farmer's daughter

Chapter 441 Old Man Qin's Stinky Rules

Chapter 441 Old Man Qin's Stinky Rules

Chapter 440 Old Man Qin's Stinky Rules

When Xuejian and old man Mo reached the top of the mountain, Xuejian was exhausted and had no strength, but the scenery he saw from a high place was different.Looking at it at a glance, the magnificent rivers and mountains are everywhere, and I seem so small!Xuejian took a deep breath and shouted:
"Xuejian, Shenxuejian! Let's live this life in vain!"

After a loud shout, it seemed that all the exhaustion had been exhaled with the shout.Old man Mo looked at this little disciple, and said with a smile:
"Here, here, look here, your little husband is here."

Xuejian looked back at the bottomless valley behind her, frowned slightly and said:
"Master, it's no wonder you said that no one has been here. Look at these fog masks. I'm afraid ordinary people, even hunters, dare not set foot in them."

Old man Mo nodded and said:

"So this is the advantage of this valley. Quiet! It is suitable for people like old man Qin who don't want to ask about world affairs. I can't, I can't become a Taoist. According to old man Qin, I am vulgar! Let's go , I'll take you down."

From the start in the morning to now, the sun is almost setting, and the master and apprentice have been moving forward non-stop.It turned out that Fu Jinghao was so far away from him.I used to think that Master came and went so quickly, maybe it was very close.

Old man Mo was carrying a big bag, he carried another bag with his left hand, grabbed Xue Jian's belt with his right hand, and flew down the mountain.Old man Mo's qinggong is not at the same level as Xuejian's.Xuejian only felt that the surrounding trees were passing by quickly, but she was falling down quickly.

After passing through the thick layer of fog, the scenery below is light green.Unexpectedly, the place under these mountains is so flat!
Xuejian was finally let down by her master, and she reached an intersection at the foot of the mountain.Indeed, this is clearly the way to go.Looking at Xuejian, the season here seems to be a little later than outside the mountain. It seems that it is the beginning of spring here, and the grass and trees are just green.Everything is alive and well.There were some birds chirping.Looking up, there is a bamboo forest in front, and some roof fences can be seen faintly.Come to think of it, that's where old man Qin lived.Old man Mo patted Xuejian's shoulder lightly and said:

"Stupid? Let's go!"

Xuejian raised her feet and walked along the path, and when she was approaching the hut, she heard the sound of a piano coming from inside the hut.Quiet and quiet.Xue Jian stopped.I don't want to break this peaceful state.Old man Mo didn't care so much, he jumped up to the gate of the bamboo fence, kicked it, and shouted:

"I am coming again."

The sound of the piano in the room stopped abruptly.Only then did Xue Jian lift his heels and walked over, when he heard an old man's cold voice from inside the room saying:
"You brought someone here? Don't you know my rules?"

"Haha, if this person doesn't come, I'm afraid your little disciple will have to die!"

Xuejian walked into the small bamboo courtyard.There is a piano in the middle of the opposite room, and an old man with white hair and long beard is sitting in the middle. Although he is not happy that someone is coming, his expression is extremely indifferent.Old man Mo didn't care so much, he threw the two bundles in front of Naqin with his left and right hands.Sitting on a tuanpu on the other side, he said:

"Come here, Xue'er. I met old man Qin. He is your elder brother Jing Hao's teacher."

"Old man Qin, you can't be rude to her. This is the apprentice I love in the end. "

Xue Jian stepped forward generously, knelt on both knees and saluted:

"Shen Xue met Senior Qin!"

He also kowtowed three times, but it seemed that the old man Qin didn't appreciate it, so he said in a calm voice:
"You dare to come in, don't you know the rules here, I have no entry but no exit here."

Xue Jian pretended to look left and right, stretched out her hand to scratch her hair, looked cutely at her master, then at old man Qin, and said with a careless expression:
"But I haven't seen the rules you set up all the way. Where are you standing?"

Old Man Mo burst out laughing.Yes, I didn't see it!

Old man Qin was also at a loss for words, and said with a cold snort:

"Now that I said it, you understand?"

Xue Jianzai nodded cutely and said:

"I'm not deaf, I heard it. But senior Qin. You set up the rules unfairly. If you stand in your heart, you are restricting yourself. If you are standing outside the valley, then you are restricting a valley." Aren't you tired of restraining yourself like this all the time? Besides, so what if I know now. I only found out when I came here, and it's not my fault."

Old man Mo couldn't bear it any longer, and laughed out loud.Unexpectedly, she has been suppressed by this cold and quiet old man so that she has no strength to retaliate, but Xueer retaliates in a few words.It can also block the mouth!

Unlike old man Mo, old man Qin's expression that had remained unchanged for decades had changed this time.It's not because this little girl dared to disobey her own words, but because this little girl broke a question that she never thought of, "Stand in my heart".This word made old man Qin close his eyes silently, yes, he just stood in his heart, and the only person imprisoned was himself!
Seeing that old man Qin stopped talking, old man Mo stretched out his hand to signal his apprentice to stand up and said:
"Let's go, I'll take you to see Jing Hao, he's in meditation, it seems like he's been thinking about it for a long time."

In fact, Xuejian just replied in a matter-of-fact manner, she really didn't expect any of her words to make the old man fall into a trance after hearing it.

Xue Jian stood up.Followed the master to a room on the right, pushed open the door, and smelled a strong smell of medicine inside, Xue Jian's heart tightened, and he walked two steps quickly to enter, the room was really simple, a bamboo table, a Bamboo chairs, and a bamboo bed.An old quilt on the bed.Covered by a pale sleeping man, it was Fu Jinghao who was too thin to be human!

When Xue Jian saw Fu Jinghao's appearance, she really burst into tears. She didn't know why, but this boy made her feel very distressed!Before Xue Jian thought about it, she was destined to live a good life in this life, and she was destined to marry when she grew up, so she would choose someone she likes to marry, and choose a husband-in-law who can be cultivated to live.

It can be said that Fu Jinghao is suitable for any place. He has suffered, enjoyed blessings, and tasted separation, and he has been reborn. Under such circumstances, he is still so strong and kind.Such a person is a candidate for a husband-in-law who can be cultivated.

Most suitable, this is not my own wishful thinking, but two intentions!

But no matter what, when Xue Jian saw the current Fu Jinghao, all that was left was heartache, heartache!Still distressed!Old man Qin's stinky rules!Let brother Jing Hao live in such a simple place.Not even a spare place to sit.There are no wardrobes in the house.There are only a few clothes on a bamboo pole.Those clothes were all made by Xuejian and asked old man Mo to bring them.

Xue Jian squatted in front of the bed, and couldn't stop sobbing no matter how she controlled it.Fu Jinghao was awakened by Xuejian's sobs. He slowly opened his eyes and blinked twice, but the light in the room was no longer bright.Looks like it's night.Fu Jinghao seemed to think that he was dreaming, and someone was crying in the dream.It seems, it seems Cher.
"Brother Jinghao. Woo."

A sobbing call woke Fu Jinghao up for a moment. He closed his eyes for a while, turned his head back, and opened his eyes slightly to look.
(End of this chapter)

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