farmer's daughter

Chapter 423 After death, filial piety was shown to others

Chapter 423 After death, filial piety was shown to others
Chapter 420 The fourth is to show filial piety to others after death

After Xue Jian and his group left the valley road, there was another wide road.Not long after walking on the road, Xue Jian stretched out her head to see that there were no people around, and looked at the mountain, which was also a bit high, Xue Jian said softly:
"Aunt Shi. This person is so hateful, he still scolds me. In this way, this mountain is so high. If you put him on the mountain, whether he can leave alive depends on his ability. There are beasts."

When the man heard Xue Jian's words, he shouted:
"Grandma, I was wrong, I was wrong."

Xue Jian pretended not to hear it, and handed it over to Shi Chun.Shi Chun got out of the carriage and stretched out his hand to hold the man.He flew into the mountain.Xuejian and grandpa waited at the foot of the mountain for a while before seeing Shi Chun walking down. Shi Chun said:

"Miss, it's not right to let this person go like this. This person is in collusion with real bandits, and I'm afraid it will cause trouble for our family, so I made some tricks, in case he can survive down the mountain. That's him It's up to me."

Xue Jian didn't speak, nor opened his eyes, but Shi Chun knew that Xue Jian had heard it.Liang Zhongqiu drove away again after Shi Chun came back.This time, they didn't go back directly to Liangjia Village, but went to Huishan Town where Liang Shengyue lived. When they arrived, the school was over early.The boys from the Liang family and Shen Chengye and Shen Chengwen surrounded Liang Zhongqiu and Xue'er happily when they saw Liang Zhongqiu and Xue'er came back.

Shen Chengwen even obeyed Xue'er and would not leave!The little brothers and sisters were all picked up by Xueer.Chengwen is the only one left, and every time I go back from vacation, I miss my sister very much!
Xuejian and others sat down, and Liang Shengbei and his wife hurriedly served tea.Liang Zhongqiu couldn't hide his joy and said:

"You guys study hard! Your uncle passed the exam! No.6! Our family has a Jinshi!"

"Really! Oh! I just said that the third brother is fine! He is so knowledgeable!"

Chen first slapped his thigh and laughed.Everyone in the room is overjoyed!Xue Jian said with a smile:
"It's not over yet! My uncle still has to take part in the imperial examination! Maybe he can even enter the top three!"

Chen spoke quickly, and continued:
"The designation can be done! Shengbei, hurry up! Go and order some dishes in the restaurant! Let's be happy! Let's celebrate!"

Liang Zhongqiu said with a smile:
"Succeed! You ordered to eat! I have to go back! I have to tell your sister-in-law and the others! Xueer is going home!"

Chen looked at the sky and said:
"That's fine! Dad, I won't keep you either. It's getting late. If you want to leave, hurry up. Tomorrow is a rest, and we will all go back tomorrow!"

"Okay! I'll pick you up tomorrow."

Liang Zhongqiu stood up and was about to leave, Shen Chengwen tugged on his sister's sleeve, and looked at her sister with a look of reluctance and said nothing.When Xue saw it, her heart ached.Stretching out his hand to rub Chengwen's head, he said:

"Don't worry, Wen'er, my sister will pick you up tomorrow! My sister asked someone to find a school in Fucheng, and my sister will take you away in a few days! I will be with my sister, sister and brother from now on! When my mother is in better health , our family is together!"

Shen Chengwen nodded sensiblely, Chengye stood over and put his arm around Chengwen's shoulder and said:
"Wen'er, don't be afraid! My brother is here! We'll be going home tomorrow!"

Cheng Wen's eyes were red, he nodded, but he still didn't speak, and sent his sister to the carriage with everyone.

It was dark when the carriage reached the intersection of the three forks!Xue Jian said:

"Grandpa, Aunt Shi and I got off the car here, you drive back! We'll be there in a few miles. Be careful driving, you forgot to bring a wind lantern!"

Liang Zhongqiu looked at the sky, nodded and said:

"Her aunt, you should also be careful!"

Xuejian came back empty-handed this time, with nothing.The two got out of the car with two burdens on their backs.A few ups and downs disappeared before Liang Zhongqiu's eyes.Liang Zhongqiu sighed:

"This martial arts also has the benefits of martial arts!"

When Xue saw her home, it was dark!Every house in the village is a bit dimly lit.If you want to say, Xuejianjia is the brightest!There is also a light at the door!

"Grandpa, grandma, father, mother, seventh grandpa, seventh grandma, I'm back!"

Xuejian yelled and ran home.The people in the family were eating, and when they heard Xue Jian's voice, Shen Sanzhu hurriedly got up, and before he came out, he saw a small figure rushing in!

"Xue'er! Come quickly. It's time to eat! Why didn't we arrive until it was dark! Nothing happened on the way, right?"

Liang Chengfang stood up worriedly, and got up to prepare the dishes for Xuejian and the others.Xiaohua hurriedly got up and said:
"Auntie, I'll get it."

Xue Jian stood in front of the table smiling.Say to everyone:
"I came back to deliver the good news! My uncle has been admitted to Jinshi!"

Old man Shen first put down his chopsticks and said:

"Really? Then you are an official? Jinshi, we haven't been a Jinshi in Huishan Town for many years? This is the old Liang family's ancestral grave burning incense."

"Xue'er, is it true? Your uncle, your uncle really passed the exam? Didn't you say that the exam was difficult? Back then, he won the exam and didn't take the exam anymore, just because the exam was too difficult. Come back and take the exam in a few years." , did you really pass the exam?"

When Liang Chengfang heard that her younger brother had become a Jinshi, she was so happy that she almost cried.Xuejian smiled lightly and said:
"Really, it's true, my brother-in-law is still No.6. Now he is waiting for the palace test. If he passes the palace test, maybe he will go two steps further."

The news spread, and after the family happily ate, Xueer said:
"Father, you drive tomorrow, and I will go to town with you. First, we will bring Brother Chengye and Brother Wen'er back. Second, when we go, we will go to find my little uncle. My little uncle went to my place yesterday. His The wine has come out, I want to give the store in the town to make wine for my little uncle, and let him sell wine first. Let's see the results in a few days."

Old Mr. Shen took a puff of smoke and said:
"The wine of his Wei family is good, but they haven't touched it for many years, can they still make it?"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"No problem, Grandpa also tasted the wine he brought, and said that the lack of it is just a matter of storage, and the wine is not bad, so let him sell it first. When I come back, I will help him plan it. From now on All right."

Wang said on the side:

"He opened a shop for them just after his father died. Will others say anything?"

Xuejian said impatiently:
"Filial piety is not filial piety in life, and filial piety is shown to others after death. Besides, as long as you have the heart, you can do anything. Filial piety is filial piety. It is filial piety to live a good life. It is filial piety to develop the family business passed down from the ancestors." It’s fine if others don’t say anything, and someone needs to say it. Just one sentence: If the dead confess, you must brew the wine quickly to be worthy of your ancestors!”

Shen Sanzhu burst out laughing, reached out and slapped his daughter on the head and said:
"You, but what you said is still reasonable. That's it! The hard life of your sister-in-law's family is over. As long as they work hard, they can do well. Then you will give them a shop and help them think about everything If they can't do well again, I really don't blame us for not helping him."

(End of this chapter)

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