farmer's daughter

Chapter 479 Another imperial decree?

Chapter 479 Another imperial decree?

Chapter 480 Another imperial decree?

"Master! It's not that I have an opinion, it's Xue'er. Xue'er doesn't want to stay in this imperial city. She said she still wants to go back to Qingyang!"

Even Quchen knew this little junior sister.The little junior sister likes to be quiet and quiet, and doesn't want to live in this capital city.If Master forced her to arrange it like this, I'm afraid she would cry even more.

Old man Mo glared at him and said:

"You think I don't know! I just want to give her an identity so that others don't bully her casually! She just goes back to Qingyang, it's a big deal. I'll move the Prince's Mansion to Qingyang!"

Old man Mo snorted the guide.Looking back at the emperor, the emperor frowned slightly and said:

"Uncle, have you thought about it? I thought you would adopt one from the royal family. If you are sure that it is Miss Shen, then I can only decree to be the princess. But Qingyang is You'er's food town, I can’t give it to Miss Shen anymore. I can only find another house for her.”

"What princess! Prince! Could it be that my title will be lowered if I am not here? I will give her the title of prince! Don't worry, only your dynasty takes advantage of her, and she doesn't eat your things. Hmph, neither Look at how many benefits she has brought to you recently? How dare you care about it! If it weren't for your prince, would I need to come here? Do you think I care about your title. If you want to do it, the emperor back then would not be able to do it To your father!"

Old man Mo immediately gave Dongfang Ya a slap in the face. Fortunately, everyone in this room is his own. Even so, Dongfang Ya's face turned red and white. uncomfortable.But just now my uncle said it was because of the prince.Dongfang Ya turned to look at the prince.The prince's face turned pale, and he knelt down with a plop.How could he have thought that Xue Jian's identity was this.Let's not talk about becoming a prince or not, he is the disciple of the great-uncle, and his seniority is higher than that of his father!what did you do
The prince is so regretful that his intestines are green, and he wants to kill himself!But is there any way.I can only admit it.The prince lowered his head and said nothing.The emperor said angrily:

"Tell me, what did you do? I respect Miss Shen very much. Didn't you see it? Why did I let her enter the hall as a girl? Doesn't this mean that she has a special status?"

How could the prince dare to speak, and he didn't dare to get up when he bent down, yes, he was deceived by the lard!How to do?
"What did you do? Your son, you want my disciple to be his son, your grandson, as a concubine. If you don't agree, you are going to be locked up. My girl's eyes are swollen from crying. She is crying to go back to Qingyang now." Yes. In this imperial city of yours, she will be afraid if she stays there! She is a prince or a concubine. If I stand on my knees, I will kneel, and my girl will have to say that I made those things for her."

Lian Quchen twitched the corner of his mouth, this master really added fuel to the fire.Now the prince is in trouble.

The emperor's face flushed with anger when he heard old man Mo's words. He didn't understand what the prince was thinking.Don't you just want to win people over?
The emperor was so angry that he didn't know what to say.Walking back and forth two steps, said:

"You, go back to the East Palace immediately, and you and your concubine are forbidden to walk in the courtyard for a month. Think about how to be a person, how to be a prince, and how to be an emperor in the future!"

The prince choked on the ground with his head and kept knocking.I have to thank you.To outsiders, this is a punishment, but to the prince, it is too heavy!Not being able to see foreign ministers for a month can change a lot of things!
When Liang Wang sighed in his heart: that little girl, when I saw her for the first time, I felt that she was very brilliant, but I didn't expect that she had more than this side.Really capable, I don't know which eye my elder brother is blind.Let others be his son's concubine!well!
"Uncle, if this is a prince, it will be listed first. There is no female prince in our dynasty!"

Old man Mo waved his hand and told Lian Quchen and Liang Wang to go out.The emperor also asked the prince to go out first.Everyone is out.Old man Mo whispered to the emperor for a while.The emperor was silent for a long time, then nodded.

As soon as the prince came out, he looked lost, and then he thought of something, and went straight to the East Palace.Only Prince Liang and Lian Quchen exchanged glances after they came out, and then they parted in silence.Even Quchen went directly back to the princess mansion.

Even when Qu Chen went back, he saw Murong Xing also coming.It turned out that Murong Xing thought about it and sent his sister here.Let my sister be happy.Second, I asked my younger sister to accompany Xuejian. I didn't expect to find out that Xuejian was angry with the prince when she arrived.Murong Xing was also angry.I heard that Master went to vent his anger.Just sat down and waited.

Master didn't wait to come back, but when he came back, senior brother hurriedly stepped forward and asked:

"How is it? Master has entered the palace? Have you vented your anger on Junior Sister?"

Lian Quchen drank the tea and said:

"You just wait. This tone made Master pay too much!"

In fact, even Quchen didn't expect it, he just knew that Master had a relationship with the emperor in the palace, but he didn't know the exact relationship.Now I know, but I was shocked!That's no ordinary relationship!Quiet, I need to be quiet!

Even Qu Chen didn't say anything, which made Murong Xing very anxious. Murong Xing was always impatient.Then he will be even more anxious!Turning around the elder brother said:
"Eldest brother, tell me, tell me!"

Lian Quchen was annoyed by him, stretched his hand over his head, and whispered in his ear:
"Junior sister will be crowned prince!"


Murong Xing sat down on the ground, thinking about it, maybe he heard it wrong just now.Busily stood up again and asked:

"you mean"

The last two words were not uttered, but Lian Quchen nodded.Murong Xing hurriedly grabbed the back of the chair and said:
"What's going on? What's going on?"

It's like losing your soul!Lian Quchen shook his head, and ignored this idiot-like little junior, and went to see his son and little daughter first.Oh, by the way, wash your hands and change your clothes first.The little junior sister said that the clothes that just came back from the outside may have been stained with other unclean things.Go change your clothes and pick up the baby.

Xue Jian and Murong Shan who came here also became friends a few days ago, so they became friends.The two sat together and chatted about their recent unhappy things.Murong Shan knew that Xuejian was her elder brother's junior sister, and she didn't hide her family affairs from her, so she told Xuejian about her own family affairs. Xuejian also felt sorry for her heartless little senior brother. Such.But now it's all right, the bad woman has been taken away.

But Murong Shan doesn't think so.Murong Shan said that the house is very chaotic now, the main reason is that her father is a little crazy now, thinking about getting that girl out.Father now also dislikes the three brothers and sisters, and thinks that it is because of them that this happened, especially with the second brother, who has become an enemy.

Xue Jian was thinking about how to comfort Murong Shan when the eldest grandson housekeeper ran in and said:

"Miss, where is my miss, go and change quickly. I'm about to receive orders!"

"Ah! Another imperial decree?"

Xue Jian is very disgusted with any imperial decree now, it seems that a royal summons can determine a person's fate.But being born here, I have to obey, if I am alone, I can be tough.One life, but now there is more than one life related to me!So, just obey.

(End of this chapter)

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