farmer's daughter

Chapter 430 It's Squatting, Not Kneeling

Chapter 430 It's Squatting, Not Kneeling
Chapter 430 is squatting, not kneeling

Boss Mo, as Xue Jian knew, was also a cloth businessman with a good reputation in this prefecture, not a bad profiteer.A while ago, Boss Mo even approached He Yuan specifically, and asked He Yuan to take him to see the new house built by Xue Jian's family.Originally, I came to see this new-style thing, but now it seems that I have taken a fancy to it, and I plan to build a house myself.

"Boss Mo has set a time and let us know. I'll ask someone to prepare it for you early."

"Okay, if you have Miss Shen, you can do it with a word. Miss Shen is very famous in our prefecture now. Seeing you, we old men are ashamed."

Boss Mo expressed the thoughts of these old businessmen in Fucheng. Every one of them wished that such a daughter as Xue Jian could be their own daughter, who could earn such a large family business at such a young age, and manage the family business to flourish. .

Xuejian is used to such compliments by now.Just smiled and didn't speak.He Yuan was about to say something, when he heard a gong sound from the other side of the street, and someone shouted:

"Passers-by, please pay attention. There are horse-drawn carriages coming, and those with children take care of them."

Is this sounding the gong to clear the way?Xue Jianwei frowned a little, did my uncle go too far?I am just a new official, and with such a large lineup, if there is any mistake in the future, how can I step down?

Xue Jianzi was thinking about this here, and the people over there came.Needless to say, Steward Huang stood at the front, and Steward Huang always put Xue Jian and Murong Xing as masters at any time.Therefore, Xue Jian and Murong Xing were moved half a step forward by Butler Huang.

There are a lot of people here to welcome the new official. Apart from the people watching the excitement on both sides of the road, there are a group of civil and military officials belonging to the state capital standing at the gate of the main government office. This is the first boss who came to welcome them. It's never too late.

Another group of people just saw them, big merchants, landlords and big families.Xue Jian sighed, she used to be a small peasant girl, but now she has a little status.Even if he got a little credit from my uncle and senior brother, at least some of the people standing here have some contacts.

In fact, Liang Shengyue's carriage team was not many people, only two carriages and a few brave soldiers.Bing Yong rode on horses, Liang Shengyue and Lian Shizi both rode in carriages, the two would often sit in the same carriage to discuss some matters along the way, but when they approached Fucheng, Lian Shizi returned to his own carriage.

When they arrived at the gate of the Fuya, the first person to get out of the carriage was Lian Shizi.Then Liang Shengyue also got off the carriage wearing a new official uniform.Liang Shengyue was followed by a little boy, Xiao Ma.Xiao Ma is very proud now, his master is Chuanlu!Now he is a member of the fourth rank!

Lian Shizi got out of the car first, and he saw Xue Jian and Murong Xing standing aside and smiling, but his eyes didn't change, he turned to look at another group of officials, some of them recognized Lian Shizi .Busy saluting to Prince Lian, everyone heard that this is Prince Lian, so they followed suit.Liang Sheng walked over.Lian Quchen stretched out his hand and said:
"Everyone, this is the new office of your Qingyang Mansion, Mr. Liang!"

Everyone else was busy and went to salute Liang Shengyue again.Try to get the new Mr. Liang to notice him.Mr. Liang paid attention, and he noticed the tall and beautiful little girl at the first sight.But this is not the time and place to say hello.Naturally, Liang Shengyue was also busy dealing with the local officials.

When a new official takes office, everyone comes to greet him, just to get acquainted. What the new official will do is out of everyone's control.So, after everyone met for a while, Prince Lian led all the officials into the government office, and the merchants who came to greet him naturally went back to their respective homes.

When Xue Jian and Murong Xing were also going to follow Steward Huang, a soldier came out from inside to bow to Murong Xing and said:

"Master Murong, my family invites you and this young lady to enter, and Steward Huang also invites you to enter."

Xue Jian was very happy, he hadn't seen what the yamen in this era looked like yet.Of course I would like to follow in and have a look.

Murong Xing nodded, glanced at Xue Jian, Xue Jian nodded excitedly, and followed Murong Xing inside.Butler Huang naturally followed behind them.The three of them went in, and many businessmen from behind came to He Yuan to inquire, wanting to know the relationship between this little girl and the people inside.

He Yuan smiled and said:

"What's the relationship? The newly appointed Futai is Miss Shen's biological uncle, and Prince Lian is Miss Shen's senior brother."

Only then did everyone understand, and they all uttered oh, everyone was thinking, I didn't have a good relationship with Miss Shen earlier, if I knew her backstage is so hard, I should have made friends with her earlier, or this Boss He has someone in the court, naturally The news is the most well-informed. You see, Boss He and Ms. Shen are the only ones in this prefecture who have the best relationship, and they are doing business together.

Xue Jian didn't know how everyone was doing, and entered the mansion happily. This mansion is not as spacious as it has been seen on TV before. In fact, its lobby is only the main hall of a big family. It's that size, but there's nothing in it, only a larger desk on the front, which seems to be the desk for Mr. Futai to handle cases.There is a small table and a chair on the lower left of the large office desk.It appears to be the so-called clerical desk.

The soldiers who came out to greet people retreated after welcoming them in. Now there are a lot of people in the lobby.Everyone was standing, but the ones standing in the middle were my uncle and senior brother.Xue Jian chuckled, and stood aside with the little brother to watch the fun.

Lian Shizi took out a scroll from his arms with a cold face.Shen Sheng said:

"Holy decree!"

Everyone in the room, including Liang Shengyue, knelt down, even Murong Xing, who was standing beside Xue Jian, also knelt down, only Xue Jian and Lian Quchen were left standing, Lian Quchen looked a little confused The little junior sister who was at a loss, saw that the little junior sister was debating whether to kneel or not. Is the floor dirty? This is the new clothes my mother gave me when I went back this time.

Murong Xing naturally felt it too, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull Xue Jian's sleeve.Only then did Xue Jian squat down, pay attention, it was squatting, not kneeling!A smile flashed across Lian Quchen's eyes, he coughed unnaturally, and then began to announce the decree.Xue Jian didn't understand the meaning of the imperial edict, it was all four words, but not all idioms.The general idea is the performance of my uncle in the watch field.And put forward some requirements for Qingyang's work.Xuejian seemed to have heard some rewards for his uncle.

After reading the imperial decree, everyone got up.Xue Jian also stood up.Everyone stepped forward to salute the newly arrived Futai one by one again, but this time, everyone reported their positions once again.

(End of this chapter)

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