farmer's daughter

Chapter 468 I Mean Why Her Eyes Are Swollen From Crying

Chapter 468 I Mean Why Her Eyes Are Swollen From Crying
Chapter 460 IX I Mean She Cried Her Eyes Are Swollen
The girl next to Mrs. Gu understood Madam's heart best, and tremblingly stepped forward and said incoherently:

"Second Young Master, Second Young Master. Lead people"

Well, a sentence is not complete, but for Lord Murong, it is enough.He lowered his waist and hugged his wife.He said he would take it to the medical clinic, but Mrs. Gu woke up in time.Shaking his head wisely, he said:

"No, Lord Marquis, the family ugliness must not be publicized. Let's go back home. However, Hong'er's nanny may be seriously injured!"

Lord Murong turned his head to look at the nanny who was still unconscious over there.Turning to the next human said:
"Send the nanny to the clinic over there. I'll take my wife and the third son back home."

As he spoke, he picked up Mrs. Gu and got into the waiting carriage of the Hou Mansion.The shopkeeper looked at it and shook his head.He didn't say anything, but after confirming all this, Mrs. Gu fell into Master Hou's arms and pretended to faint.

Back at the Hou Mansion, the Hou Mansion was naturally full of chaos.It is necessary to ask the imperial doctor, but to invite the imperial doctor, the wife must get the brand.The madam kept going back and forth, but she wasn't there, she either went to the kitchen or went to check the account.Or maybe Madam is asleep and dare not wake up!Anyway, it took two hours to get the brand.The girl had to go to count Lord Hou again.Lord Hou was in a hurry.Then I heard that Madam took Joe at this time.This is not to kill people.In addition, Gu's nurse was crying to Lord Hou, saying that Madam wanted Gu to die on purpose.This made Lord Hou furious!Immediately rushed into the main courtyard.Seeing that Madam really didn't get up, he raised his hand and gave Madam two slaps.Then he took the sign and left.

In fact, this confuses the lady.Madam's nanny deliberately refused to give it, so she never called Madam or told her about it.I didn't expect Master Hou to be so ruthless.And there is Miss Murong Shan who sleeps on the wife's bed.Murong Shan was completely frightened and burst into tears.No one can coax.

The nanny didn't like it, so she immediately called a big girl and asked someone to notify the son to come, and went to the Buddhist hall herself to invite the old lady to be the master!

The old lady of Murong's family has been a vegetarian since her daughter's family had an accident, and she chanted scriptures in the Buddhist hall every day. She knew a little about family affairs, but she left it to her daughter-in-law and never cared about it.Now that the nanny came over to tell the story, the old lady was blind again.He asked the nanny to help him go to his daughter-in-law's room.This daughter-in-law, the old lady, is distressed.She has seen everything her son has done these years.The daughter-in-law has no family members.I have always treated my daughter-in-law as a daughter.But now alas!
When the nanny helped the old lady to the lady's yard, the eldest son Murong Bo also came.Coaxing my sister.Or Murong Shan just kept crying and crying, not saying anything or listening to coaxing.And the mother seemed to be dumbfounded, staring at the roof in a daze, without saying a word, only crying.

Murong Bo had no choice but to carry his younger sister out first.The younger sister kept crying there, and the mother was even more sad. Look at the palm prints on the mother's face.Murong Bo's eyes showed a stern look, this family, he has had enough!It's still the second brother Xiaoyao.

Madam Hou on the bed, now her heart is ashamed!Never have I been so hopeless!When the old lady came, she didn't move a bit, and she didn't want to get up to salute.This home is really boring!The home I maintain with all my heart, and the children I take good care of with all my heart!After that, what about the children!
After the old lady questioned her several times, the girl outside the door didn't know what was going on, and there was no girl inside, Madam Hou didn't speak, and Murong Shan could only cry.The old lady is also anxious!I had to ask someone to go out and find out what happened today.Finally, the nanny who took care of the old lady said:

"Old lady, you didn't see, there are two big palm marks on the lady's face!"

The old lady said in surprise:
"Who! Who dares to hit Yu'er!"

Everyone didn't speak, but the old lady also knew that the only person who dared to beat his daughter-in-law, and who could make her so sad, was the son who didn't live up to expectations.If he wasn't the only son like him, the old lady really wanted to take away his position!
After a while, Mrs. Hou's nanny came in crying and knelt down and said:
"Old lady, old lady, you have to decide with our wife. I just went to inquire. Over there, the lady was asked to get the sign of the imperial doctor, and the lady was taking the young lady to take a nap. I blocked it. Said that the lady was asleep, wait Madam woke up and called Madam. Unexpectedly, Master Hou would come. After beating Madam, he took the sign and left. The servants inquired. It was the one over there who met the second young master on the street. The second young master brought his friends, She insulted the second young master, and the second young master's friend hit her on the mouth!"

When the old lady heard it, it was such a simple matter.I slapped my mouth and asked for a doctor!The old lady was very angry.cried:
"Bo'er, go and call your second brother back and ask what's going on!"

Murong Bo said:

"Okay, grandma, I'll go find my second brother, but you can't leave mother, I'm afraid of her"

Before finishing a sentence, Murong Bo choked up.The old lady said:

"Okay, you go, grandma will not leave here, and no one will hurt your mother!"

Murong Bo went out.He came back and picked up his sister and said:

"I'll take my sister away so she won't see these disgusting things!"

Murong Shan, who was tired from crying, fell asleep.Murong Bo picked up his younger sister and left.

Murong Bo thought that the relationship between the second younger brother and the eldest son was so good.There is also a younger junior sister who is about the same age as her younger sister.It's better to put the younger sister here, at least, there is the second brother.My younger sister has a good relationship with my second brother since I was a child.

When Murong Bo came to the door, Murong Xing was quite angry. When he heard the message from his servants that Murong Bo had come, Murong Xing immediately wanted to rush out to have a fight with his brother, but it was Xue Jian who stopped him.He wanted to break free from Xue Jian's pull.But he didn't want to encounter Xue Jian's injury.When Xuejian came back from the wound on her hand, she found that it was still very troublesome, because a stone and sand had been pressed into the wound.In the end, the silver needles used by the imperial doctor were picked out one by one, which made the princess very distressed.Xue Jian couldn't help it, and even cried.

This was enough to make Murong Xing feel distressed.Now my brother has to come to question him.Murong Xing feels sad for his family!But Xuejian said to the girl who sent the message:
"Go and invite Prince Murong to come in and talk."

After a while, Murong Bo came in with Murong Shan in his arms, and looked at Murong Shan.Murong Xing completely forgot about his dissatisfaction with his elder brother, and hurriedly stepped forward to pick up his younger sister, saying:
"What's the matter?"

Murong Bo held his breath, first he had to meet the princess.The prince hasn't come back yet.Murong Bo also saw Xue Jian standing beside the princess, and also greeted Xue Jian, but saw Xue Jian's swollen face and hands wrapped in cloth.Murong Bo probably guessed what was going on.Presumably that person hurt Miss Shen, so the younger brother beat her.Murong Bo sighed, but still stood up and said:
"She was asleep."

Murong Xing looked at his elder brother, rolled his eyes and said:

"I still can't tell she's asleep? I mean, why is her eye swollen from crying?"

(End of this chapter)

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