farmer's daughter

Chapter 387 You Think My Money Was Blown by the Strong Wind

Chapter 387 You Think My Money Was Blown by the Strong Wind
Chapter 380: You Think My Money Was Blown By The Strong Wind

Hearing what Aunt Daliu said so confidently.Xue Jian was angry.But with such a short body, I don't have enough momentum.Xue Jian turned dark and stood one step higher, and shouted to Daliu:
"Aunt Daliu, who knows who farts! She is your daughter! Do you still have the guts to say this? This is Sister Xingni. I will talk about it before Sister Xingni comes. I will not say it in front of Sister Xingni. You now When she was your daughter, what did you do during the few days she disappeared? You came to our house every day, crying and begging people for money and food! You didn’t even step out of the village to look for it! As for my family, except for me Except for my mother’s illness, everyone else was notified to find her, including my uncle’s in-laws! Why didn’t you think she was your daughter at that time? Why didn’t you think about finding her? You just wanted to Well, anyway, if it’s gone, it’s gone. As long as my family takes the money, it’s okay! You think my money is blown by the wind!”

Xuejian saw through Daliu's single thoughts, and what Xuejian said made Daliu's face turn red and white.It has become so beautiful!But Xue Jian looks down on her from the bottom of her heart!This woman is a woman herself, but deep down she is very patriarchal!

Da Liu was anxious and shouted with a pale face:
"Xuejian, you have to have a conscience! My daughter was sent to your home to be an embroiderer. That's why I signed an agreement with you. If something happens to her, you have to be responsible! Didn't you say that you are the master? Then you Bring the money!" Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Yes, it's not just Sister Xingni who signed a contract with our family. Your family and your two sons also signed a contract with us. If something happened to her, of course I will take the responsibility we should bear. But not It is up to you to talk about it. You can give the money, how much you can give, and how to give it is up to you! Sister Xingni signed the contract with us and stamped her fingerprints. The money is up to her Forget it. She has passed the age of 14 and is going to be engaged. She can decide her own affairs! With a mother like you, I will worry about her for the rest of my life!"

"Bah! You are a little girl, everyone knows what a fart! Now that her reputation is gone, how can she be engaged? In the future, her brothers will not be able to support her? If you don't give money to your brothers now, how will you live in the future? ?”

"Hey, Aunt Daliu, let's just talk about things, what the fuck! You don't have the right to come and talk in front of me! If Sister Xingni really loses her reputation and can't get married, I will give her a pension! If I give you the money now, it will make life difficult for her in the future!"

The two were talking back and forth in the courtyard, and after a while, many people stood inside and outside the house to listen.Everyone talked a lot, and some said that Xuejian was right. Now that the money is given, an old girl will have to be handled by her brother and sister-in-law in the future.Some also said that Xue Jian meddles in other people's business, which is the family's business.Some families will handle it.

As soon as there were more people, someone ran to find the patriarch.When the patriarch came in, Xue Jian also calmly stepped forward and saluted, and called Cheng Qiang to bring a stool to the patriarch, and everyone was still sitting in the yard talking.Daliu also heard the words of some folks, and she responded to anyone who supported her:

"Look, you still come to their house to do business? If something happens in the future, then you will not get any benefits!"

Some villagers didn't know why, so they started talking about it!Xue Jian's face turned dark, and she simply asked Cheng Qiang to open the gate of the compound, Xue Jian said loudly:

"Anyone who has an opinion, come in and talk. Today I will talk to you! Those who don't want to do things tell me, even if they have gone to the capital, I will send a letter to ask them to come back. From then on, the contract will be terminated, and never again. Looking for work at my house!"

The voices of the people outside were quieted down.Xue Jian explained the cause and effect to the patriarch clearly.Then said:

"Grandpa patriarch, we have to be serious about this matter, and we have no responsibility. First, people who signed contracts with us to be embroiderers are free to come and go. We do it here to facilitate everyone to go home and take care of the family. This is impossible. Anyone who has an accident at home will come to my house, right? Second, Aunt Daliu is not the one who signed the contract with us. Sister Xingni has to do this. Third, I am very angry and sad because we were the only ones who had this incident with Sister Xingni. People in the clan know that the patriarch, grandpa, made a special agreement this morning that the two sisters who were involved in the accident were not harmed. If they were not harmed, what reputation would be damaged? There was no such thing, but this mother-in-law You keep saying here that your daughter’s reputation has been damaged. Isn’t that embarrassing? The one who ruined your daughter’s reputation is this mother! Are you angry about this?”

The patriarch's face darkened when he heard this, and he turned to look at Aunt Daliu and said:
"Is it the whole family's intention that you come here to make up for it?"

Da Liu looked at the patriarch, and said in his heart:

"Of course it's the meaning of our whole family! Let me tell you, Xue Jian, don't just bully the people in the village just because you have some money in your family! Don't you rely on the honesty of the people in the village, and you don't need much wages, so you just bully the people in the village?" The people in the village are called to help you do things, in fact, you are the ones who make a lot of money! Do you give or not to give a word about Xingni's matter today. Don't tell us to sue the officials! The one who made bad intentions is also yours. People. Shen Laowu and his wife didn’t get any benefits. They didn’t sell their two children. If they did, it’s hard to say whose pocket the money would have fallen into.”

Xue saw and heard the words and was furious!Does this mean that the reason for accepting these girls to do embroidery is to sell them?Liang Chengfang also understood the meaning of these words, and was so angry that she hurried two steps to Xuejian, blocked Xuejian behind her and said angrily:

"His aunt. You have to use your conscience to say this! How can our family feel sorry for the folks in the village? Do you think we rely on this little embroidery money to support our family? The embroidery workshop was established because I thought I would not survive. Xue Jian only made it for me to have something to do. Which one of the embroiderers you came to didn’t get any money? If you got so much money outside, wouldn’t you? We’ll get a set of big ones from Boss Hong. To do it, Boss Hong gave me ten taels of silver. But after finishing a set of large pieces, we have to send these embroiderers 12 taels of money, not counting the snacks that everyone eats here on weekdays. The loss is ours , You are so rich, you still say that? Are you guilty? If your family doesn’t want to do it, then I will go and take out the contracts of the three of you. You sign it in front of the patriarch and the clan. I won't accept people from your family. Don't bully my daughter!"

Seeing the thin woman standing in front, Xuejian was trembling with anger!But for her daughter, she stood in front of her like a mountain!

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(End of this chapter)

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