farmer's daughter

Chapter 376 Throw This Mouse Shit Out

Chapter 376 Throw This Mouse Shit Out

Chapter 370: Throw This Mouse Shit Out

Xue Jian watched some comedies on the side, Cheng Qiang's hands and feet were very nimble, and everything was ready in a short while.It seems that he is the one who is most eager to get this Hong family dismissed!When Xue Jian was staring at Cheng Qiang's actions, she also saw the bamboo pole hitting him, and Xue Jian called out:

Before he flew out, Shi Chun beside him raised his hand and threw a stone.Just knocked the bamboo pole crooked.Hong shi didn't strike at once, and swung it again.He began to scold people uncleanly.

Cheng Qiang dodged for a while, turned around and glared at Hong Shi angrily, and stepped in from the side two steps faster behind him, and really went to hit the water to grind the ink.Because the patriarch here is here, the Hong family dare not beat the bamboo pole again.Instead, he sat down on the ground and began to cry loudly:
"Come on quickly. Come and see that the Shen family is going to kill someone! Shen Dazhu, if you dare to sign, I will definitely kill you."

And here.The patriarch looked up at Old Shen, who nodded calmly.The patriarch turned his head to look at Xue Jian again.Xue Jian also nodded.The patriarch really just sat on that little stool and wrote a letter of divorce.

When the patriarch was writing, Xue Jian noticed that the uncle also looked deeply at Hong, but there was no trace of remembrance in those eyes, as if he was thinking about how he had spent two years with such a woman in his whole life. ten years?
After the patriarch finished writing, he also read it.The general idea is that the Hong family does not serve Wenggu, does not do housework, eats too much and is lazy, and even teaches his son to be bad.After reading, Shen Dazhu came over to sign without waiting for the patriarch to call.

And Hong's was very angry now.If this is signed, he will be dismissed.Hong didn't know where the strength came from, and rushed over all at once.He rushed straight towards Shen Dazhu.And Cheng Qiang was standing aside watching the patriarch writing, when he saw Hong rushing over.Chengqiang's first reaction was to pick up the divorce letter.Don't get ripped off by her!

Hong's attack was so powerful that he knocked Shen Dazhu down.It also made the patriarch standing on the side stumble!Hong Shi pressed on Shen Dazhu's body, no matter where he hit, anyway, he kept waving his hands around.

Just now, Shen Dazhu was pushed down by Hong Shi without being on guard, and he reacted after being hit twice.As soon as the fierce attacker struggled, he overturned the Hong family to the ground, and Shen Dazhu was also flushed with anger. It is not a good reputation to be pressed and beaten by a woman!

This time Shen Dazhu turned around and hit Hong Shi as well.Xuejian has never seen his uncle so brave!
This time Shen Dazhu didn't stop until he beat Hong Shi until he couldn't fight back. No one stepped forward to pull him.After the beating, Shen Dazhu looked at the weak Hong Shi, got up and clapped his hands and said bitterly:

"It's all you! It's all you! If it weren't for you, my three good brothers would be living a good life. How could they be like this? If it weren't for you, my three sons would be the first-class family members in the village in ten years' time. But now Chengzu doesn't study anymore. Chengzong has become a waste and even harms others! The Cheng family has been a gangster since childhood. And my daughters, you don't want this one, and you want to sell that one. Are you still a pawn? Damn! Get out! Get out! Get out of my Shen family!"

After Shen Dazhu roared violently.He turned around and signed, stamped the back seal, and took Hong's hand to stamp it.Hong Shi didn't speak, this was the first time she was beaten by Shen Dazhu, she always looked down on this man and had no idea.I didn't expect this to be so fierce!Just, what should I do in the future?Hong felt that Shen Dazhu really hated him, and his sons ignored him. All these years, he was doing it for them!
After being beaten up by Shen Dazhu like this, the Hong family really died!Lying there motionless.Shen Dazhu finally stood up straight this time, went back to the house, packed up one of Hong's burdens and threw it out of the hospital, and then dragged Hong who was lying on the ground out like a dead pig.Put the letter of divorce into Hong's arms.Then he didn't care about others, and closed the door without touching it. It seemed that everything about the Hong family really had nothing to do with him!

Xue Jian didn't know what to say!This time, the Hong family didn't make trouble with Xue Jian, maybe because they were beaten by Xue Jian first, so they were really afraid of Xue Jian.It can be seen from Shen Dazhu's actions that he hates the Hong family very much, and it seems that he has been waiting for this day.Old Shen and his wife both lowered their heads.In the past, they had been guarding the big house because they wanted to unite the whole family. They have been old for decades, so how could they not see clearly that this daughter-in-law is bad.But in the past, I always thought that no matter what I wanted, I would be a member of my own family.Now, they finally made up their minds to throw this rat shit out.

But Hong's son Xue Jian felt a little sad.Watching this mother who had been protecting herself and fighting with her family was thrown out by the family.None of them moved or tried to persuade.They let their father throw their mother away.Xuejian felt chilling for the Hong family!
As soon as the incident here was over, seeing that the old Mr. and Mrs. Shen had no intention of leaving, Xue Jian winked at Cheng Qiang, and the two walked out together with Shi Chun.Hong Shi sat up when they came out.Leaning against a tree by the roadside, with a confused look on his face, maybe he doesn't know where he should go next!

Hong Shi became dumb after being beaten by Shen Dazhu, which made Xue Jian somewhat incomprehensible.According to her usual temperament.For such a big matter, he would never give up if he didn't make a fuss and go to Fang Jiewa.I didn't expect to be beaten, but it was quiet!Xuejian went a long way and looked back at Hong.The Hong family really seemed to have no fighting spirit.

As soon as he turned the edge of the field, Cheng Qiang ran back quickly.Xue Jian knows without guessing that Cheng Qiang is going to report the letter.In his opinion, the Hong family was divorced.This is a good thing!
When Xuejian walked home slowly, everyone in the family knew that Mrs. Hong was divorced.Grandma Shen Qi said while laying out the dishes:

"This Hong family is also an author. This good life, look how she is living it? If you want to say it, I envy her for giving birth. Look. Although the three sons are not up to date, it is the four Two daughters, one by one! I like them all so much!"

Xuejian stretched out her head to look lightly, but she didn't seem to see Sister Yueya and Sister Yueyun.Grandma Shen Qi knew who Xuejian was looking for at a glance.He pointed to the kitchen.Did not speak.Xue Jian also nodded, and then quietly withdrew to the second aunt's room.

Because Xiao Hua went to help cook.It was Liang Chengfang who was here with Lan.Lan's sleep was really deep.Xuejian felt what she looked like when she went out, but when she came back, she didn't seem to have moved.If it weren't for the evenly rising and falling chest, Xue Jian would have thought...

(End of this chapter)

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