Chapter 401
Chapter [-] Participate in the birthday banquet
Xuejian was eating while taking care of her younger sister. Apart from the old lady, the people sitting at the main table were a few old ladies who were as old as the old lady.It seems that they are old people from various families.Xue Jianlue nodded to everyone with a smile and stopped participating in their conversation.Even when they asked about Xuejian, Xuejian didn't say much, most of the old lady of the He family was speaking for Xuejian.

Of course, there were some sarcastic remarks among those present. Firstly, they didn’t recognize Xuejian, and secondly, they came to see that Xuejian was not brought by their parents.Some look down on Xuejian.She thinks that Xue Jian has no tutor and is not sure about her position.Because Xue Jian has practiced, she can hear some whispers clearly.But who Xuejian is, of course she doesn't care what other people say.

Finally, my sister and I had enough to eat.A servant came in and said:

"To the old lady. The master asked me to ask Miss Shen to go out."

Xue Jian frowned, last night Shi Chun made up for her the etiquette of going out to drink.Knowing that a little girl like myself can't go to the front yard.Now this He Yuan actually asked someone to invite him to the front yard!

Xue Jian frowned, the old lady naturally saw it.Shen Sheng said:

"Where is your second master calling Miss Shen?"

"Going back to the old lady, it's in the pavilion by the lake. There are Sir Wang, Boss Yang, and Steward Huang from the princess's other courtyard."

Xue Jian frowned, she recognized these people.

Mrs. He smiled lightly and said:

"Miss Shen, have you finished eating? You can go there. The pavilion by the lake does not belong to the outer courtyard, but is on the edge of our inner courtyard. Besides, your senior brother is also here. I will ask the second lady to take you there."

Xuejian got up and went with the second wife, and Yuewei also followed her sister, the second lady stepped forward to hug Yuewei and said:
"Miss Shen, you can trust your sister to me, I can take good care of her."

The love between the eyebrows for Yue Wei is indeed true.Xuejian smiled and replied:
"Weir, what do you say?"

Yuewei reached out to hug the second lady, giggled and said:

"Sister, the second lady is so beautiful! I like it too. But the second lady has guests and needs to be busy! My sister said not to cause trouble for the master! I'd better go with my sister."

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"If you follow my sister, you have to be obedient. Don't be naughty!"

Yue Wei nodded.But his arms were still around the second lady's neck.The second lady loved it very much!This kid is so sensible!Hugging Yuewei tightly and taking Xue to see the lakeside pavilion.Turning out from the backyard, Xuejian saw a small lake. The willows by the lake had just turned green, and the breeze gently wrinkled the surface of the lake, tearing the sunlight on the lake surface into dots of golden light!Joy in the tranquility!Xuejian also fell in love with it right away!

"Second Madam, the architectural design of this mansion is really beautiful!"

Xue Jian couldn't help but exclaimed!The second lady smiled and said:
"The ancestors of the He family were a family of scholars, but the family background was not very good. It was because my mother-in-law was good at running the business, so I had a family business! My husband and his elder brother are both good at studying. My uncle passed the exam, and my husband inherited my mother-in-law. The family business in hand has gradually become what it is now. A year before my father-in-law passed away, my uncle planned to build this yard, and it has been expanded a little over the years. It is what it is now!"

Xue Jian was a little surprised and said:

"I didn't expect Mr. Shi Lang to be an expert in this field! The design of this yard is reasonable and comfortable! It's so beautiful! I'm going to repair the house on the Zhuangzi recently! I'm going to build it after I plan it! Then I invite the second lady to come and see my new house." house!"

"Okay! I will definitely go!"

The second lady agreed happily.After a pause, he said:
"Miss Shen, if your house is being repaired, let Miss Wei come to play with me! Anyway, I'm fine on weekdays! I'll take care of Miss Wei for you!"

The second lady looked at Xue Jian with hope on her face, before Xue Jian could speak, she said again:
"I like Miss Wei very much! Really! I have always wanted a daughter! But I gave birth to three boys! The eldest is now studying in the capital, and the second will go to the capital with his grandmother to study in a few days. There is only one boy I’m at home! But my son didn’t compare with my daughter! I just want to dress up a beautiful daughter!”

Xue Jian smiled!This second lady is a very kind and sincere person!Xue Jian said:

"Okay! Our Wei'er is also a little naughty! I'm afraid of causing trouble to Madam!"

"No, no! I'm not afraid of trouble!"

The second lady hurriedly said!The promise to Xue Jian also smiled happily!
While talking, I arrived at the pavilion by the lake. The pavilion was built relatively large, and it was obvious from a glance that it was used for entertaining guests!This one is the best!I didn't go out of the inner courtyard, and it was far away from the inner courtyard!

Sure enough, Murong Xing was also there, seeing Xue Jian and Yue Lian coming, he no longer leaned lazily on the chair.Butler Huang went straight to the entrance of the pavilion and saluted Xuejian:
"The girl is here!"

Butler Huang gave Xue Jian a lot of face. Although he is a servant, everyone knows that Butler Huang's status in Qingyang Mansion is extraordinary!But Butler Huang is a man who knows how to behave, and he puts his identity right everywhere.Seeing that Shen Xue is her master and junior sister, she is the master.So Butler Huang never took Joe in front of Xuemian.

After everyone sat down again.He Yuan smiled and said:
"Miss Shen, I would like to thank you for inviting you here today! Your method of digging the ditch has saved a lot of effort for the people in my village! It's just that we did it in a hurry this year, and some places were not dug properly. Very good, Zhuangtou and I have both looked at it and discussed it. Next year, during the slack season, we will repair those ditches early. This is a good idea, but no one usually thinks of it! Come on, Miss Shen , you are too young to drink alcohol, so I will toast the girl with tea instead of wine!"

He Yuan raised the teacup in his hand, and a girl beside him also handed Xuejian a cup.Xuejian smiled slightly, took the toast and said:

"Master He, you don't have to be so polite. My family is a farmer. Farming is the only way for our family to support our family. I am a little girl, and I have been weak since I was a child. I can't stand as tall as a hoe. I can only think about how I can help. Busy. So, I just toss around. Fortunately, some things are useful, and some things are useless. Fortunately, my family followed me and helped me, so this ditch was created. One is that the tenants carry water every day. Tired, secondly, my grandfather is also going to carry water, I am afraid that the river is too deep and something will happen. I didn’t expect that everyone would do what I said. It’s done! It’s great to be able to help everyone!”

Mr. Wang was surprisingly quiet today, he didn't speak much, and only kept a smile on his face.And after the meal, he went to bid farewell to the old lady.Xuejian and his party also went to bid farewell to the old lady after Master Wang left. Of course, the second lady repeatedly talked about Yuewei who would help take care of her for a period of time.But Xuejian said that when the family officially started to repair the house and was too busy, she would definitely send Yuewei over.In this way, the second wife still personally carried Yue Wei and sent them to the carriage.

It was the first time for Xiao Yuewei to travel, and she was also rewarded by the old lady and the second lady, she was very happy, and excitedly talked to Murong Xing about the rewards she got along the way.Xue Jian, on the other hand, leaned against the car window and looked outside absent-mindedly.When turning around a hill, Xuejian suddenly called to stop.Of course Shi Chun stopped the car immediately.

Xue Jian jumped off the carriage, Murong Xing didn't know what was going on, so of course he also jumped off.Xuejian looked up at the mountain, and there was a place that was exposed white because of the landslide.

(End of this chapter)

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