farmer's daughter

Chapter 453 Xuejian has always been very guilty from the bottom of her heart

Chapter 453 Xuejian has always been very guilty from the bottom of her heart
Chapter 450 Xuejian has always been very guilty from the bottom of her heart
After Wu Qiming and the others set up the incense burner as required, Xuejian came out in new clothes.The people who came to help with the work boldly stood in the distance and watched quietly. For them, it was the first time they saw an official from the capital, and they were people close to the emperor. According to what was said on the stage, A lot of announcements will kill the head, so let's look at it from a distance.

Eunuch Li stood up and said with a smile:

"Miss Shen, are you ready? Our family is going to announce the decree."

Except for Xuejian, everyone in the family followed behind Xuejian, and everyone knelt down to listen to the order.This was also the first time Xue Jian had seen a real eunuch and imperial decree, so she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

The imperial decree was not long, and the words were short, but Xue Jian couldn't understand some of them.But I generally understood it, and said that Xuejian brought the people in his village to fight the flood during this flood, and also provided food for the army, which was praised.Also gave some rewards, some gold, some cloth.These are not what Xuejian cares about, what Xuejian cares about is that Xuan Xuejian will go to Beijing immediately.Anyway, let's take the order first.Xuejian still took the order according to the ceremony and stood up.

Xue Jian looked at Eunuch Li who smiled very kindly, and said softly:
"Elder-in-law, I don't understand some places here, do you want me to go to Beijing right away?"

Eunuch Li nodded and said:
"Yes, Miss Shen, clean up here, I'll go to the mansion stage to announce an order, and I'll pick you up and go on the road together."

Xue Jian lightly frowned and said:

"I'm afraid it won't work."

Xuejian took a step forward, pointed at the vast farmland and said:

"Eunuch Li has always lived in Beijing, but look, now is the time to harvest, how can I leave?"

Eunuch Li took a step back and said coldly:
"Our family is also a decree, and we don't have the power to resist the decree."

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"No, father-in-law, I don't make it difficult for you. Give me three days to make sure. I have to arrange everything here. What is the purpose of this flood fight with such a wide land and so many people's rations? In order to keep these rations, this is the guarantee of survival in the coming year. Eunuch Li, this can’t be missed! You go to the government office to announce the decree first. I will find a way to explain this to the emperor, and after harvest, I will go to Beijing!"

Eunuch Li’s face changed. Before coming here, he was entrusted by the prince Lian and the princess to take care of this little girl. I didn’t expect that this girl seemed to know etiquette, but she was so indifferent. Is it important for the autumn harvest or for coming to Beijing? Holy important?This decree will be beheaded!When I left Beijing, I thought it would be a smooth errand, and I could get a good deal from Prince Lian.This didn't accomplish the work of the Holy Majesty, what's the use of begging the Prince Lian?

Eunuch Li was not happy, he snorted coldly and said:

"Our family doesn't have time to wait for anyone. I have to go back and report after the decree has been announced. Our family dare not do this to resist the decree. Our family is also dozens of years old. But we still want to keep this head! For the sake of Prince Lian, I remind you, this is really irresistible, it is not a trivial matter, it is the nine clans who are being punished!"

Xue Jian said lightly:
"Your Majesty is a Mingjun, and Mingjun is naturally reasonable. With the situation in front of me, I just can't leave now. Eunuch, you go to announce the decree first. I also have to make arrangements. I know that Eunuch is entrusted by my elder brother to take care of me. I will remember the kindness of my father-in-law. But I will take care of it. I will send a letter to the capital immediately, and I am not responsible for this matter! It is not easy for my father-in-law to take a trip in this hot weather. This is Xue Er's filial piety Father-in-law's tea money, please forgive Xueer for not being polite!"

As Xue Jian said, she handed a purse to Eunuch Li's hand. Eunuch Li shook it lightly, and he knew that it was not silver, but bank notes.This bank note is more than a hundred taels.Eunuch Li withdrew his hand lightly, and persuaded softly again:
"Little girl, resisting the decree is really not a joke. You have to think again. I will pass the decree first. At most, I will stay at the Futai overnight. I have to leave tomorrow. Think again. "

Having said that, he turned around and left with his men and horses.Xue Jian sighed, and immediately called someone to prepare the horse for herself, and had to trouble the messenger of the elder brother.Needless to say, Xuejian got on the horse and immediately rode to the Fucheng. Xuejian took the trail, and arrived at the Fucheng before Eunuch Li's men and horses.

Xuejian went directly to the messenger and explained her case.Immediately went to the Futai again.Xuejian went to Houya, and only then did she know that my uncle would be home in the morning.It is said that my uncle was not punished, but was promoted to a higher level.Xuejian sent someone to Xiaoma, and wrote a note to Xiaoma:
"Find a chance for my uncle to have a look. I'll wait for news here."

Pony nodded sensiblely and went in quietly.Because Eunuch Li had just arrived and hadn't sat down yet, Liang Shengyue wanted to entertain him, and sat down with Eunuch Li to talk, so there must be someone to prepare things for receiving the order, Xiao Ma is also a little clever, He used the time to serve Liang Shengyue tea and lightly gave the note to Liang Shengyue, and Liang Shengyue accepted it calmly.

"Elder-in-law, please have a drink of tea. The next official has just arrived. I'll go to the back and change into an official uniform. The clothes are a little dusty. It's necessary!"

Eunuch Li understands the affairs of the previous court very well, knowing that Mr. Liang is now a celebrity in front of the emperor, he smiled and said:

"Okay, adults do it yourself."

Liang Sheng turned around and went to the back, also wanting to change his clothes and tidy his hair.At the same time, he also opened Xue Jian's note.As soon as he saw the characters written by Xuejian, Liang Sheng frowned even more after reading what Xuejian wrote. He didn't expect that Eunuch Li went to Xueer's place before coming here. It seems that Eunuch Li was also ordered by the emperor. Go and see if Xuejian is the same as what I reported.

Liang Sheng smiled wryly, this Xue'er was getting more and more courageous, and was thinking of resisting the edict.But think about what Xue Jian said about the corn being harvested soon.This is also a big deal, and I have to think about what to do.Fortunately, Xue'er said that she had sent a message to Prince Lian.I think I will reply within two days at most, so how can I let my father-in-law stay for two more days!

Here Liang Shengyue is still thinking of a way, and Xue Jian is already doing business.Xue Jian quietly slipped to the front, saw Xiao Ma preparing tea, and unconsciously felt that something had been put into the tea.This is a bad thing, Xue Jian did it very carefully, but no one found out.

Xue Jian quietly retreated to the other side, watching Xiao Ma pour the tea for Eunuch Li.Fortunately, my uncle just went to change clothes. I think my uncle won't drink this tea, and even if he does, it doesn't matter much.Because this medicine is just to make people have diarrhea, and besides, there are not many medicines that I take.

Xuejian sneaked into the backyard again, playing with her sister while waiting for news.

Sure enough, two hours passed.I heard that the father-in-law who announced the decree was a little uncomfortable.Then Liang Shengyue spontaneously called the doctor.But the father-in-law is a bit of a clown.

Xue Jian breathed a sigh of relief.Now Eunuch will not leave, although he left Eunuch Li behind, but seeing such an old man with diarrhea caused by him, Xue Jian couldn't help but recited a few words of Amitabha, hoping that Eunuch Li would forgive him for his helpless behavior.Let's treat my father-in-law better when I have a chance in the future.

It was because of being kind to Eunuch Li later that Xuejian formed a relationship with her!But Xuejian has always felt guilty from the bottom of her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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