Chapter 474
Chapter 470 Five

What the princess said made Xue Jian very angry.It seems that he is still the pork delivered to his door, making people pick the fat and the thin.Xuejian replied coldly:

"If the prince and concubine have nothing else to do, Xuejian will leave!"

The prince moved a bit, sat up straight and said:
"Miss Shen, don't get me wrong. I don't mean anything else, I just think of you at such a young age, it is very rare to have such thoughts. The girl has suffered enough at home since she was a child. Life in the capital will be different in the future. The Crown Princess has no other intentions. She just wants to love the girl well and keep the girl in this palace. No matter what happens in the future, you will enjoy the glory and wealth. How is this bad? Of course, you are still a little girl, It's useless to tell you about it, your family has a family member, so I will find someone to send a message."

Xue Jian was dumbfounded, this prince is too self righteous.Does this mean that Xue Jian was left behind?
Xue Jian was very speechless, this couple is also a perfect match.To be the master of others is to really treat yourself as the emperor.

Xue Jian lightly lowered his head and said:
"Thank you for the kindness of the prince. Xuejian was born into a peasant family, so he is not afraid of hardship. Xuejian is a poor man, but he can't enjoy the blessings of this heavenly family. As for our family, I am the head of the family. Some things are still young , It is too early to say these.”

Seeing that his kindness was rejected by Xuejian, the prince was not happy in his heart.road:

"Miss Shen, don't talk big when you are young. You are the family. You are not afraid of being laughed at by others. It depends on how talented you are. Anyone who can think of making these things is definitely not a fool. Gu I also pity you, don't know what is good or bad!"

Xue Jian didn't speak anymore, but just stood aside with her neck stiffened.He didn't even look at the prince.The Crown Princess can't bear this anger, all the women in the world, except the queen above, are the highest-ranked.This damn girl doesn't give face at all.

The princess suddenly threw the cup to the ground and shouted:

"Come here! This girl has offended me. Take her down for me. Lock her up first."

Xuejian stared at the princess with fiery eyes, and said sharply:
"Crown princess be careful! You should think about it. Is it really good to lock me up? I also promised the emperor to go to the palace tomorrow."

The princess paused.The prince changed his face and said:

"Look at you, she's just a child, so it doesn't matter if she accidentally broke your teacup. What's the point of getting angry?"

Is this trying to find a way for the princess to step down?The princess stared and said:

"Today, I'm going to imprison her. She is a demon girl, so young, so many strange ideas. Some people say that she came back from the dead, who knows what kind of demon she is! You see, the emperor meets her once. The second time, I was fascinated by her! Prince, I am also doing this for the good of the dynasty. Such an evildoer has appeared! What are you doing here!"

Xue Jian was startled, then stared back calmly, looked at the princess and said:

"In broad daylight, does the Crown Princess insist on accusing me of a crime? You can ask my master and brother, they have met Xuejian's family members and hometown people from Xuejian. Let's see where Xuejian is. Can you become a monster? Xuejian is a person who hurts others? Xuejian has never done anything to offend his conscience since he was a child. Even if the gods are not there, I still have my master and senior brother!"

Xuejian was furious.This princess is too capable.I think I was too early.And the eldest brother is not very close to the prince, so the princess has taken care of this, thinking that she is the weakest, so she wants to use herself.

Xue Jian mentioned the master and the elder brother, which also gave the prince some weight.The Crown Princess didn't play the cards that they had discussed first, she just wanted to keep Xue Jian to promise wealth, and the girl who wanted to come to the country had never seen such a good life.If you hear that you can stay in the palace, then why don't you just come here.With this girl in hand.Then he's afraid that Lian Quchen won't rely on himself?I heard that Lian Quchen doted on his little junior sister very much.

But I didn't expect that this princess had never seen Xuejian before, so I thought she was just a rustic girl.Did not expect to see snow.Xuejian is a beauty embryo.This made the princess, who was always jealous, unhappy.The unhappy princess naturally didn't play her cards according to the script.Taking advantage of Xue Jian's refusal, he made trouble.

Then I know that this girl looks small.I didn't expect it to be a tempered one.The crown princess is really annoyed, so she still cares about the prince.But the prince had to be careful.Originally, I didn't think that since I was named the prince at the age of ten, I knew that the position would belong to me in the future.But I didn't expect that after the Chinese New Year last year, I don't know what happened.The father asked his younger brother, Prince Liang, to come to the court to listen to the government.If you want him to go to work, he has to come to work.

Does this mean that Liang Wang should learn something?So the prince suddenly tightened up.You have to pay attention to some changes in the court.You can no longer act casually like before.You can't offend the ministers at will.Especially a courtier like Lian Quchen.

Of course, the prince can still discuss these matters with the princess, because he knows the princess's temperament.If the Crown Princess finds out, the Crown Princess may not do anything.It was the same back then, and the queen mother was grateful to the mother of the crown princess for helping her back then, so that she could gain a foothold in the middle palace, so she arranged this marriage for the crown prince. There is nothing to say about his family background, but this person's ability is still related.This princess is still sitting still, she is not bad, that is to say, she can see it, but she only needs to open her mouth.You know, this is not a good relationship.

The princess doesn't care about it, but the prince needs to care about it.The prince coughed heavily, glared at the princess, and said:
"Miss Shen, go back. The Crown Princess didn't mean anything malicious, but she just believed some servant's rumors. Miss, don't mind. You can go back first."

The prince knew that the girl had to be sent out, otherwise, what the princess would do would end badly.With the prince, Xue Jian also heaved a sigh of relief.She also doesn't want to fight hard with the princess.

Xue Jian came out of the Prince's backyard, while Shi Chun and others were still waiting on the porch in front.Shi Chun looked at Xue Jian's expression sour, he bit his lips tightly, his eyes seemed to be on fire.But it's not easy to ask anything here, so I followed Xuejian out of the East Palace in a hurry, got in the carriage from my family, and hurried back to the princess mansion.

Xuejian got off the carriage, without saying a word, rushed into her room, slammed the door, threw herself on the bed, and burst into tears!She didn't expect that the people in Tian's family were so uncultivated and tolerant. If she hadn't proposed a senior brother, she might not be able to get out of the prince's mansion today.But if I stay in this capital, I'm afraid I'm going to cause trouble for the elder brother.For myself, I shouldn't have come out too early!

(End of this chapter)

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