farmer's daughter

Chapter 379 Why

Chapter 379 Why

Chapter 380 Why

It was still Liang Shuang who said on the side:

"Actually, Xue'er, there is another problem, that girl Xingni, she is also a poor person, she can be regarded as being implicated by the Shen family's affairs. No wonder her mother came to you to cry. This person came back There must be a lot of troubles in the future. The Shen family may have to compensate others."

Xue Jian lay down on the table and said in a muffled voice:
"Yeah, this is what I'm most worried about right now. What should I do? The girl has gone through such a bad situation, and I'm afraid it's hard to get married. Sister Xinni is fourteen years old, and it's time to talk about kissing. As soon as she comes back, I'm afraid no one in this village will marry her. It won't work if people from other villages come to visit."

Chengye nodded and said softly:

"And Sister Yin, Sister Yin has a stubborn temper! I don't know what will happen this trip, how is it now!"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Sister Yin is our own sister. Don't worry about that. As long as she comes back, I won't let anyone talk about her. I'll take her directly to Fucheng. Then we will make an engagement for her there. As long as you agree Brother Ye, you study hard, you have a future, and I have a younger sister in the family, I will never let anyone bully her. And that sister Xingni is a little more troublesome. Unless their family agrees that she will follow me. However, I don't think her mother is a good friend. If her family threatens us with this matter, then I will pay money at worst, just because I am afraid that it will ruin this sister's life."

"You gave her all the money, and you still ruined her?"

Liang Junlin is younger.If you don't understand what Xuejian said, of course, asking if you don't understand is also taught by Xuejian.

Xue Jianbai glanced at him and said:

"You know how to study, think about it, will their family give a girl after collecting money? Isn't it for the son, and Sister Xingni's reputation is bad. In the future, she will be suspected of marrying someone, and if she doesn't marry someone, she will live at home for the elderly I will also be pointed out by the villagers and disliked by my sister-in-law and brother at home."

Liang Junlin understood now.He also followed Xuejian and lay down on the table, sighing!road:
"It would be great if someone married her!"

Liang Junzhen reached out and patted his younger brother on the back of the head, saying:
"What are you worried about? You sighed too. Xue'er, let's not talk about it. Anyway, we won't know what to do until we hear the news. Tell us about your stay in Fucheng."

Xue Jian took a glance and saw that these cousins ​​stretched their necks and stared at her with wide eyes, Xue Jian smiled and said:
"That's right, brother Chengye, you don't have to worry too much. Don't worry, I'm here. Come on, listen to me tell you what I did in Fucheng this month."

Xuejian then started talking about what he did when he first arrived in Fucheng, one by one, one after another, everyone was dumbfounded.Forgot to marvel.It's just that when she heard about Xue Jian's accident, Liang Shuang let out a scream, which made everyone tremble in fright!Chengwen burst into tears even more.I was frightened by what my sister went through!
Liang Shuang thought that she had frightened Cheng Wen.He hurriedly hugged Chengwen to coax him.Liang Junlei sighed:

"Sister Xue'er, looking at the things you did, I suddenly felt that it was useless for me to read so many books. The things you said are not in the books. But they are real in life. You The things I made are not in life. But they are the things I need most! I, who claim to have read a lot of books, really feel ashamed in front of you! It turns out that many things cannot be learned from books. Sister Xueer taught us a good lesson!"

Xue Jian waved his hand and said:
"Don't say that, cousin, you don't know how much I envy you. If I were a boy, I would definitely take the exam. In the future, I will be a high-ranking official, a good official, and a manager. A good official from the rich side! It’s a pity that women are not allowed to study in this world, and women are not allowed to be officials! But if I can’t be an official, can I still work? I must at least let my family, no, now I still have my tribe, and my tenants You all have to live a good life! This is my goal!"

"Now the clan has undergone great changes. And the things on my farm have basically changed, so this season's harvest has to be harvested. If this season's harvest is good and everything in my plan works, then it's still worth it. There is really no need for me to do anything. I will come back to take care of my younger brothers and sisters, and learn Kung Fu from Master."

Liang Junlei said:

"Don't you want to keep going?"

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"It's not that time yet, haven't you all gone to be officials yet? My life is fine now. If I continue to develop, I will become a top bird. That's it, neither up nor down. It's just right. Wait for the future With you guys protecting me, I will do it boldly. Let’s talk about it then.”

"You wouldn't want to do it then. You're going to get married when you grow up!"

Liang Junlin, who was lying on the table, said something, Xuejian patted his head directly and said:
"Why are you so anxious, you are older than me, why are you the first?"

Liang Junlin's face turned red immediately, and the older brothers laughed as well.Liang Junlin saw that he was making a joke with Xuejian, but Xuejian stopped him.His little face flushed with anxiety, and he said:

"Well, I'm your cousin. When I grow up, you grow up too. Just in time, I will marry you. If I marry you, you will marry me too."

Before he finished speaking, he was slapped on the head by several hands at the same time!
"Ha ha.."

Xue Jian laughed, seeing Liang Junlin's embarrassment was really funny.Xue Jian smiled and said:

"No matter what, I won't marry you if I don't get married again!"

Liang Junxiao, who had been silent all this time, blurted out and asked:

Xue Jian was taken aback and said:

"Because you are my cousins. Cousins ​​and sisters cannot get married. They will give birth to foolish children. I said so."

"That's not true. Even in the big families in Beijing, there are cousins ​​who marry cousins. There are many more, mainly to strengthen the power of the family!"

The one who answered was Murong Xing who floated into the room.Seeing him come back, Xuejian said:
"Anyway, we can't do it! We don't need to strengthen the family power. Let me tell you, think about it, why don't the animals breed for a litter, because the next generation will have problems. I don't care about this. Will marry my cousin. You are brothers in my heart!"

"What are you talking about! Xue'er, you're a girl, you should be more careful!"

Liang Chengfang, who walked slowly leading Yuewei, happened to hear Xuejian's high-spirited talk.frowned.This daughter is becoming less and less like a girl.How to do?If you go out like this, others will say that being a mother is not good at teaching!This Xuejian usually looks smart and flexible, so why is he so informal on this kind of issue.These are some boys, but she is saying this here!Not even my cousin!

(End of this chapter)

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