farmer's daughter

Chapter 434 I Have Lived a Good Life

Chapter 434 I Have Lived a Good Life

Chapter 430 The fifth is living a good life
As soon as Hu Yue'e came in, her husband's eyes were fixed on him, seeing that he was much darker, that he had lost a lot of weight, and that he still had a great figure.There is a taste of joy and indescribable in my heart.When her husband took her hand, Hu Yue'e lightly picked up the handkerchief, helped her husband to help the dust on her face and said:

"I'm fine. Look at me. I've gained weight. The baby is also fine. The baby can move, but we miss you very much. Now I'm relieved to see that you're fine. Sit down. You're tired. Thin A lot."

At the end, Hu Yue'e was a little choked up.

Liang Shengyue didn't care what others said, and sat down next to Hu Yue'e.Then I heard Liang Zhongqiu ask:
"Shengyue, have you done everything on the stage of your residence?"

Old man Shen also said:
"Unexpectedly, this little uncle Xue'er is now our master. In-laws, you are still lucky!"

"Hahaha, it's his own hard work, and it's his own blessing. I'm a bit of a winner. In-laws, don't worry, your family has a little champion. Take your time, you, you will be better than anyone else in the future .Look now, aren't you having a good day too?"

The two old men talked nicely to each other.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"You guys are all living a good life. Now I can announce one thing. Tomorrow, my new house is going to be erected, so I specially picked up Grandpa for you to take a look. Have you visited it? "

Liang Chengfang patted Xue Jian's hand and said:

"We just arrived and haven't gone yet."

Looking at the sky, Xue Jian thought for a moment that the younger sister is still at He's house.Xuejian called Shi Chun and said:

"Aunt Shi, you ride a horse, go to He's house quickly, and bring my sister back. We are going to the beam tomorrow, mother and the others are here, tell her to come back."

"Walk around, move around, you all go and have a look, it's just behind the backyard. I'll fix it first, then tear down the backyard, and then repair this side. Come one by one. Let's go, go and have a look. "

Xuejian helped her mother up, and Xiaocao and Yueyin also stepped forward to help old Shen.Let's go to the back of the backyard to see Xiu Jianxiu's new house.The ground floor of this new house, Xuejian, is still designed according to the original floor heating.It's just that the room design is designed according to the modern suite.There are two houses on the left and right sides, and there are two houses on the upper floor. Each house has two bedrooms and a bathroom. There is also a narrower room on the side, which can be regarded as a servant for close care. It can be prepared or used as a small storage room.

Now the basic layout is out, and the only thing left is to put it on the beam tomorrow.There are not many workers now, and they are all preparing for tomorrow.Liang Zhongqiu took the old head Shen, Shen Sanzhu followed Lian Quchen, Xue Jian supported his mother, and Liang Shengyue supported Hu Yue'e.Everyone come to this backyard to have a look.In fact, Xuejian usually doesn't want her little aunt to come here, the house is built here, it's uneven, and she's afraid of falling.Therefore, Mrs. Hu has never come to see how the repairs here are going.Only now did I see that the house has been repaired so much.And these brick walls look so neat and beautiful!
Not only Hu thinks this house is beautiful, Liang Chengfang is also seeing such a house for the first time.What you see in the countryside is built with soil, and what you see in the town is built with wood or stones, but this kind of stone is flat and beautiful.Liang Chengfang couldn't help but shook Xue Jian's hand and said:

"Xue'er, you really have a way. This house is so beautiful!"

"Mother, slow down, take a look. This building is just one of the backyards I designed. It will be the place where my brothers and sisters will live in the future. Look, there are exactly four sets of upstairs and downstairs. There is a staircase, and there is a room in the middle, which is usually used for living, or gathering here when friends come.”

"There are one set of houses on this side, and each set has its own toilet, which is much more convenient. There are also two houses, so one of them can be used as your own study, even the two younger brothers have their own study The same is true for my sister and I. The small room on this side is reserved for girls."

Murong Xing shouted at the side:
"Okay, little junior sister, you said at the beginning, leave me a set. I'm running around, so I don't have mine?"

Everyone laughed.Xue Jianbai glanced at him and said:

"You are a boy. This is the backyard. My front yard hasn't been repaired yet. I will leave a set for you in the front yard. It's not just you, senior brother, second senior brother, third senior brother, and master. Yes. You are indispensable. You have traveled a lot, and at worst, you can choose it first when it is repaired."

"It's almost there."

Murong Xing retreated behind Lian Quchen.

Xuejian took everyone to see it and said:
"I'd like to build three of these houses. This is enough for as many people as possible. Three of these houses are in the backyard, and then the original backyard was demolished and built into a small garden. , and then build the front yard. I don’t want to build the front yard into a building like this, I want to build it into the original one, but the layout inside is also the same as the backyard.”

Shen Sanzhu nodded, but shook his head again and said:
"Xue'er, you have a very good idea, but have you ever thought about it? You have been working on the first floor of the first building for almost a month. How long did it take you to finish it?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"I had no experience before, so I won't be so slow in the future. Just watch, the next two buildings will take less than a month."

Even Quchen said:
"Junior Sister, have you ever thought that it is now April, and the rainy season will come in less than a month. It will be troublesome to repair the house during the rainy season."

Xue Jian frowned and said:
"I haven't thought about it, so I have to hurry up next time."

Qiu Yuan said:
"If there are not enough people, I think it's okay to transfer some people from other courtyards."

Xue Jian shook his head and said:

"Don't worry, there will be staff."

Everyone looked around, and Xue Jian took everyone back to the front hall to sit down, and said:

"Mom, if you come, you won't go back. We are all here, so don't bother. I have inquired a few days ago. There are also very good schools in this city. I have asked someone to look for them. Yes, I want to take Chengwen out too."

Zhang Shi also laughed and said:
"Yes, Cheng Fang, your daughter is a smart child, but she is still a child. Xue'er and Xiaocao, one master and the other master, the two sisters are very hard. If you come, take care of the family That's it. Let the two sisters breathe a sigh of relief."

"But there are so many things at home, and I have to help Aunt Hong do embroidery work!"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Don't worry about it. I've told Aunt Hong that I will provide her with new patterns, and she will put away those who can embroider. The new patterns will be handed over to Sister Liang Xia to make Yes. Aunt Hong said that sister Xia is also a teacher from you."

(End of this chapter)

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