Chapter 455
Chapter 450 The Sixth Harvest Today

After sending off Eunuch Li, Xue Jian concentrated on serving the corn. It was the threshing machine made by that shelter this year. Xue Jian ordered ten of them in one go, and even drove them around the city in a carriage. Let everyone see it and spread the word to each other.An advertisement was sent to the Jiang family.Naturally, the next big families with Zhuangzi flocked to you, ten for you, and eight for me.Hundreds of them were bought at once.This made Jiang Jingming very happy.This money, I can count as effortless, in the past, it seemed that Xueer wanted to make money with her own fame, but now this money can be regarded as all earned by Xueer's fame. !The Jiang family respected Xue Jian even more.

Originally, the Jiang family also planned to marry Liang Shuang in the second half of this year. If nothing else, they just wanted to see Xue Jian, so they had to make a big deal of it.

Xuejian has prepared all the things needed for the autumn harvest here, and now it's up to God.I hope it will not rain during the autumn harvest.

Perhaps Xueer's daily prayers were heard by God.God really cooperated, Xueer decided to collect corn that day, not only she, but also He Yuan came to see what kind of corn it was.Xue Jian took a few girls in her own village to look around, and tied a red ribbon on a well-grown corn next to it, Xue Jian said:

"Be careful, you can't touch this tree. I'm going to take this tree to Beijing and show it to the emperor. Take these and do this."

Having said that, Xue Jian went there in person and reached out and tore open the corn husk in the corn field. Everyone saw the golden stuff inside. Is this corn?Thinking that this was for the emperor to see, no one dared to move.Even if I look at it, I only dare to look at the corn in the basket one by one from the side.

Pang Panghu and Song Gentu are also on the list, Pang Panghu said:
"Oh, my lady, this seed is so big. It's not a big nest to plant like this."

Xue Jian smiled, walked up to everyone with a corn and said:

"This, the individual seeds on it are the corn. When planting, the seedlings must be grown first. I will teach you when I plant it next year. This one can be planted in a row. This year I harvested it. These, we can grow more next year. There will be more in the next year, don’t you think it’s Uncle Dafa.”

"Hahaha, that's great, miss, no matter what we do, we will listen to you anyway. Don't you think so?"

Song Gentu also laughed and said:

"Hahahaha, of course, look at the people in our village now, which family will be hungry? Look, our little guy will be full of milk when he is born this time. It's a good day , or is it brought to us by the young lady, who should we listen to if we don't listen to the young lady?"

Starting with these two people, everyone started to say, yes, all the good days in this Zhuangzi were brought by the young lady.

Xue Jian doesn't want to accept their praises.They stared at them one by one to harvest the corn, and finished harvesting the corn.Xue Jian took a small hoe and said to the peanut next to him:

"Come, come, come. This thing has to be taken care of."

Xuejian first picked up a nest of peanuts and pulled them, but she didn't know that she hadn't pulled them up yet.Xue Jian pulled hard again, pulling herself to sit alone, making everyone around her laugh.Xuejian didn't care too much, knowing that everyone treated her as a child.Seeing herself smiling, Xue got up, shook the peanut vine in her hand and said:

"Look, this thing is called a peanut. Its seeds are here. You pull it gently, and some of them will break underneath. You see, I just pulled it hard. Look at this and it breaks inside. In this way, you can get soil. Look around slowly."

As he spoke, he handed the nest of peanuts he had picked up to Xiaocao behind him and said:
"Sister, you pick the peanuts down here one by one and put them in this small basket. There may not be many, and next year there won't be many seeds. The survival of this thing is not as good as corn."

Old man Mo stood on the side without saying a word, watching Xue Jian doing this, but seeing Xue Jian tugging and falling, old man Mo stood up and said:
"Fortunately, you have also learned martial arts, so you can't hold on to this point. Look at me as a teacher to tell you this."

Old man Mo's movements were quick, with his left hand holding his right hand, and within a short while all the lines were pulled up.Xue Jian followed behind him to pick up some loose ones, and Wu Qiming also helped to pick up some lost ones.There was a child in Zhuangzi who secretly went forward to pick up a dropped peanut, but Ban Xia saw it, and Ban Xia and Yue Wei stepped forward to stop the child.Ask the child to hand it over.Seeing that he was discovered, the child cried out in fright.

The adults of his family stood up and knelt down in fear, begging Xuejian to let the child go.Xue Jian frowned lightly and said:

"I didn't say anything, and I didn't say that I would punish him, Wei'er, just tell him to take it out, don't punish him, and don't scare him. Children, I want to see things I haven't seen before. It’s okay. Let’s take a look. I’ll peel one for everyone to see. This one still has a shell, and the inside of the shell is the seed. Some have two seeds, and some have one.”

As Xuejian said, she peeled one and showed it to everyone, and everyone saw that there were two tender white seeds lying there with red in the mud shell, which was really beautiful.Xuejian picked up one and put it in Master's mouth, saying:
"Master, try it. I can't honor you with this level of art this year. Next year, next year I will use this to serve you with wine. I guarantee that you will still want to eat it."

Xuejian put another one into the child's mouth, and said softly:

"Eat it slowly, try it, is it delicious? Next year, we will plant a lot, and then every family can eat this thing. Remember. This is peanuts. In the future, we can also use this oil to use Woolen cloth."

The child still had tears on his face, he looked at Xue Jian in surprise, Xue Jian smiled and said:

"Try it, is it delicious?"

The kid really chewed.Nodding, but the adults of that family were still kneeling on the ground, Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Auntie, get up, it's nothing. I didn't say anything, today's harvest is good. It's just that children should not take other people's things at will."

The child knelt down with a plop and said:

"Miss, I was wrong. I won't take it in the future. When I grow up, I will grow peanuts with the lady. I will grow a lot of peanuts for the lady."

Xue Jian smiled and nodded.Everyone is watching.So other children dare not come forward to get things from others.Although Xuejian didn't scold anyone, everyone felt that they had done something wrong.

Several maids in the village helped pick the peanuts carefully one by one, and put them into the basket.Then he carried the peanuts and corn back.

(End of this chapter)

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