farmer's daughter

Chapter 393 Isn't It You, My Sister, Supporting Her?

Chapter 393 Isn't It You, My Sister, Supporting Her?
Chapter 390 Fourth, You Are My Sister Supporting Her
After dinner, Xuejian told her grandpa and the others about the things she went back this time. Everyone was very angry when they heard about it, but fortunately, the two girls were not harmed now, so Zhang said:
"That's good, that's good. Don't worry, you two girls. The days to come will be long. Let's live our lives well and don't think too much about it!"

That night.Yuewei clamored to sleep with Xuejian.Xuejian took Yuewei and Xiaocao took Chengwu to rest.After Yuewei and Chengwu both fell asleep, Xiaocao knocked on Xuejian's door.Xuejian asked her sister to sit on the kang together.Xiaocao said:

"Xue'er, you've been away for the past few days, and there's nothing else going on at home. Grandpa took the eldest brother-in-law together, and those boys, planted all the seedlings in the fields we left behind. Just listen to what your third senior brother said. After a while, that mansion wanted to see the ditches on our Zhuangzi, but was rejected by the third brother. He said you were not at home. We will talk about it when you come back."

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Sister, that Futai is not a good thing. He pretended to be the princess's sister's person, but secretly passed on some of the things we did to the people behind him. We don't know who is behind him. So, In front of him, we should say less."

Xuejian also talked about the things that were not mentioned in the hall just now, such as the affairs of Xingni's family, such as the family's treatment of the uncle's family.Xue Jian said:

"So, don't worry now. My aunt has been divorced, and I heard that she has gone back to her mother's house. The uncle's family is doing better now, but the eldest brother doesn't go to school anyway. He is willing to be a farmer at home. To say this He did help with the matter of Hui Yueyin's sister. If he hadn't reported the news, everyone might still be looking for it in ditches and ponds. I secretly heard that grandpa found his father and asked him to send the Cheng family to the ancestral hall. I heard that they didn't go when they signed up at the beginning of the year. I don't care about it, and I will send it off if I want. The Cheng family is still young, so let's see if it can be changed. It's just that the uncle seems to be a lot older. I saw it, Her hair is all gray. Fortunately, Second Sister's business is going well! Didn't you see that the whole village is envious of Second Sister, and the dowry of the six-ox cart!"

Xiaocao hugged Xuejian and said:

"Fool, it's not that you, my sister, are supporting her, otherwise, where would she get the dowry? Maybe she didn't even get married!"

Xue Jian said seriously:
"Sister, I really hope that everyone who treats me well can have a good life and a happy life! I will do my best to help as much as I can!"

Xiaocao nodded, got off the kang and said:
"I'm going back to the room. I'm afraid Wu'er will be noisy later. We'll talk about it tomorrow if we have something to do."

Xue Jian's life is back on track, she goes to exercise early in the morning every day, and then looks around the house, and when she returns to the house, Xiao Yuewei just wakes up.Fortunately, Yuewei is not very clingy, and she is sensible since she was a child. Xuejian helped her get dressed, and she went down to play by herself.Because she only woke up for a while last night, but she was very happy to see her familiar grandma and grandpa.

Back to Zhuangzi, Shi Chun is the butler again.Announced to the servants at home early in the morning.The new Miss San and Young Master.And Miss Tang.And Xingni didn't say a word last night, she found Shi Chun this morning and asked to confirm her status as a servant.Shi Chun didn't agree to her on this point, but only told her to stay well and take care of her body.She said that she had to wait for the order of the lady.

For Xiaoyuewei and Chengwu, they didn’t feel any difference between life in Zhuangzi and life at home, but to the older Yueyin and Xinni, they felt that there was a big difference. In Zhuangzi, Xue Jian is a rich family.No longer the little sister at home.So, after seeing Shi Chun admonishing those boys and girls, the two suddenly felt restrained.

After breakfast, Xuejian was ready to go to see the crops in the field.Holding Yuewei, Murong Xing also hugged Chengwu.Take Yueyin and Xingni to the field to have a look.Xuejian pointed to the vast field where the edge cannot be seen at a glance, and said to Yueyin:
"Sister Yin, look, from here to the end we can see, it is all the land on our farm. The large area over there is for tenants to plant. The hundred or so acres here are our own. I’m planting, I’ve planted something different, have you seen the thatched shed over there? That’s what I planted, and my master is there to help me guard it.”

At a glance, the fields are now planted with seedlings.There are still some people in the field who are still rushing to transplant rice seedlings.Yue Yin felt that she couldn't see through her eyes.I only know that Xue'er has a big farm, but I didn't expect it to be so big, several times bigger than all the fields in Shenjia Village!

Xingni was also deeply shocked. To her, this was the biggest place she had ever seen.Xue'er has become the biggest landlord she has ever seen!It seems that the Shen family is rich, not just a little bit!Xue'er's ability is also seen by the whole village. It seems that she is right to choose to follow Xue'er.

Xue Jian led her younger sister to the edge of the ditch, pointed to the ditch and said to the older sisters:

"This ditch was repaired when I came here. From now on, we don't have to worry about watering here."

"Sister, there is nothing to grow over there, should we wait until we come?"

Xiao Yuewei pointed to a large piece of land left by Xue Jian.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"No, that's what I stayed to dig a big pond. In the future, I can raise fish and so on. The most important thing is to store water!"

Xuejian led everyone around, and met Song Gentu head-on, Song Gentu bowed to Xuejian and said:

"Second Miss, are you back?"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Yes, Uncle Song, this is my cousin, and this is my sister Xingni. This is my younger sister, and this is my younger brother. I'll take them to see. Are all the seedlings planted at Uncle Song's house?"

"I've seen you ladies and masters! Not yet. I still have a few acres of land that haven't been planted. This year, my family's action will be slower. One is that his mother is pregnant, so I won't let her go to the field. Second, the second boy followed. Second Miss, there is one missing person. The eldest son came back yesterday. With him here, I will finish it in two days. By the way, Second Miss, before you left last time, you asked me to go to Master He to teach them how to use it. Now I have done the water pump. They can use it there, but their ditch is not as good as ours. I guess they will repair it every year."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Yes, Master He followed us on a whim in the end. So the time is a bit rushed, and the result may not be as good as ours."

"Second Miss, Master He even rewarded the little one with 20 taels of silver."

Xue Jian laughed and said:

"It's okay, you are now a master. If anyone comes to me to buy this water pump in the future, I will ask you to go again. If you get it, just keep it for yourself. Buy some food for my aunt, so that the child will grow up better."

Song Gentu smiled and nodded.Take a step back and let Xue see them pass by first.

(End of this chapter)

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