farmer's daughter

Chapter 389 1 Sentence 12 Silver

Chapter 389

Chapter 390

Xingni stood up slowly, went to the middle of the courtyard and knelt down in front of the patriarch with a plop, saying:

"Grandpa patriarch, Yin'er and I had this incident, but we didn't embarrass the clan! We didn't ruin our reputation!"

Turning to Xue Jian again, he said:
"Sister Xue'er, I beg you for one thing. I heard from your sister Yin that you have taken in a lot of girls now. Just accept me. I will follow you in the future. I can be a girl for you. Or I can be a rough girl!"

"Get up. Sister Xingni, what are you talking about. Get up!"

"No, what I said is true. Look at how much it costs to buy a girl, and you give the money to my mother! I sell myself! I will never marry in my life. I will just be your girl! I don't want to be here either Listen to them pointing and saying this and that.”

"Xingni! Mother doesn't mean to sell you! Mother is planning for the rest of your life!"

"Mother, I know, just like what Xueer said first. If my mother is here, my brothers can still support me. If my father and mother are gone, can I still rely on my brother and sister-in-law to live? Both sister-in-laws will be mothers now People. They will have their own small family in the future. What will you do if you ask me to do it?"

Xingni didn't cry this time, she said this seriously.Liang Chengfang was annoyed at the side, but now she stood up and said:
"Xue'er, you can take Xingni first. This time, when you leave again, take her away. If there is a suitable one in the future, we will make her a home."

After thinking about it, Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Okay, but I have one request. You are here with the patriarch, grandpa. I want to remove Sister Xingni's name from their family. From now on, she will be mine. I don't want their family to be entangled in the future." Sister Xingni, you have to think about it. If you sell yourself to me, you will have no family!"

Xingni nodded, kowtowed and said:

"My father and mother have brothers and sisters-in-law who are filial, so I don't need my daughter, she is still a daughter with a bad reputation! I only ask my sister to help me pay for my maintenance. From now on, I will have no family!"

It seems that Xing Ni is also heartbroken.I don't know what their family said and did after they picked her up last night.Let this girl who finally came back alive don't want her family now!
"Okay! This time I bought more than a dozen girls and boys in my village in Fucheng. Each is 12 taels of silver. I know that buying a little girl outside is only five taels of silver. Big girls will be lower So, Xingni, I will give your mother 50 taels of silver. You have been with me for the rest of your life, and there will be no them. Do you agree?"

Xue Jian found that when she said 50 taels of silver, Da Liu's eyes flickered. It seemed that this mother really didn't want this daughter, but only wanted money.Seeing that Xue Jian helped Xing Ni feel cold.

Xing Ni kowtowed and said:

"Sister Xueer, Xingni is not worth so much!"

Daliu immediately interrupted and said:

"What are you talking about, Xue'er, I'm not the one who wants to sell my daughter! I'm here today just to ask for an explanation, to give Xinni an explanation."

Xue Jian said softly:
"49 taels!"

"Ah? What 49 taels? Isn't it 50 taels? No, no, no, is it easy for me to raise my daughter?

"48 taels!"

Xuejian stared at Daliu's eyes coldly and said.

What Daliu hadn't finished speaking was interrupted, he was taken aback and shouted again:

"Don't listen to that girl, what is it worth so much money, how can I raise her for five dollars?"

Xue Jian said coldly:
"47 taels!"

Daliu saw that every time he said something, he lost one tael, one tael, but it was enough for the family's salt and lamp oil money for a year.You can buy meat twice.At this point, three or two are missing.Daliu was a little anxious. He wanted to make more points, but he didn't have enough.Daliu's face flushed red from anxiety.I had no choice but to turn my head to look at the two daughter-in-laws, hoping that the two daughter-in-laws could say something for me.But the two daughters-in-law lowered their heads and didn't even look at Da Liu.

Xuejian reached out to help Xingni up, then turned to Murong Xing who was watching the fun and said:
"Little brother, go and help me move the table. Brother Chengye prepared the pen and paper, and we will write a new contract. Now, the patriarch grandpa will testify. Sister Xingni, you will no longer belong to their family."

Xingni lay on the ground and kowtowed again, but stood up without crying.He stood behind Xuejian.It's just that the sadness in those eyes was so thick that it almost flowed out.

The patriarch sighed, Xingni's decision was pitiful, but he didn't expect Daliu, the mother, and the two sister-in-laws to stand aside and didn't mean to stop it!Come to think of it, they really thought that Xinni was gone, and they would have nothing to worry about in the future!

Chengye also wrote down the new agreement according to Xuejian's words with a calm face, which means that Xingni's relationship with his family has been terminated. From now on, Xingni will be Xingni alone.The patriarch took a look at Da Liu before signing, but Da Liu lowered his head.

People from several parties signed their names, and the patriarch also said that when the ancestral hall was opened next time, Xingni's name would be marked and sold to Shen Sanzhu's family.After signing, Daliu raised his eyes to look at Xuejian, stretched out his hand, and was swept away by Xuejian's cold eyes, and he retracted himself.He smiled uncomfortably.

Xuejian said coldly:
"Mother, bring the workbook you wrote down, and calculate the wages of Annie and these two. Give them together!"

Liang Chengfang nodded, Xiaohua ran fast, and ran back to the house to help Liang Chengfang bring the ledger.Liang Chengfang clicked on the numbers above, and then said:

"Xue'er, his two sister-in-laws are paid one tael and five taels each, and Xingni is two taels."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Mother, you have to remember in the future, no matter who comes to settle the wages, the money will be given to whoever signs the contract. The daughter-in-law can't give the mother-in-law, and it's useless to make noise."

Shi Chun knew at a glance that Xuejian needed money.Immediately went back to the room and took out another box, opened it, and saw a dozen or so silver ingots neatly stacked inside, Xuejian picked up one and said:

"This one is 50 taels, including Sister Xingni's selling price and the two taels she deserves. Aunt Daliu, you still have to find me a tael."

Then he took out some broken silver from his purse and said:
"These two sisters-in-law's are worth one, two or five dollars each. You take care of it yourself. This is your contract, stamp it, and you won't have to do anything in the future!"

Da Liu looked at the 50 taels, then hesitated and said:
"No, Xue'er, didn't you say 50 taels?"

Xuejian glared coldly again and said:

"Don't tell me so much. Say one more word, and I'll lose one or two more. Do you want it?"

Daliu gave Xueer a bitter look, and didn't dare to speak again. She turned around and grabbed the money from the eldest daughter-in-law, gave Xueer one tael, and took the 50 taels away with her hand.The money that the eldest daughter-in-law got was taken, and just about to say something, Da Liu glared at her and said:
"I can't do without you, I'll give it to you when I get back!"

(End of this chapter)

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