farmer's daughter

Chapter 391 This has nothing to do with Yueyun

Chapter 391 This has nothing to do with Yueyun

Chapter 390 This Has Nothing To Do With Yueyun
After hearing Fu Wangshan's words, Xuejian let go of a stone in her heart.But still emphasized:
"Have you thought it through? If we get married, we can't use these things to embarrass my second sister in the future? You are the same thing, and you have to have your mother. In the future, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will quarrel, so don't bring these things about your mother's family." Come and curse!"

Fu Wangshan nodded solemnly and said:

"Well, my mother and I both know that this has nothing to do with Yueyun!"

"That's good. I personally think it's okay. You'd better wait a minute. I'll ask my grandfather and father."

Xuejian went to invite old Shen Touer and Shen Sanzhu out, and when he told the matter, Old Shen Touer relaxed his frown and said:

"Okay. It's just that the family just held a funeral. What about this?"

Old Mr. Shen turned his head to look at Shen Sanzhu.Shen Sanzhu nodded and said:

"You guys come over tomorrow. There is no rush to prepare today. Just come to my house, my niece, and let her get married from my house. Dad, wait a minute and talk to your elder brother about it, and then tomorrow Big brother, please come here."

Old Mr. Shen nodded his head. This third child has resisted all the big and small things in the family.What else can I say?

After breakfast in Tianming, those embroiderers also came one by one.Of course, spring is the first to come.The Xuejian family was still as usual, pretending that nothing happened.Xuejian spends the whole day nestling with her second aunt, talking to Yueyin Xingni about things in Fucheng.It is also to let them all know where they are going.

Early the next morning, Xue Jian went to town with Murong Xing and Cheng Ye.Shen Chengye decided to go back to school after making sure that his mother and younger sister were fine.And Xue Jian and Murong Xing went to the street to buy some vegetables and came back.Because we have guests at home today.This is the end of the day, and it is time to set the date of marriage.Xue Jian didn't understand those procedures, so she simply contracted out the matter of going shopping on the street.Anyway, I can't use it at home.

Xuejian first sent brother Chengye to the school, then turned around and went to Hongfu.Hong Fu was very surprised when he saw Xue Jian.A few days ago, I received a letter from Xuejian, and brought her a few seasonal patterns, but I didn't expect to see Xuejian today.Hongfu welcomed Xuejian and the two to the backyard, and then gave Xuejian the money he had prepared earlier:

"Xue'er's pictures are really easy to sell. Let me tell you, the spring picture you drew for us last time sold very well in the capital. Your Uncle Jia sent another letter yesterday, and you need to embroider some more." Go for the picture of Chunjing. This time I embroidered some of your new summer paintings and sent them out. I have to do it again. Aunt Hong, thank you. Because of your paintings, in recent months , My business here is even better!"

Xue Jian took out a few pictures from her bag and said to Hong Fu:
"These are drawn later, don't count the money, just give it to Aunt Hong!"

Hong Fu accepted in surprise:

"I'm very happy to receive the picture, but I can't take it if I don't want the money. We are all businessmen, and I use this thing from you to make money, not for me to eat. Xue'er, you have to pay me for the money." You want it. I won’t give you more. Hahaha”

In the end, Xuejian accepted Hongfu's money.After chatting, the two went to buy some meat and so on, and then went back home early.Because there is something at home, I have to take the vegetables back to cook earlier.Although Aunt Dachun was specially invited to cook today, the host still has to take out the things first before cooking.

As soon as the carriage arrived at the door of the house, they found a lot of children standing outside the house, just in time to see Sister Yue Ya brought out a basin and gave each of the children standing outside the yard a few small candies.The children who took it all ran away quickly.After a while, everyone disappeared.Xue Jian got a carriage.Yue Ya also came over to help with things, Xue Jian asked softly:

"Sister Yueya, is everyone here?"

Moonbud nodded.softly said:

"Come here, I'm afraid there will be a dozen people, such as distant aunts and aunts from their family, all of them are here. It's just so happy."

After sending the bought vegetables to the kitchen, Xue Jian went back to her room to change clothes.Murong Xing also said that he was going to see the excitement, so the two quietly approached the main room.The main room was full of people, Xue Jian stretched out her head for a look, then retracted her head, there was no place to sit.I don't want to stand.So he took Murong Xing to the next room to sit and crack sunflower seeds.

There are four tables full of people for lunch.After eating, those people all smiled and left.After they left, Xue Jian stepped forward and asked:
"Is it ready? What date?"

Shen Sanzhu smiled with his face flushed because of drinking:
"Don't worry, three days later. We will marry your second sister in three days!"

Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:

"Okay, Dad, shall we bring the eldest sister's family back?"

But old Shen said:

"I don't think it's necessary. I'm afraid the village is busy now, and the seedlings I raised should be transplanted. If I let them come back, it will take two or three days to go back and forth. That's not a waste of time? Besides, the seedlings here After the work is done, you have to rush back, don't you go and see the things you planted?"

Xue Jian nodded after thinking about it.Thinking about it is also true, and now it is about to enter the period of transplanting rice seedlings in an all-round way, and every family is empty.

On the third day, early in the morning.The Shen family was busy.Xuejian only learned about the process of marrying a daughter yesterday through the second aunt's supplement and mother's explanation.Early this morning, relatives here had to come to see off their relatives, so a hearty breakfast had to be prepared.For with the bride gone.The matter of marrying a daughter here is considered complete.Then there is no need to prepare lunch for so many people.

Xuejian had prepared it two days before, and went to the town to borrow two carriages from Hongfu's house and a carriage from Boss Zhao's house.All the people who were going to see off their relatives at that time would send them off in a carriage, because the dowry had to be displayed to the people along the way.Then use an ox cart without a shed.So, prepare a few bullock carts early!Marrying a girl like this is unprecedentedly grand!
He also invited Hongfu to be Mrs. Quanfu.So, the night before, Hongfu came to live in Xuejian's house.Wait until the next morning to show off and dress up Yue Yun.

Yueyun, who was already good-looking, put on a little makeup and put on the wedding dress she had prepared long ago, and the wedding haircut that Xuejian had prepared for her. The girls in the village who came to see Yueyun were all envious Endless!When Yue Yun was helped out to kowtow to her grandparents in the main hall, everyone in the yard was dazzled by Yue Yun's dress.Fu Wangshan and the people who came to pick up the bride were naturally dumbfounded.

Yueyun went to kowtow to old Mr. and Mrs. Shen and Shen Dazhu.All the brothers and sisters of the Shen family who can attend are in this room.Even Yueyin is much better, and she is also standing in the room with Xiaoying's support.Yueyun and Fu Wangshan kowtowed to the old people together, and kowtowed to Shen Dazhu.Then kowtow to Shen Sanzhu and his wife and the Lan family.When Liang Chengfang was about to help them up, they turned to Xuejian and bowed down again.Xue Jian hurriedly turned sideways and returned a salute:
"Second sister, get up. Why did you salute me!"

(End of this chapter)

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