farmer's daughter

Chapter 362 Water Wheel Operation

Chapter 362 Water Wheel Operation
Chapter 360 Operation of Water Wheel

Xuejian said again:

"It's like this. I believe you have all gone to the field to see the ditches. Anyway, there may be a ditch on the edge of every field in your house. Look, the board behind this is all we have. The appearance of the ditch. I ask you now, each of you stands on the side of the ditch connected to the edge of your own field, and brings a hoe by yourself. Every field has a gap, and one person guards a gap. When the big ditch is open, it flows into the small ditch. Every time it reaches a place, the people in that place wave the cloth in their hands, so that we can see where the water has gone. When the water reaches the bottom of the last ditch. And the water is halfway When there is a lot of water, open the gaps from the bottom of the ditch one by one, understand?"

The people below looked at each other, and some raised their hands and replied:

"Understood, girl."

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Is there anything you don't understand? Let's talk to each other. Now let's go to the head of the ditch. Let me tell you first. No one is allowed to open the gap in the ditch first. Whoever wants to open it secretly. We won't give him water! Also, the water can't be greedy." More, because we will not be short of water in the future. When we need water, we will open a gap. Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded.Only then did Xue Jian say:

"That's good. Today we'll do the land on the other side of the ditch first, and those who don't have land over there will also go and look at it. Anyway, one person guards a gap. The men in their prime leave two or three to rotate the water."

Things are ordered down.Even the young men of their own family went to watch the water supply in their own fields.And Pang Panghu and Song Gentu also helped Liang Zhongqiu and Qiu Yuan to separate the water truck and take it to the designated place beside the ditch.

Liang Zhongqiu was the only one who assembled the waterwheel, and Qiu Yuan followed to help. Pang Panghu and Song Gentu stared at each other with great ambition, and they all wanted to learn this.You'll have to do it yourself in the future.

Xuejian arranged the land of her own house before coming here, Liang Zhongqiu's side has not been fully installed yet.Xue Jian said again:
"You guys install it first, wait a minute, I'll go and see if there are people in all the gaps."

Xuejian mentioned Qinggong again and jumped along the small ditch to look forward. When she encountered a ditch that was not guarded by anyone, she yelled and asked someone to come and watch it.All the way to the end, the last land belonged to Song Gen Tujia.Song Gentu is helping out there today, but his wife is the only one guarding here.The eldest son went to learn blacksmithing, and the youngest son went to Xuejian.

Seeing Xuejian, Hong said happily:

"Miss master, don't worry, I understand what you mean, you are taking care of us behind. You want us to put the water in first."

Xuejian smiled slightly, and thought about it after looking at it:

"No, you can't do it alone. I'll call someone from the front to help you, or I'll call your second kid over to watch. I have enough people over there."

Xuejian flew back again, and saw a red cloth flashing on the side of the water truck, presumably it was installed.Xuejian flew to the waterwheel again, Qiu Yuan and Liang Zhongqiu were standing on the waterwheel, and when Xuejian came back and gave an order, it would be ready to operate.Old Mr. Shen was still sitting on the sidelines with his cigarette pouch watching.But the joy on that face cannot be concealed from anyone.

Xue Jian came back to look at it and said:
"Uncle Song, you go back to your field. I don't worry if Aunt Hong is there alone. There are still two people left to check the gaps. Remember, you check from the back one by one. As long as the water When a field is enough, close the gap."

Although Song Gentu really wanted to get on the water truck to try, but think about it, there will be opportunities in the future.Hearing what Xue saw, he ran quickly to his own field.

Only then did Xue Jian ask:

"Grandpa, are you sure it's all right?"

Like an excited child, Liang Zhongqiu waved his hand happily and said:
"no problem."

Xuejian said again:

"Senior brother, don't walk too fast just because you have martial arts, you have to keep pace with my grandfather."

Qiu Yuan even said:
"All right, all right. Let's get started."

Xue Jian looked again, and saw that Song Gentu had run away for a long time, and said:
"Okay, let's start."

Liang Zhongqiu had adjusted it long ago. As soon as it started, Liang Zhongqiu kicked back hard with his left foot, took a step forward with his right foot, and kicked back again.Qiu Yuan circled around this thing last night, knowing how to do it, he followed Liang Zhongqiu's steps to operate, only heard the sound of wood scraping against the wood, and then a stream of clear spring gushed out from the sink, It was like a dragon spraying water, following the steady footsteps of Liang Zhongqiu and Qiu Yuan, the water kept spraying like this, and fell directly into the small ditch.Then flow forward.

Old man Mo looked amusing, and ran after the water.Xue Jian looked at it for a while, then got up and chased the water and walked forward, but it was obvious that Xue Jian was much slower, not because she lacked physical strength, but because she wanted to see the situation of the water along the way.

The villagers standing along the small ditch all laughed when they saw the water coming, and the matter of sending water to the fields came true!In the future, I don't have to go to the river to fetch water to irrigate the fields!The children ran very vigorously along the ditch, shouting and running along the way.

When Xue Jian arrived at Song Gentu's side again, the water had already started to flow here, because the bottom of a part of the ditch in the middle was not done well.That section seems to be higher, so the water stops there for a while before it fills up again.Xue Jian reminded the people standing there to pay attention to the water flow there.But fortunately, it was only a little higher, and the water was still full.After standing at the bottom of the ditch and waiting for a long time, the water began to accumulate.

Because the previous water was sucked up by the ditch itself.There were not many left, and when the water in the ditch was half as deep as the ditch, Xuejian asked Song Gentu to open a gap first.Let the field on his side be filled first, and then several nearby families came here to watch Song Gentu open the gap first, watch the water slowly soak into the field, and then see that the water has flowed along the field. The well-organized small ditch flows into it, and everyone is very excited.Others stood in the fields to test the water, and saw more and more water coming, and more and more mud was wet and submerged.Everyone couldn't hide their laughter.

It took nearly two hours to finally fill up the last Song Gen Tujia, and two more gaps were opened here.Everyone didn't eat lunch, they just stayed in the field, and those who were cooked by someone in the family were sent to the field.Everyone is very excited.This is a good thing I have never seen in my life!Those old men and women in the tenant village who were too old to work were also brought to the ditch by their children and grandchildren to see how this small ditch brought them great benefits!
Xue Jian kept running back and forth all morning, and after eating something, she went to the field again.Qiu Yuan became even more enthusiastic, and he had been stepping on it for nearly three hours, but he refused to come down and change.Liang Zhongqiu has changed people to eat three times.Qiu Yuan didn't want to eat yet.

(End of this chapter)

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