Chapter 436
Chapter 430 VII Huiji Will Hurt

Lian Quchen carefully looked at the picture in his hand, and repeatedly sighed:
"Xue'er, do you know how much credit you have made for this thing? Recently, the Wuda tribe in the northwest is always making troubles on the border. It seems to be suspected of causing trouble. The court has long been on guard, and some The general still wants to fight back, and wants to solve that tribe at once. But, I always feel that it is best not to fight. In every battle, it is the common people who are injured in the end."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Yes, everyone hopes that this world will be peaceful. But there will always be some warlike people who will come out to provoke trouble. War is not a war, but we must guard against it. Otherwise, our side will be affected. "

"Yes, with this, I will discuss it with the emperor when I go back. The emperor doesn't really take the lead in the battle. But the crown prince takes the lead. Oh. Xue'er, when it comes to this, you have to pay attention to your people. It's still good. But there seems to be some changes recently, which may be related to the people around him. Our relationship, it seems that this time because of your uncle's incident, it will be revealed. You have to pay attention, among the new people here, There will definitely be people from him. So, when you do things for people, you must either be more careful. Or, you are ready to stand up and go to Beijing."

"Going to Beijing?"

"Yeah. Think about it, you are such a smart person. He may only keep you under his nose, or control you for his use. With you and me as the backstage. But fortunately you still Small. If you are at your sister's age, I'm afraid you will be sent to his palace. In recent years, he has used this method to trap many people. But it has hurt the lives of many women. You are a girl. So , in this regard, you have to pay attention!"

Lian Quchen sent Liang Shengyue back to take up his post this time, and what he was most worried about was getting Xue'er involved.What this girl did was too early.Now because Liang Shengyue is more compatible with himself, he may be pushed to the front.Impossible to hide behind.In this way, for a little girl, the future is somewhat uncontrollable.

Xue Jian understood what the big brother meant, and the big brother was also worried about himself.I am afraid that I will be controlled by the prince.I was afraid that I would be used.

With a sigh:

"I haven't met the crown prince. But I have met that King Liang, and it seems that King Liang is not bad."

Lian Quchen twitched the corners of his mouth, but didn't speak.

Xuejian said again:

"Okay. I'll pay attention to what you say."

Lian Quchen nodded and said:
"Don't worry, you don't have to worry too much. There is a master. The master is our backstage protection!"

Xue Jian was stunned for a moment and said:

"Forget it, don't worry too much about things that haven't happened yet. I'd better do what's in front of me."

Lian Quchen smiled and said:

"You are very generous. But I would like to remind you that if Shi Chun is transferred to your uncle's side, there will be no one around you. But your little girl is young, so she can be trained. The people around you, let alone I can protect you, at least, I can protect myself so that I can't be held hostage by others casually."

Xue Jian sighed and said:

"Let's put it this way, I think it would have been better if I hadn't been a teacher and I didn't recognize you. I live in Shenjia Village and Liangjia Village, and I can live a good life!"

Lian Quchen laughed out loud this time, and said:

"Your iron didn't come out after you recognized us, and your threshing machine didn't come out after you recognized us. Based on these, at most two years later, you will still be noticed. "

Xuejian patted her head and cursed secretly:
"Tell you to be smart!"

"I'm still young! I don't want to go to Beijing now!"

Xue Jian repeatedly shook her head and said.

"Sometimes you can't help it! I just remind you that you have to be prepared! Of course, we will not let you suffer when we arrive in Beijing!"

Lian Quchen packed his things while talking.Load up the map.road:

"I'll go first, you don't have to worry about your uncle, the emperor sent him here, he was prepared!"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Okay! Brothers, you should also be careful! When dynasties and regimes change, some innocent people will be implicated! Capable people and famous people can protect more, and less crimes!"

"You are young! Don't think too much! Wisdom will hurt you! Your uncle has just arrived in office, and tomorrow the magistrates of the counties and some garrison generals will come, and I have to stand for your uncle. I will leave the day after tomorrow. gone."

Xuejian didn't speak, just lowered her head and sorted things out.Lian Quchen said again:

"When will Master come back? Write me a letter when you come back."

Xue Jian nodded, even went to Chen to pick up his things and left.

In the early morning of the next day, many people came to Leisurely Villa. Besides the workers, there were also familiar people like Hejia.They all came to participate in today's beam lifting.When repairing houses in rural areas, top beams are very important.Especially on the highest beam in the middle, there can be no mistakes.

Yesterday Liang Zhongqiu and the others got ready, and wrapped the plan in the center with red cloth.Old Mr. Shen took Shen Sanzhu with him, and both father and son wore new clothes.They were all put on the shelf used for building the house, and when the time came, they put the main beam lifted by everyone on it.Of course, it was others who were helping, and the two of them just made a symbolic move.

Following Liang Zhongqiu's shout:
"It's time!"

Xuejian really wanted to set off two strings of firecrackers, but it frightened these people.Xiaocao and Yueyin each carried a big basket filled with pastries and candies wrapped in oiled paper. Following Liang Zhongqiu's shout, they scattered the pastries and candies to the surrounding crowd.The children and the women were busy picking up the candies, and some women used their dresses to carry them around.

The upper beam went very smoothly.Not a single mistake, of course, this has something to do with being fully prepared.There was a big banquet at noon, and there were about ten tables full, and old Mr. Shen was so happy that he got drunk.

When it is lively here, the Futai Yamen is also very lively.I sent official documents to go to the counties yesterday, and today the magistrates and prime ministers of the counties are here.Meet the new Futai Boss.Those who are well-informed knew about it yesterday, and those who were not well-informed came to know that the Elder Son was still there.Only then did I know that this new Futai is a newly released biography!
The officials were still greeting each other outside the door, but when they arrived in the hall, they all stood aside with their eyebrows bowed.Some military officers turned their heads to look at the other side as if they were not convinced.Liang Shengyue sat in the main hall in an unfathomable manner.Even Quchen was leaning on a chair beside him, staring at his toes, as if he didn't care who came and who wasn't.

After a while, the clerk on the stage of Yuanfu came up to report that everyone had arrived.Liang Shengyue straightened his expression and sat up straight.Lian Quchen coughed in a low voice, and said loudly:
"Everyone. Now that everyone is here, let me introduce you. This Lord Liang Shengyue is the person who passed on the scientific expedition. They are his colleagues and subordinates. I was appointed by the emperor to escort Mr. Liang to his post, so I stayed here for two more days to say hello to everyone."

The dozen or so civil and military officials standing in the hall all bowed and shouted:

"I've met Master Lian Shi, I've met Lord Liang!"

Liang Shengyue also stood up, arched his hands and said:
"This official has just arrived, and there are some things I don't understand. Please give me your best advice. I am also a native of Qingyang, and my hometown is in Huishan Town. If I offend you in the future, please forgive me! This officer was ordered by the emperor to take office here, and I will enforce the law impartially from now on, please supervise each other!"

(End of this chapter)

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