Chapter 367
Chapter 360 I'm afraid sister Yin will be betrayed
In this way, Yueyin and Xingni didn't come back after leaving the house. They thought they were playing at grandpa's house when they didn't come back that day.If he didn't come back the next day, Xing Ni's mother came to find her.But I heard that they went to Lan's natal family, and Yue Yin was with her.Everyone also thought that the children were playing crazy and wondered how they would come back on the third day.

As a result, Da Hu brought Liang Shuang over to celebrate Yuewei's birthday yesterday, and Lan was still talking about how this girl forgot her last name when she went to her grandma's house.If they don't come back, Xingni's family will be in a hurry.It's not good for a big girl who is about to kiss to live in someone else's house all the time.

As a result, Da Hu was a little surprised when he heard it and said:

"You said Yueyin? No, I went to your mother's house before I came here, and your mother asked me to tell me that I don't have to help them plant rice this year. Your brothers have all gone to the construction team, and there are not so many people in the family. Labor, so I rented out some land for others to grow. I haven’t seen Yueyin and the others, and if I do see them, why don’t you come back with me.”

After hearing Da Hu's words, Lan's expression changed when he was cooking, and the basin in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.Lan's screamed and ran out.Shout out:
"My daughter!"

Seeing Lan's rushing out, Liang Chengfang also wanted to follow, but was dragged by Liang Shuang, Hu said:

"Shuang'er, take care of your sister-in-law's house, I'll go after her to have a look."

Aunt Dachun, who was here to embroider, saw it.He followed suit and asked while running:
"what's wrong?"

Lan's chased him to the old house, but the courtyard door was still half open and half closed.Crying and screaming, Lan rushed into the old house, tripped over the threshold, almost fell, staggered two steps before rushing in again.Their room in the old house is still locked.The door didn't even open.Lan's yelled a few times in the burnt yard:
"Yin'er, Yin'er!"

Turning around, she only saw a person leaning against the door of the big room. It was Shen Chengzong. Shen Chengzong stood there with a sneer on his face, and there was a trace of cruelty in the corner of his mouth!In Lan's eyes, Lan didn't say a word, already guessing that his daughter was killed by this person, Lan fainted immediately, and when Xue'er and the others came back, they still hadn't woken up.

The Hu family and Aunt Dachun who came after them didn't see Shen Chengzong, they only saw Lan who fell on the ground, and they didn't know what she saw, so they rushed forward to help Lan to get up.The two women could not lift up Lan's body.I can't just lie here, so I directly carried it back to Shen Sanzhu's side.Along the way, everyone knew that Mrs. Lan was carried out of the old house, and they didn't know what happened to the Shen family's old house.But there was one person who felt ominous, and that was Xing Ni's mother who had just returned from collecting firewood.

Xinni's family is hardworking and simple.Xingni is the youngest daughter, and the two older brothers are married.Xingni came to Liang Chengfang to learn embroidery with her two sister-in-laws. Xingni is a very ingenious person, and within a few days Liang Chengfang asked her to learn how to make small purses.Everyone in the family loves her, and her parents plan to stay for two more years before letting her marry.

Xingni's mother saw Lan Shi being carried out of the old house, she also dropped the firewood and sickle in her hand, chased after her and asked:
"Aunt Dachun, what's the matter?"

Aunt Dachun didn't know what was going on, anyway, she thought that Liang Chengfang couldn't run away, so she followed to help out.So Aunt Dachun shook her head and said:

"I do not know either!"

However, Mrs. Hu didn't know that not only Yue Yin was missing, but also this daughter Xing Ni.Mrs. Hu hugged Mrs. Lan a little higher to prevent her from slipping down.Then he gasped and said:
"I'm not too sure. She said that Yin'er went to grandma's house, and I came from Liangjia Village. I didn't see Yin'er."

Xingni's mother shook her body, grabbed Hu's arm and asked in a trembling voice:

"What about our Xingni? My Xingni and Yin'er are together!"

Only then did Hu realize the seriousness of the problem.The two girls are gone!She has seen Xing Ni before, she is a very well-behaved girl!

Mrs. Hu stopped talking, but carried Lan's family back to Shen Sanzhu's house with difficulty.Liang Chengfang hurried up to ask what's the matter?He also asked Yue Lian to call Uncle Shen Qi.Seventh Uncle Shen and Aunt Seven were both drying herbs in the backyard, and they came over immediately after hearing about it.Seventh Uncle gave needles and drugs, but Lan still didn't wake up.

Instead, a high fever started in the afternoon!The women couldn't even discuss what to do.When I was in a hurry.A person came in from outside the courtyard.It was Shen Chengzu!

Because of what happened to Xiaocui, Shen Chengzu became seriously ill, and for some reason, he stopped going to school after he recovered from his illness.I go to the fields with my father every day, and even those who have never pulled weeds try their best!He didn't speak every day, but went to work with his father. Shen Dazhu tried to persuade him twice, but he still didn't listen when his hands were bleeding.Shen Dazhu didn't care about him anymore.Anyway, Shen Dazhu gave up on these three sons.He doesn't know what to do when he gets old!People say to raise children to guard against old age.But Shen Dazhu's son has become an old man!

It should be said that Shen Chengzu, the only child born back then, was the one who talked about the most in Shenjia Village!See what it has become.After a month of hard work, Shen Chengzu actually persevered.It is said that I do all the things at home and outside the house, I go to sleep after I am busy every day, and I am busy when I wake up!It has become a help for his father.

But seeing Shen Chengzu coming at this time, I'm afraid something is wrong.After Shen Chengzu came in, he looked at the women standing in the yard who were sobbing and said:

"Third aunt, I'm afraid sister Yin will be betrayed!"

Xingni's mother rushed forward to grab Shen Chengzu and shouted:

"Did you sell them?"

Shen Chengzu turned sideways in embarrassment, looked at Liang Chengfang again and said:

"I don't know, I just heard Chengzong scold the Cheng family last night, saying that the Cheng family would not give him the money when he came back. I didn't understand what he said at the time, but I heard what he said this morning. I can’t find it anymore. My family doesn’t know about it yet. Then at noon, I heard that my second aunt went to my house and passed out. I also heard about Yueya, and I’m afraid something happened to sister Yin. I just remembered this, so I came to tell you Say it. I asked him, but he didn't admit it! He still wanted to beat me."

Shen Chengzu said these words very calmly.Liang Chengfang said again:

"Then what should we do? Your third uncle and your second uncle are not at home, nor is your grandfather."

And Xing Ni's mother also burst into tears.In addition, I haven't seen my daughter for three days today, so I don't know where it will be if I sell it.Yue Yun came out from the backyard holding Cheng Wu who had just woken up and shouted:

"Third aunt, look for the patriarch's grandfather."

Shen Chengzu turned around and ran:

"I'll look for it."

Aunt Dachun on the side slapped her thigh and said:

"Oh, is that what Shen Laowu and his wife did? I haven't heard the laughter of that woman walking around the village in the past two days."

Xing Ni's mother, who was sitting on the ground crying loudly, stood up and said:
"I passed by their house to collect firewood, and their house was locked."

Liang Chengfang's face turned pale.At the beginning, the family said that they sold Yueya and Xiaocaoer.Now I thought it was all right, but I didn't expect these people to sell Yin'er!

(End of this chapter)

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