farmer's daughter

Chapter 404 It's time for you to let go of something from the past

Chapter 404 It's time for you to let go of some past events
Chapter [-] It's time for you to let go of some past events
For two days in a row, Xue Jian basically ate, drank and sedated in her own room, and never stepped out of the backyard.From time to time, Xue Jian could be heard calling:

"Ban Xia, go and invite Mr. Murong here."

"Ban Xia, go and call Wu Qiming."

"Banxia, ​​ask Aunt Shi to fetch Mr. Qiu over."

Ban Xia squats outside Xue Jian's house every day.Even when Yuewei asked her to play, she refused to go.Later, there were three or four children squatting in front of Xuejian's door.One pinellia, one month wei, and Shi's two children.Several children squatted outside Xuejian's house, but they didn't dare to run, jump and laugh, because anyone passing by Xuejian's yard should walk carefully, lest they disturb Xuejian.

He called Mr. Murong.The two discussed it for a while.Mr. Murong came out, but his face was a little unhappy.Both Yuewei and Banxia stared blankly at the unhappy Mr. Murong.Mr. Murong stretched out his hand and pressed on one head.out of the yard.After that, I didn't see Mr. Murong again.

Wu Qiming was called.After Xue Jian gave some instructions, Wu Qiming went to the tenant village again.The village cheered.Several women followed Wu Qiming to the side of the road outside the courtyard and hammered the stones into pebbles.Yue Yin, who knew a few words, was sent out to watch the stone breakers here, and recorded everyone's working hours.

Called the third son Qiu.After a while, Mr. Chou San came out of the courtyard.He drove away in a carriage.After a while, he came back again, just took a large basket of things from the car, no one saw what it was, it was all covered with cloth.And Mr. Qiu San drove the carriage to the other side of Zhuangzi, where Xuejian bought a piece of land after he came.These fields are not good fields, but only slightly better than low-grade fields.I don't know why, but the farmers are still working very hard, but the output of this field is not high.So the tenants of this land always destroy the land on Xuejian's side.In the end, Liang Zhongqiu decided to buy this piece of land at a high price.It was when Xuejian returned to Shenjia Village!
When Xuejian came back, Liang Zhongqiu told Xuejian about it.Xue Jian would not blame grandpa, after visiting the land two days ago, there is no reason to blame grandpa, because the land is a large piece of clay!That's why Xue Jian burst into ecstasy when he saw the gray stones on the mountain.With these two things, it is a treasure given to me by God!

Qiu Yuan brought a basket of freshly dug limestone from the other courtyard, and went to the field to get some clay. According to the method Xuejian said, he also called Lao Niu, and used these two things according to Xuejian. Another calcining, another grinding, and then mixing.Add water, stick two stones together and set aside.I also put some pebbles hammered over there into a small basin, and then poured this mixed mortar.After working hard for a long time, I finally finished it.Xuejian was also keeping records on the side.No one else knew what Xuejian was going to do again.

The next morning, when Xue Jian came back from practice, she went to the front yard to look at the things that came out of yesterday's busy day. It's just a flat stone.

Xue Jian turned the basin upside down, took it away, and a stone shaped like a basin appeared.Xue Jian smiled happily.It seems that the simplest cement I made was successful. In the future, my yard can be a cement floor instead of a mud floor.The muddy ground that is difficult to walk on a rainy day is the most difficult thing Xue has seen in this world!

After breakfast, everyone came to see what Xuejian had made. Liang Zhongqiu deliberately tried to separate the two stones, but found that his efforts were in vain.There is no use of force at all!And the pot-shaped stone attracted everyone's attention the most.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"We will lay these stones in our yard in the future, and then pour this kind of mortar and smooth it out. From now on, our yard will not be afraid of water. We will not be afraid of slipping in rainy days!"

Qiu Yuan looked at the stone over and over again, and said:
"The thing you're talking about is for paving the floor?"

"Not only, just look at it, it's very useful."

Xuejian waved and said:
"Third senior brother, you go and invite Mr. He over today. Let him take a look at this. I want to make a deal with him! First send a letter to Butler Huang and ask Butler Huang to come over immediately. This matter must not be missed He participated."

Qiu Yuan nodded.Then he took off the carriage and rode away directly.

Qiu Yuan first went back to the other courtyard to send a message to Butler Huang.Then he went to He's house to spread the word.Master He was talking with the old lady at home, because some guests from the same family who came a few days ago left.The house is being tidied up.As soon as Master He heard that it was Qiu Yuan who came, he hurriedly went to the outer courtyard to meet Qiu Yuan.

Qiu Yuan is not a talkative person, he talks about things in a few words.As soon as Master He heard it, he knew that Xue Jian was going to do a big deal.Being able to think of letting myself participate also shows that people think of themselves.He Yuan was also very happy, and asked someone to pass a message to the old lady and the second lady, and then got into the carriage and followed Qiu Yuan to the Leisurely Villa.

Butler Huang has to arrive first.Because he knew what Xuejian was thinking, but he didn't know what to do with it.But yesterday morning, I saw Qiu Yuan go to dig a basket of that white stone himself.He said that he would go to Zhuangzi to try something for Xuejian.I think this thing is done.Butler Huang also rushed to the Shen's house in a hurry.Just wanted to get a sneak peek!

When Butler Huang saw the two tightly glued stones and the very flat basin-shaped stone.The look of surprise is beyond words.This thing is so hard!So sticky!This is very useful!
What did Miss Shen just say?It is said that this can be used to build walls and level dams.Can be used to make pipes.Anyway, it is very useful!But the first use Huang Butler thought of was to build a city wall!Back then, if there was a city wall made of this kind of thing, I am afraid that the traitor would not be able to leave the city so easily, and the master would not be ambushed and killed in battle!Thinking of this, Steward Huang couldn't help crying.

Butler Huang's excitement.Xue Jian couldn't understand it.Could it be that Butler Huang is also a time traveler?Travelers will recognize this kind of thing when they see it.It should be crying like this!

Xue Jian looked at Butler Huang at a loss, feeling uneasy.But Butler Huang realized that he had lost his composure after crying twice, so he quickly wiped away his tears and said:
"I'm sorry, Miss Shen. I just remembered that if this thing built the city wall before, the general would be fine."

It was only then that Xue Jian knew that Butler Huang was thinking of the bloody battle that year.Secretly heaved a sigh of relief and advised:
"It's okay. I didn't expect Steward Huang to still remember the past. Steward Huang, you should let go of some of the past and make yourself live better. Over the years, you have also paid a lot for the daughter of the princess. I think it is the same under the general Jiuquan. Very comforting!"

"Hey! Made Miss Shen laugh. When people are old, sometimes they can't help but think about the past. I won't mention it! But the mortar that Miss made is really useful! It seems that it can be made into a It's a big deal."

Xuejian laughed and said:

"Butler Huang, don't laugh at me. You know, I'm just a child. What great things can I do? However, you reminded me that we can cooperate. You are the one who comes forward, and I only do what's behind the scenes." How are people?"

 Thank you YH1166 book friend for your recommendation tickets all the time!

(End of this chapter)

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