farmer's daughter

Chapter 476 Give him the crown prince

Chapter 476 Give him the crown prince

Chapter 470 Seven
Hearing this, the prince looked up to the sky and sighed, thinking: Where did he find such a stupid person to be his princess?Without Concubine Liang, it is also an opportunity for King Liang to recruit another capable person to be the head of the country!The previous Yue family didn't dare to say anything, and had to follow him wholeheartedly!That is another force!Although Liang Wang didn't see any action now, he was indifferent to all the officials.But who knows what's behind the scenes.Thinking about it, it's time to step up the investigation of Liang Wang's mansion.

The prince didn't want to talk to her anymore.With a sigh:
"If you still want to be a princess, prepare some gifts for someone to send to you immediately. Just say you like that girl and want to adopt her as a righteous daughter."

Some people say that a shrewd person all his life often does one thing wrong, and then everything is wrong.This is how the prince is now.He has always been recognized by everyone with his prudence, and he works hard with his father.He never does things out of the blue.It can also be regarded as a diligent royal child.Only in the last few months, the emperor brought Liang Wang to the court.Although the former younger brother, King Liang, was still so pure and simple, he had always been obsessed with collecting flowers and birds. Together with his Princess Liang, he made the Prince Liang's mansion look like a big garden. As long as you can name the famous flowers Grass, Liang Wangfu basically has it.

But now that Concubine Liang died of illness, the emperor may have invited Liang Wang to the palace to comfort Liang Wang.Listen to participate in politics, this makes the prince feel like a thorn in his throat!In addition to those officials who have been following him, some of them were originally the kind of people who only followed the emperor, but now some have become vacillating.Prince, I am in a hurry.When people are in a hurry, they will come up with some strange ways, for example, they want to keep Xue Jian, who is now popular, as a daughter-in-law.

In the end, when the Crown Princess told this matter, the Crown Princess didn't care. In her opinion, her son will be the Crown Prince and the Emperor's man in the future. The wife he chooses is not only for beauty, but also for a good family. Only then can it be helpful, but what the crown prince said now is only in the early days, and it is not certain whether she made those things.Therefore, the Crown Princess didn't care at first, and then she saw that Xue Jian was a beauty.If this causes trouble in his son's backyard in the future, the Crown Princess would like to show her off.Unexpectedly, it caused trouble!

The prince also knew it in his heart.If you go to make an apology, you should not be forgiven.It's done poorly.But if you don't go, you can't do it.It's not easy to mess with Lian Quchen.Don't others know that you don't know?The emperor trusted him in many things, and arranged for him to do some confidant matters. Although his official position in the court was not high, the emperor could not depend on his liking!

In fact, the prince still doesn't understand how this Lian Quchen caught the eyes of the emperor.Originally, the vicious reputation of this man when he returned to the city made many people afraid to make friends with him, but I don't know what about him attracted the emperor.Only once, I heard that the emperor cared about Lian Quchen's master occasionally.Therefore, the prince speculated that the emperor liked Lian Quchen because of his master.

The princess was frightened by the prince's words, so she ordered someone to prepare some gifts, and then asked her nanny to deliver them.In the Princess's Mansion, because of Xue Jian's bad mood, the entire mansion was a little depressed, and the things sent by the East Palace were still entering the gate, but the housekeeper, the eldest grandson, blocked the door.It is said that the master is not at home, so it is inconvenient to receive gifts.Please also take it back.

This nanny is not happy, her master is the princess, and here comes a gift for you, you are not good.Isn't this shameless? Besides, on the way here, I met two familiar nuns, and told others that I was going to the princess's mansion to give gifts, saying that it was because the prince and princess had no daughters and wanted to accept that It hurts Miss Shen to be a foster daughter.

It's all said and done.If this gift can't be given away, what will the master say in the future?Nanny said:
"Then why don't we send it in, leave a post and leave."

"I'm sorry, our girl is in a bad mood, and the master has taken her out of another courtyard. I don't know when she will come back. Let's talk about it when I get back, lest the master say that I am collecting things randomly!"

The housekeeper, the eldest grandson, was also here. As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and closed the door.Mammy was so angry in her heart, her face changed again and again, and she said bitterly:

"Go, go back!"

Mammy had to take people and things back.When the princess found out, she was so angry that she dropped a glass, but what can I do, she made it clear that she just won't forgive you!
Lian Shizi's family and Xue Jian are now in the backyard, needless to say, Lian Shizi ordered this matter to continue.How could the eldest grandson housekeeper decide for himself, but after the eldest grandson housekeeper knew that it was Miss Shen who was humiliated by the prince's family, he was also very angry.The little girl has never regarded herself as a master here, and she is very flattering when she calls the housekeeper of the eldest grandson, who is also the uncle of the eldest grandson, the eldest grandson.But I don't want to be looked down upon by them like this.

Speaking of the Murong family, now is the bleakest time.Because of the queen's edict before, although the emperor didn't increase it later, everyone knew that the Murong family probably didn't have any good fruit to eat.If the old lady hadn't just passed away.Maybe the family is gone now.

It was exactly like this, each household only sent someone to give a gift, and it was really rare to say that there were very few people who came to express their condolences in person.As a result, the funeral of this Mrs. Tai became the most deserted Houmen funeral in the capital!And the most uncomfortable person in this family is Murong Ming, the current Marquis.Seeing Murong's family suddenly become like this inexplicably, the pain in my heart is self-evident!

Now that the family is not married, the children ignore him.My father was locked in the study all day long and couldn't come out.In addition to dealing with the funeral with the housekeeper, Mrs. Hou went to read scriptures.It is said that I need to recite more scriptures so that I can write silently to the queen after the funeral!

After finally sending Mrs. Tai up the mountain, all three Murong Bo brothers and sisters lost a lot of weight.There are bloodshot eyes.Only rested for one night.Murong Bo came to the study again, but the old Hou Ye didn't open the door, so Murong Bo knelt outside the door and said:
"Grandfather, I also ask grandfather to write a letter to withdraw my son from this world."

Lord Murong Hou, who happened to come to see his father, also heard it.Can't help but get angry again, scolding:

"Are you still making trouble? If it weren't for your brother making trouble, would the family be like this? Would your grandmother leave?"

Murong Bo raised his head coldly and said:
"Hou Ye must speak with conscience. Is Xing'er and I causing trouble? Xing'er is not at home, you are the one who ruined this house! If you didn't favor that woman to be lawless, would this be possible? You are not Do you want to make up for your youngest son? I will give you a chance to give him the throne. I don’t want it. My mother doesn’t want it either! My brother and I can afford my mother!”

"Evil son!"

(End of this chapter)

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