farmer's daughter

Chapter 385 Distributing Gifts

Chapter 385 Distributing Gifts
Chapter 380 Distributing Gifts Six

Liang Shuang blushed with embarrassment, but knew that Xue Jian was helping her, so she glanced at Xue Jian gratefully, reached out her hand and gently touched the hood.But still dare not put it away.He looked up at Liang Shenggao.Liang Shenggao didn't speak, Liang Shengbei jokingly said:

"Shuang'er accept it quickly. If you don't accept it, your younger sister Xia will blame you in the future. Because if you don't accept it, she will be gone in the future!"

Xue Jian giggled and said:

"That's it."

Liang Shuang also burst out laughing.Then, with a blushing face, he took the box over generously, and saluted Xuejian seriously:

"Thank you sister Xue'er!"

Xue Jian turned around and opened the second box.The name written on the second box is Yueyun.After opening this box, it is different from the design of the first box.But it can also be seen that the value of this box is not lower than that one.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"This is the dowry for the second sister. Similarly, it is also my own design. Take a look, this is the same, and I didn't pay for it. How about it? Second sister, do you like it?"

Shen Yueyun's tears flowed down her cheeks, she was the only one in her own family who had suffered such an accident, and she was still wondering if she would be dismissed because of her mother and Chengzong's affairs.Or be looked down upon.She didn't expect Xuejian to prepare such an expensive dowry for herself.

Yue Ya hurriedly wiped away her sister's tears and said:

"Sister, don't cry. You see, sister Xue'er is very kind. If you drip tears on this, it will be bad. Come and wipe!"

Xue Jian also sighed and said:
"Second sister, we have always been good sisters! What they do next has nothing to do with you. You also know that last year I asked my mother to embroider your dowry, and this is the only thing missing. Now Ready, tomorrow, I will bring a letter to Fu Wangshan, and ask him to carry eight large sedan chairs to marry my sister. From now on, no matter what bullying you suffer in their house, just say, my sister will not ignore you ,understand?"

Shen Yueyun couldn't help crying even more!Turning to Shen Sanzhu and Liang Chengfang, he knelt down and kowtowed:

"Thank you, Uncle and Aunt, for always thinking of me, thank you! Thank you, sister Xue'er. I see, I will have a good sister to be my mother's family in the future, and my sister will not be afraid of anything!"

Xue Jian hurriedly helped the second sister up, and knew that she was feeling very uncomfortable now, but she still put the head and face on her hand and said:

"Your dowry is all in my house, and you put it away for my mother. Take it from here when the time comes."

Yue Yun nodded.Wiping away her tears, she held the box that Xuejian had given her, and put it in Liang Chengfang's hands respectfully.Liang Chengfang also answered seriously:

"Okay, I'll put it away for you. I'll put it on for you on your wedding day!"

Xuejian turned her head and looked at the smaller boxes on the table and said:
"This is for Sister Yueya, this is for Sister Liangxia, this is for Sister Xiaohua, this is for Sister Lingqiao. This is for Sister Yueyin. This is for Sister Liang Fei, and this is for Yuelian , This one is for Xiangfeng of my sister-in-law's family. These are small ornaments, but don't be disgusted. These are all made from my drawings. I chose some for you, but these are only silver, so It’s not gold anymore, and I’ll give them a whole set of honors when they get married.”

Xue Jian took out a few more boxes from the box.First handed one to Grandma Shen Qi, and another to Wang Shi:
"It's just a hairpin for the two grandmas. The ones for the mother, the second aunt, the eldest aunt, the eldest aunt, the second aunt, and the aunt are all here. Everyone's hairpin is here. All the same, a hair pin and a pair of bracelets. A pair of small earrings."

"Xue'er, have you drawn a lot of pictures?"

Yue Ya looked dumbfounded.Xue Jian giggled and said:
"These are not drawn by me. I gave several sets of paintings to Boss Yang at once. He was very happy and said that he would let me choose downstairs. I can take whatever I like. So I gave mine. These elders have chosen some things and took them away. So, what you received today was not bought with my money. Hahahaha! Take a look, do you like it?"

After dividing the points, Xue Jian gave the aunt's side to the two uncles and said:

"Grandma's and little aunt's were given to me the day I came back. You can take them back. Auntie's and sister Lingqiao's should also be taken back. But didn't you say that sister Lingqiao came to learn embroidery? Why isn't she here?"

Xue Jian is so generous, everyone has a gift, and everyone in the family is smiling.Although Liang Chengfang was a little bit cautious, how much would it cost?But I am also happy that my daughter can think of everyone.The daughter has really grown up.

After hearing Xuejian's words, Liang Chengfang replied:

"Your aunt was not healthy a few days ago, so your sister Lingqiao went back to take care of her for a few days."

Everyone was very happy to receive the gifts, Liang Shenggao looked at the sky and said:

"Xue'er, little sister, we have to go, it's getting late. The second brother has to go to town later."

When Xuejian heard that the second uncle was going to town, she said:

"Uncle, this grandpa is not at home. Originally, Sister Yueyun was his matchmaker. So, you can ask that Fu Wangshan when you plan to marry my second sister, so I can arrange the time. By the way, you I must also tell you about the recent events of this family, if they want to worry about something, talk to them sooner, if they don't care about it, it's better to know sooner than later!"

Jiang Jingming nodded while listening and said:
"Well, Xue'er is right. Beating in-laws is a lifetime thing. It's not good to keep it a secret, otherwise the girl will suffer in the future."

Xue Jian nodded:
"Yes, that's what I mean, so the second uncle must say hello, and he must also say hello to his mother, because he only has one mother, and we will live together in the future!"

Upon hearing Xue Jian's words, Yue Yun lowered her head again, and she had some scars on her face. Now that she has added a mother-in-law, I'm afraid it will be difficult to talk about kissing again in the future!And there are crescent buds behind!Seeing Yueyun pulling her clothes with her head lowered, Xue Jian stretched out her hand to pat her and said:
"Second sister, don't worry, we are here! We are a family!"

After sending off the Liang family and Jiang Jingming, Xue Jian's family really calmed down.Old Shen looked up and said:

"Yun'er, come back to the old house with me to have a look, and Yue Ya should go too, and tidy up that house."

Yueyun and Yueya nodded, but Yueya gave Liang Chengfang all the ornaments that Xuejian gave her.Said it will be used later.

Old Mr. Shen walked out the door with his two granddaughters. Shi Chun chased him out, holding a basket in his hand and covering it with a piece of cloth.Give it to Yue Yun and say:

"Miss Yun, Second Miss asked me to hand it over to you."

Yueyun nodded, and when she took it, she took a look at it lightly, and found that there were some rice and meat inside.Yue Yun's eyes turned red again, she didn't say anything, just followed in Grandpa's footsteps and went back to the old house.

(End of this chapter)

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