of Rites. Brother, Mrs. He even came to apologize to me, a junior, for some trivial matters. This is not an apology for me, but an apology for you!"

Lian Quchen watched Xue see a little man but sighed, and said some old-fashioned words, couldn't help chuckling twice and said:
"I'm really sorry, it seems that it's because of my brother that I have troubled you!"

Xue Jian also smiled and said:

"Yeah, that's why I had to maintain my senior brother. With the tree of senior brother, I can stand under the tree to enjoy the shade! So, those two farm tools are a great discovery, okay? But I have to send it to the name of the princess, saying that it was made by her people. It is for you, and more for me. Although I think of something, I don’t want to stand out. I just want to do it quietly A peasant girl."

Lian Quchen looked up at the sky, didn't say much, only heard Xue Jian say again:
"But now, I want to use another thing, and when this thing comes out, I'm afraid it will be a big event. Senior brother, do you think I will hand over this thing again?"

Lian Quchen turned around and asked:
"What did you make again?"

Xue Jian stared at the elder brother with wide eyes and said:

"Waterwheel, I made a waterwheel, and I haven't used it yet. But as long as it is used, it will be convenient for many people! My waterwheel can pump the water from the bottom to the top. No one needs to carry water to irrigate the fields. , I cut my Zhuangzi out of it and built a big ditch. The original idea was to prevent the river from flooding my Zhuangzi. Because I heard what they said. As long as the water rises, my Zhuangzi will at least Seventy to eighty percent of it was submerged. Later, I heard that they irrigated the land with a pair of shoulders to carry the water. This is more than 800 mu of land. It is also next to the river, so why didn’t anyone think of releasing water from the river?”

"I built a big ditch, so I planned to build a small ditch on my field. Each small ditch pipes water for the fields on the left and right sides, and the small ditch is connected. In the future, I only need to use a water truck to pump the water in the big ditch. In the small ditch, I can have as much water as I want on my [-] mu of land, as long as the river doesn’t dry up, I won’t be drought! And if I have a big ditch, I won’t be flooded either!”

When Xuejian talked about her plan, she was in high spirits, even Quchen could keep her eyes fixed.Xue Jian talked with the elder brother about what was planted in his greenhouse today, and also talked about his method of raising seedlings.Anyway, he praised himself in front of the big brother for everything he did.Because, she usually can only pretend to be a smart child in front of these family members or tenants.A responsible owner.But in front of the elder brother.Xuejian felt that he was a friend, a friend who talked with each other heart-to-heart, and thought that he brought modern things here to develop production, and he felt that he was still very good and capable.I can't help but want to brag about myself.

Lian Quchen looked at this little junior sister, but his mind was spinning tens of thousands.This little junior sister is simple but extremely smart.To be able to think of so many farm tools is not something that ordinary farmers can think of, even those who have been doing farm work for decades have never thought of these.But it is such a smart person who needs to be protected.Otherwise, if someone finds out, they will either use her or destroy her.

Lian Quchen sighed, it seemed that he had to talk to Master, and told Master not to leave Junior Sister, and to stay with Junior Sister until she grew up.

Xuejian talked a lot, very happily, and talked about meeting Liang Wang in Ruyi Pavilion.Xue Jian frowned and said:

"Eldest Brother, I want to ask you about this King Liang. We came out of the deep mountains, so you are the only one who has the relationship in the capital. But you have to tell me what kind of situation this King Liang is in the capital. Otherwise, I don’t know what to do, sometimes I’m afraid I’ll end up with you when I help others, and sometimes I’m worried that I’ll cause trouble for you.”

(End of this chapter)

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