farmer's daughter

Chapter 438 You have to look like a landlord

Chapter 438 You have to look like a landlord
Chapter 430 IX You Have to Look Like a Landlord

Before dawn, those who got up early found that there were only two of the four people who were still chatting and practicing in the yard last night.Lian Quchen left overnight without saying goodbye to everyone.Murong Xing also said that instead of waiting for Yue Yin and the others, he would go ahead by himself, and that it was better to go at night than in the morning.Because the Hou Mansion must have left someone here to watch him.

Of course, those people from the Hou's Mansion didn't dare to come to the door and ask Xuejian directly where he went.

After Murong Xing left, it was Qiu Yuan who helped watch the corn in the field.Sometimes Xue Jiantian replaces Qiu Yuan.It's really funny to think about it. In the previous life, this thing could be bought and eaten in the supermarket all year round, but now, it feels like there are only a few plants in the world, and this is a treasure!
Although Xuejian wanted to keep her mother, Liang Chengfang decided to go back and embroider the two large pieces she had received from Hongfu before going out.If you promise something to someone else, if you don't finish it, you won't feel at ease.Old Mr. Shen also decided to go back, because the second child was not at home, the third child was running around, and the eldest child was not up to date, so he didn't go back to watch a little bit, fearing that what happened last time would happen again.

Yue Yin's mentality is very good, seeing Xing Ni completely accepting Xue Jian's place, Yue Yin decided to go back and help her mother a little bit.Lan's health has not been so good since the last gas illness.Of course, before leaving, Xue Jian told Yue Yin about Murong Xing, and asked Yue Yin to pay attention to them.Also pay attention to whether there are any strangers who go to the village to inquire about Murong Xing.

Shen Sanzhu drove the man away, saying that he brought Xuejian's uncle over after returning. Xuejian's uncle was originally a stonemason, and what Xuejian needs most now is a stonemason.

Xuejian's house repairing has been speeded up a lot after leveling the first floor, partly because everyone has become proficient in doing it.The second reason is that the success rate of firing green bricks has increased.Now the blue bricks out of the kiln can basically pass 80.00% of a kiln.

After ten days of work, the second floor was basically completed, only the roof was missing.This is the time to test everyone again, everyone has never built such a tall house, the frame is taught by Xue Jian, tied up with some hard bamboo, everyone is standing on the bamboo frame to build the house.Now that the roof is being built, some places need to be built by people.Some people are a little scared.In the end, it was Song Gentu and Pang Panghu who went up to the roof to nail some planks, and then someone slowly followed.

More than half a month has passed, and Xue Jian is sitting on the ridge of the field looking at the corn with pink corn silk, but thinking about what the elder brother left behind, the capital is probably in a mess now.I don't know where Master is?How is Fu Jinghao now?Has the mother's matter been handled well?

Oh, Xue Jian patted his forehead lightly, he is really a hard-working person, after he calmed down for a while, he was worried about this and that.well!

"Second Miss, Second Miss. My wife is here, my wife is here."

Ban Xia ran over while screaming.Xue Jian stood up, looked at Ban Xia excitedly and smiled:

"Is my mother here?"

Ban Xia nodded and said:

"My wife is here, and my mother is here too."

Xue Jian stretched out her hand to wipe Pinellia and said:
"Let's go, then go back and have a look."

Xuejian called a boy to watch the field, and then took Pinellia back to Zhuangzi.The last time Xue Jian told her when her mother left, she will pick up Ban Xia's mother when she comes next time to have a look. It is also well written.Usually when she has nothing to do, she goes to Xiao Hu's face, because she knows that Xiao Hu can read, as long as Xuejian is not at home or is busy with something, she will go to Xiao Hu's side to learn how to read, and listen to Xiao Hu's instructions. Talk about some rules or something.

Now that Shi Chun and his wife went to Liang Shengyue's side for the time being, only Ban Xia was the only person following Xue Jian.Banxia also learned from Xuejian to get up early and run every day, and Xuejian also taught her the simplest set of boxing techniques. Of course, not only Banxia, ​​but also Xingni and Xiaocao followed her.Xuejian said that there is no reason, just to keep fit and strong.

Xingni is used to being here now, and smiles more and more every day.It seems that she is slowly letting go, too.

As soon as Xuejian entered Zhuangzi's door, she heard a loud laughter. Xuejian's foot was a little bit, she rushed in and shouted:

It was old man Mo who was talking to Liang Zhongqiu in the hall.Old man Mo then leaped towards Xue Jian and said with a smile:
"Master Shen, you have to look like a master. Ha"

Xue Jian didn't care so much, she tugged on Master's sleeve and said:

"Didn't you say that you would come back after going to play for a few days? It's been almost a month since you left."

Old man Mo laughed and said:
"I originally wanted to play for a few days, but that old man Qin insisted on competing with me. So I played for a few more days."

When Xuejian heard it, she knew that she was going to old man Qin's side, so it seems that she went to see Fu Jinghao.

The old man Mo glanced at Xue Jian's face, and sighed again:
"Oh, it's just that the child far away is sick."

When Xue Jian heard this, she raised her head and asked anxiously:
"Why is brother Yuan Zhi sick? Did he take any medicine? Did he feel better? Why didn't you take him out?"

The old man Mo's teasing eyes made Xue Jian's face turn red, and he said in disbelief:

Old man Mo accepted it as soon as he saw it, and said with a smile:

"Well, well, I mean he's cured. Good to see me go!"

Old man Mo took out another small wooden box from his arms and said:

"For you."

Xuejian took it and put it in her sleeve pocket, then turned around to say hello to her mother.This time Liang Chengfang listened to her daughter and planned to live here.He also agreed with Chengwen that he will take over Chengwen next month.In this way, the family can probably reunite for a while.

Shen Chengwu can run around everywhere, and every time he sees Xuejian, he calls "Xuexue".But he always calls her sister Xiaocao, not Caocao.Xue Jian loves to punish him when she is free.He didn't cry, he got up after falling and still ran after Xuexue.

After old man Mo went to check the construction of the house behind, he said to Xue:
"I'd better go to the field, I still like it there. Be quiet. But Xue'er, I haven't eaten good food for a long time. You cook for me today, remember to give me a jug of wine."

Old man Mo flew away without waiting for anyone to answer.

Xue Jian just went to the kitchen to check what was there, thinking about cooking something for Master later.When I came out, I saw Banxia holding her mother Tweet and talking about something in the corner of the yard. Banxia was still crying.Xue Jian frowned, then walked over and said:

"Aunt Cui'er, what's the matter with you?"

Banxia rushed over and hugged Xuejian's leg and started crying.After getting along these days, Banxia Dangxuejian is the closest person.

Seeing Xuejian, Tweety turned pale, and murmured a little at a loss:

"Nothing, nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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