farmer's daughter

Chapter 481 The Dynasty Lost a Prince Rong

Chapter 481 The Dynasty Lost a Prince Rong
Chapter 480 The Second Dynasty Lost a Prince Rong

Xue Jian knew that the master was deliberately arguing, and wanted to calm herself down.Xuejian wiped away her tears, took Master's clothes and went back to the house. Everyone came to congratulate Xuejian on becoming the first female prince of the dynasty!But Xue Jian clearly felt a kind of isolation.Just because of this title, the most obvious one is Murong Shan. Murong Shan is standing a little far away now, and she is no longer the Murong Shan who is whispering next to Xue Jian.

Xue Jian sighed, she managed to make a friend who was about the same age, did she lose her title because of this title?Xuejian also felt uncomfortable in her heart, she smiled and said to everyone:

"Don't be like this, Master said, I'm still the same as before, I still want to go back to Qingyang to farm. I don't want everyone to think that I have this title and stay away from me!"

Murong Xing stepped forward first, put his hand on Xue Jian's shoulder and said:

"How can it be. No matter what you do, you are my little junior sister. You can't stay away. Who will make delicious food if you stay away?"

"Ah! I only exist to cook for you? Get lost!"

Everyone laughed!Only then did it return to the way it was before.That night, Xue Jian was taken away by her master.Old man Mo brought Xuejian to a large garden house and said:
"Look, this is my Prince Rong's Mansion, come, I'll take you around!"

Old man Mo walked slowly in the courtyard with Xue Jian.Although someone was ordered to start cleaning Prince Rong's yard during the day, but because it just started, there was nothing.So no one is inside.

Old man Mo took Xuejian with him, pointing to everything and telling Xuejian, all recalling some of his past events.From time to time, I stand for a long time in some places and sigh.

By the way, this Prince Rong's Mansion is really big!After walking for a long time, I came to the backyard.But old man Mo only stood at the door of the backyard and said:

"Basically, I have never been to the backyard. It has not changed, and now I don't want to go. You can figure it out later. How to rectify it, we can talk about it later."

After a walk down.Xuejian also knew a lot about old man Mo's past, so the respect for old man Mo in his heart naturally increased a lot.

Old man Mo took Xue Jian back to the princess mansion, and put Xue Jian directly at the door of his room.Then turned and floated away.Looking at the master's back, the snow-white hair fluttered with the wind.Xuejian is not very good and wants to cry.

Old man Mo's surname was not Mo, but his mother's surname that he used when he was walking on the rivers and lakes.He named himself Mo Zicheng.And his true identity is a member of the royal family.The person who established the dynasty of the Dongfang family was his father, and he was the one who followed his father on the battlefield since he was a child.In establishing the Eastern Dynasty, he made great military exploits, but in the end, he gave up on being in charge of the Dynasty.

When his father established the dynasty at that time, because of his military achievements, he was directly named the prince.And he has an elder brother, who has been weak and sick since he was a child, so he has never been on the battlefield. The elders of the Murong family, the Qiu family, the Fu family, and the Lian family were all brothers who followed old man Mo, and they were all named marquises in the end.

Therefore, these Hou families all supported old man Mo back then.However, two days before being sealed, old man Mo drank with a few people who were sealed and returned to the palace.Because of dizziness, she accidentally went the wrong way and walked to the residence of the queen mother. Just as she was about to go in to greet her mother, she accidentally heard the conversation between her mother and father outside the door.The mother was worried, worried that the old man Mo's contribution would be too great, and it would be detrimental to her brother.But the father was silent for a while and said:
"His contribution is great, and he is not afraid to fight back. If he is not established as the crown prince, those meritorious Hou families will not accept it. We can only establish it first and then slowly, step by step, suppress those Hou families. Go down. If those people are all twisted together, the dynasty of the Dongfang family may not be stable!"

When old man Mo heard that, his heart was as cold as ice.Turn around and leave.I went back and sat in meditation all night.Hair turned gray overnight!When my entourage came in to fetch water to wash himself in the morning, they were all startled.Old Mo's hair was loose.Laughing loudly, he went to court, but he was also late.The emperor was a little unhappy at first, but when he saw that he was late and disheveled, his face turned dark.

The old man Mo went up to the court like this, so he was naturally pointed out by everyone. In addition, his hair turned white overnight. Although he was not completely white, for a young person, it was surprising that his hair turned gray like this.Especially the worry of the few Marquis is hard to express.

Old Man Mo smiled unkemptly and said:

"That is to say, I drank two more glasses last night, and my hair turned gray for some reason. It's not too white. I didn't pull my hair back. Please forgive me!"

The imperial decree to announce the crown prince's position, which was all prepared, was not announced in the end.The emperor is going to scold someone before talking.How can such a person be an emperor.

As a result, after retiring from the court, the eldest brother was also worried about his younger brother, so he went directly to find his younger brother.But I didn't want to, I only found a piece of paper in my brother's study:

"Father, queen mother: don't worry, sons and ministers don't take the throne, but please treat the meritorious princes kindly. These years, they are the ones who saved my life. Did I give up theirs for the sake of my own throne?" life?"

When old man Mo's eldest brother handed over the letter to the emperor, the emperor knew why this son did this.Only then did he realize that he had heard what he said last night.But the son is gone.No matter how long they searched, they couldn't find it.When the whole dynasty discussed meritorious deeds and rewards, there was only Prince Rong who had the most military exploits.But only the Prince Rong's mansion remained.

Afterwards, the queen was always depressed because of this matter, until eight years later, when the queen was seriously ill, old man Mo returned to the palace, and at that time, he had all gray hair!

For the sake of his mother, he stayed again, but he only went to the palace to visit his mother every day, or stayed in his own Prince Rong's mansion.The queen was still worried that the son himself was sorry for him.Not even a home.He just wanted to make an appointment for him at the ministers' house, and the old man Mo was almost 30 years old at that time.I don't want to be engaged.But the queen insisted on going her own way.Said that she wanted to see her son get married before she died, the queen, based on her impression of girls from various families, betrothed a daughter of the Minister of Industry to her son.

But he didn't think that the girl was originally engaged, and she was interested in one of her cousins.But once the queen's order was announced, she dared not resist it.Still can't say no.But Tun Jin died on the night when he got married and lifted the door.And at this time, old man Mo knew that the other person was engaged to be married before.Old man Mo never got married again, and soon the queen left, and the emperor also left.The position of emperor gradually became the eldest brother of old man Mo.But as soon as the eldest brother became the emperor, he issued an edict to pass the throne, saying that he had left.Just pass the position to this younger brother!
But after the emperor left.Old Mo disappeared.From then on, the dynasty lost a Prince Rong, and the Jianghu gained an old man Mo!
(End of this chapter)

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