farmer's daughter

Chapter 383 That Home Is No Longer Your Home

Chapter 383 That Home Is No Longer Your Home
Chapter 380 That Home Is No Longer Your Home

The more Aunt Oliu talked, the more excited she became!He rushed forward and slapped Shen Laowu with a few slaps.Shen Laowu could only turn over and hide, and shouted while hiding:

"Sister-in-law, it's not me, it's not me, it was Shen Chengzong who put medicine in the water that your daughter wanted to drink, and then took it away with her!"

Aunt Daliu's family and Shen Laowu's are cousins.Because of this, Aunt Daliu hated Shen Lao Wu even more!Hearing Shen Laowu blame Shen Chengzong one by one, the patriarch shouted:

"Come on, go and bring Shen Chengzong out!"

Two people followed the elders to open the door of the ancestral hall and brought out Shen Chengzong who was locked in the small black room inside.Shen Chengzong had been locked up here for several days, only food was brought in, and there was only a bundle of straw in the small black room.There are no quilts and no lights.So when Shen Chengzong was brought out, everyone could smell a bad smell!

And Shen Chengzong was still struggling vigorously, while yelling viciously:

"You bastards, I'm going out to kill you!"

It wasn't until he was pulled out into the courtyard dam that he saw that everyone in the village had come, and he also saw Shen Laowu being tied up and thrown on the ground.When Shen Chengzong saw that Shen Laowu was not worried about the incident at first.Instead, he rushed forward to shake Shen Lao Wu, who had his eyes closed, and said:
"Money! I tell you. You have to dare to embezzle the money. I will follow you even if I am a ghost!"

Shen Lao Wu sneered and said:
"Money? I still want money! Damn it! Don't you look at what's going on now! Fuck you shot so hard that people were almost killed by you, and the ghost wants more? It made me spend two taels of silver in vain ! Now I have no money or money!"

The people around are really speechless.These two are still arguing about dividing up the spoils!

Shen Chengzong stinks too much.Aunt Daliu looked around, took a bamboo pole from the side, and slapped Shen Chengzong fiercely, cursing:
"You have a mother's birth and no mother's education! You are at home and make your home uneasy, and you are in the village and make the village uneasy. Why don't you repay and die! You also caused my daughter to be almost sold! Yes! What kind of mother has what kind of baby, look at your dead old mother who no one wants! No one taught you, we will teach you!"

Aunt Daliu was beating and scolding, and the children around picked up stones and threw them at the two villains in the middle of the courtyard!Shen Chengzong didn't get any money at first, and he was imprisoned for so many days, so he didn't get angry at first.Now being beaten by Aunt Daliu like this, she lost her temper and cursed:
"You old bitch! I sold you and your little bitch together!"

While talking, he rushed towards Aunt Daliu.Although Aunt Da Liu is an adult, she is not as tall as this half-grown young man, and it seems that Aunt Da Liu is about to suffer.The patriarch shouted:

How could the patriarch stop Shen Chengzong?But he saw a kick coming from one side, kicking Shen Chengzong away.It flew directly to the courtyard wall over there and hit it hard, knocking everyone unconscious!

This flying kick was naturally followed by Murong Xing who was watching the excitement.Everyone in the village has seen him more or less, so they naturally know that this Murong Xing has a lot of background, and he is Xue Jian's brother. He seems to be as powerful as that old man Mo who kicked flying people. Taking a step closer, those with children also pulled the children back and stood beside them.

The patriarch said loudly:
"Listen up, everyone. This Shen Chengzong beat his aunt and cousin Xuejian last year. He was punished by the former patriarch. But he still doesn't know how to repent. Beat Yueyin unconscious, and then colluded with Shen Laowu and his wife. They planned to drag the two girls out of town to sell. Fortunately, the people under Mr. Murong's subordinates helped us to find them back! Fortunately, the two He didn't sell the girl because she was sick all the time. Therefore, the girls were rescued intact! But in our clan, such a vicious spirit can't be tolerated! Today the ancestral hall is opened, and I just want to tell Ancestor, we didn’t teach our clan members well. If such a thing gets out, our clan’s reputation will be ruined. We have decided to expel Shen Laowu, his wife and Shen Chengzong from the clan! Does anyone have any objections?”

Everyone was silent, Aunt Dachun shouted in the crowd:

"Patriarch, this kind of person deserves to die! If you beat him to death, throw him out! If you only leave the clan, others will still think he is from our village! You didn't see the Lan family, her daughter was kidnapped, and the Lan family didn't eat for three days. People have a high fever all the time. They are confused! These three people are murderers! They should be cut to pieces! In the future, there will be people like this, and the daughters of our families will not dare to go out!"

"Yes, yes"

The villagers were talking about it.Shen Dazhu couldn't say what he wanted to plead for mercy, so he quietly shrank out of the crowd.No matter what, it was always his son!It's all my own fault for not taking care of him!Shen Chengzu saw his father's figure, he came to his father lightly, helped him up, the father and son stopped listening and went back quietly.Hearing that he was going to be expelled from the family, Shen Lao Wu became excited, struggled to get up and kowtowed to the ancestral hall:

"Uncle patriarch, I was wrong, I was really wrong. I dare not. I really dare not! Don't let me leave the clan! What should I do if I leave the clan! Uncle patriarch, please. Look at For my father's sake, you can beat me up, don't let me go out of the clan!"

Shen Laowu kowtowed and cried, and begged for mercy.But the big guy has long hated him.The patriarch sighed and said:
"Old five, if you want to talk about your father, he is the one who is praised by everyone in our village. Why did you have such a bastard son? Look at what you have done these years! You still have the face to stay clan?"

Shen Sanzhu also stepped forward and said:
"Everyone is watching what you husband and wife do in the village. You didn't do the next thing! According to the rules of the clan and the village, you can't take away your house and everything else. But last night I discussed with the patriarch and agreed that you and your wife should go back and take away your clothes and quilts. Everything else must be kept.”

"Third Uncle! I'll beat him up!"

Cheng Qiang rushed out, stepped forward and beat and kicked Shen Lao Wu violently!Shen Laowu was beaten until he screamed.Beat Shen Lao Wu.Shen Chengqiang went to the side to beat Shen Laowu's wife, and the woman was beaten even worse.Chengye failed to sell.He also hates it, but he can't do something like Cheng Qiang.

Shen Laowu and his wife were expelled from the clan, and Shen Chengzong was also awakened by pouring cold water, and then they were brought over to stamp a fingerprint on the expelled family tree.Then he told him that he was expelled from the clan, and he said nonchalantly:
"Get rid of it, just get rid of it, as long as I don't lock me up anymore, I'm going back to eat."

Shen Sanzhu stood beside him and said:
"You can't go home. That home is no longer your home. You can go as far as you can!"

"How dare you! I won't leave. Everything in the house belongs to me. My mother even cooked for me. I'm going back to eat."

He said that he was going to go back with a limp.Shen Sanzhu said loudly:
"Shen Chengzong, your mother has been divorced, so there is no mother in this village. You have also been expelled. Get the hell out of the village!"

Shen Chengzong didn't believe it, he turned around and shouted:

"Who dares! Who dares to divorce my mother! My mother has three sons, and they cannot be divorced according to the rules!"

(End of this chapter)

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