Chapter 370
Chapter 370

Murong Xing took Xue Jian all the way to Jiang's house.The Jiang family is everyone, and there is always one or two guards. Although their martial arts are not that strong, they are still capable of dealing with one or two young people.But Murong Xing is not an ordinary young person, even Xuejian's light kung fu is better, but the practice time is still short.There is just a lack of internal strength.But this time I came to beg others, so I can't get in over the wall again.

Murong Xing brought Xue Jian to the main entrance of Jiang's house. From the outside, there was only a little dim light in the distance of Jiang's house.I think everyone is asleep.Murong Xing came to the gate.I heard the dog inside start barking. It seems that the Jiang family let the dog out at night.

Murong Xing knocked on the door, and stood by the door with Xue Jian to wait, reaching out to cover Xue Jian's hand.It was still cold at night.Xuejian jumped on her feet and said:

"I hope there is news!"

While talking, I heard someone inside ask:
"Who is it?"

Xue Jian stepped forward and replied:

"I'm Shen Xue from Shenjiazhuang. I'm here to see Mr. Jiang. Is Mr. Jiang back?"

The porter immediately replied:
"Oh, it's Miss Shen, wait a minute, I'll open the door for you right away."

Xue Jian could also hear it, isn't this voice the Butler Xiong?

After waiting for a while, a small wooden door on the big wooden door opened, and it was Steward Xiong who came out with a wind lantern, and it turned out to be Shen Xuejian and Murong Xing.Butler Xiong bowed very politely this time and said:

"I've met Miss Shen, I've met Mr. Murong! Actually, the master has just returned to the mansion not long ago, and he may not have slept yet. Please come in. I'll go back to the master right now."

Xue Jian nodded, took out a purse from her arms and handed it to Steward Xiong, saying:

"Please open the door for us when you're so cold. Here's some hot tea to warm you up."

Butler Xiong knew it was a lot of rewards when he received it.He smiled even more enthusiastically and said:

"Where, where, thank you Miss Shen for your reward. Come in."

After the two entered, Steward Xiong closed the door, then handed Murong Xing a lamp and said:
"I'll go in and inform the master first."

After saying that, he walked in quickly, Murong Xing followed closely behind the butler without saying a word and pulled Xue Jian.When they reached the main room, Murong Xing stopped following and asked Butler Xiong to report first.Murong Xing stood in the yard with Xue Jian.

As expected, the lights in the main courtyard hadn't been turned off, so it seemed that Mr. Jiang hadn't gone to sleep.Sure enough, upon hearing Butler Xiong's reply, the door of the main room opened immediately.Jiang Jingming stood at the door, looked at the two children standing in the yard, laughed and said:

"Come in, come in, the room is warm!"

Murong Xing walked over with Xue Jian, and the two met Jiang Jingming.The butler also wisely went down to make a cup of hot tea for each of them.Then he backed out and closed the door, it was very windy and cold at night.

Xue Jian waited for Master Jiang to sit down, then stood up and bowed to Master Jiang:
"Thank you Uncle Jiang for helping us find my sister Yin."

Jiang Jingming hurriedly supported Xuejian and said:
"Don't be so polite, no matter what, we are still relatives. It is heartbreaking for a little girl to have such a thing. But I sent three people to go all the way, that is, four groups of people went to the four surrounding counties. , so far there is no other response. In our county town, I have acquainted with two or three people of various religions and high-ranking schools, but there is nothing after a search. But there is a clue that they have gone to the south. It is the black-hearted couple who want to send people It was sold to a dirty place in our county, but it was said that a girl was sick, and only one of them was needed, and the couple would not do it, and they would sell two if they wanted to. So I heard that they were taken to the south. I I went directly to the nearest county in the south, because I have no one here, and it sounds a bit troublesome to call. Fortunately, there is a business person there. I found him, and he went to inquire, and there was no one. The building accepted two people, and one took in one person, I went to see it, no."

Xue Jian's face turned black!Sternly said:
"These two black-hearted people, as long as I find them this time, I will never go around them lightly!"

Jiang Jingming looked at this child, this girl shocked him so much that he kept talking to his wife.If you want to have another daughter, maybe your own daughter is also so capable!
After thinking about it, Xuejian said:
"Then we won't look for the places that Uncle Jiang has been looking for. When the people sent by Uncle Jiang come back, please inform us in time. Well, in this way, you can notify the Liang family. If bad news is sent back to Shenjia Village all at once, I'm afraid some people won't be able to bear it!"

Jiang Jingming nodded and said:
"You think carefully, okay. But it can't be said that I won't look for what I've looked for, but after a while, these people shouldn't be too far away. Because if they all planned to sell in our county at the beginning, it shows that they are in a hurry. What I want to sell is money. So I personally guess that it should be in a nearby county or a small town. It’s just that we don’t have a clear goal at the moment, so we can only look for it one by one. My people went to these places , if there are any of you, look for a few other places. Try to send a message back in at least two days."

Mr. Jiang mentioned a few places, and Xue Jian remembered them all.The night is also deep.Xue Jian and Murong Xing came out of Jiang's house and had to meet Shen Sanzhu.

After leaving Jiang's house, Murong Xing said:
"Xue'er, actually at home, I just wanted to say, let's use the relationship of the second senior brother. There is no one who can't be found in the Fengying building of the second senior brother, let alone. Many of those buildings are owned by the second senior brother. Maybe It's easier to find. It's just that I don't want others to know the relationship between the second senior brother and us, and I didn't say anything."

Xuejian thought about it and said:

"Do you know how to contact me?"

Murong Xing nodded and said:
"But usually you have to find a good person in the county or the prefecture. After dawn, I will go to the county to have a look."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Okay, you don't need to tell others about this matter. You can do it yourself, but if you find those two people, bring them back to me. Try to preserve the reputation of the two girls."

Murong Xing nodded, Xue Jian's internal strength was not good enough, Murong Xing stretched out his hand to grab Xue Jian's hand, and took Xue Jian back to Shenjia Village.

When I returned to Shenjia Village, I was already crowing.The rest of the family had gone to sleep, only Shen Sanzhu and Liang Shenggao were still sitting there drinking tea.They were waiting for Xue to see the two of them.Xue Jian and Murong Xing entered the room.Shen Sanzhu immediately handed over a glass of water and said:

"Drink some hot water first! How about it? Have you found it?"

Xuejian took a big gulp, then shook her head and said:

"No, but Uncle Jiang still has three groups of people who haven't come back. Also, Uncle Jiang found some clues. It's just that we know it too late. The two thieves took the two sisters directly to the county and wanted to sell them. One of the sisters Sick. I guess that sister Yin may have been severely beaten by Shen Chengzong. The building was not wanted, and he said that he only wanted it to be good. Later, the two thieves took her to the south. I haven't replied to the exact location. Uncle Jiang went to I found a county and just came back tonight. There is no one there, and I have to wait for news from the other three.”

"Uncle, I told Uncle Jiang that even if the news comes back, it will also be passed on to you. Because if it is bad news, then I am afraid that some people in our family will not be able to bear it."

Liang Shenggao nodded and said:
"Yes, I'll go back and tell your aunt. Shall we continue to look for it?"

 Thank you book friends for recommending monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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