farmer's daughter

Chapter 483 I Will Always Be Their Child

Chapter 483 I Will Always Be Their Child
Chapter 480 I Will Always Be Their Child

Xue Jian pouted and said:

"I knew it was not so simple to give me a prince!"

Old man Mo listened and gave her a blank look.

After half a month, Xue Jian and his party finally left the capital, but think about what it will be like when they leave.Xue Jian still sighed, each family heard that the little prince and the old prince were leaving.They sent people to wait at Shili Pavilion one after another, to see them off!
When Xue saw so many people coming, she was so frightened that she shrank back into the carriage. In the end, accompanied by her little brother, Xue came out to say hello to everyone, pretending to be a child's sweet smile, and gained a lot Lady's heart!
Mrs. Murong thought for a long time before agreeing that both Murong Shan and Murong Xing would go with Xue Jian.Anyway, the family now has an extra daughter-in-law.Thinking about finishing Murong Bo's marriage in Rexiaoli.Otherwise, if you want to keep filial piety, you will make a mistake again.

Along the way, Murong Shan, who had never been out of the capital, asked few questions. At first she saw that she was still interested in answering them, but later she also got annoyed by her questions.Simply pretend to sleep.Murong Shan is like a bird released from the cage, naturally she will not let go of the opportunity, she simply said that she would not disturb Xue Jian's sleep, and ran to the front of the carriage to sit with Shi Chun.Ask Shi Chun if you have anything.

This time, there were quite a few people traveling together. When they came, there were three carriages, including the carriage for carrying things.Now go back and become a convoy.Six or seven carriages, and some riders.Other than the Mu Kongxing brothers and sisters, the people who followed Xuejian were old man Mo.

The other is Uncle Shen and the others.These few people are sitting in a carriage at the back, and they respect Xue Jian in their hearts and stay away, because I heard that Xue Jian is now the prince.This is no ordinary prince.These few people have stayed in the capital, so they naturally know what their status is.Come again Xue Jian is also big.It's a big girl.I will pay attention to dealing with them when I am outside.

There is another group of people who are helpless even when they see each other.It was sent by the emperor, a grand father-in-law Gu and a young father-in-law Lin, who said they were here to help Xue Jian with affairs.There is also a nanny and two little girls, Xuejian wants to refuse, but the contract of prostitution of these people is directly given to Xuejian, which means that these few people have nothing to do with the royal family at all, and they will be Xuejian's people in the future.

Xue Jian couldn't help it, the princess asked her to take it with her no matter what, since she is now a prince, she should have the dignity she deserves.How to live after returning to Qingyang is a matter there, but from the capital, Xuejian is a decent prince.

He refused to say that the emperor was going to give a prince-level car, which was rejected by Xue Jian, saying that he was afraid of scaring the villagers when he went back.

Of course, there are also ten guards riding horses on both sides, and these ten guards can be regarded as Xue Jian's private property.I will always follow Xue Jian.

Originally Xuejian wanted to keep them in Beijing, but they refused.Just for the sake of ostentation, they were taken away together.Secretly, Xue Jian said:

"The newly built houses I co-authored are all built for you people!"

After ten days, Xuejian and his party finally arrived at Qingyang Mansion.And because someone came to report the letter early, Liang Shengyue had also been waiting at the see-off booth outside the city early.Now this little niece is not an ordinary person, and according to the procedure, the magistrate himself has to come and pick her up.

When Xue saw a group of people arriving, she stopped the carriage.Liang Shengyue said loudly:

"Qingyang Mansion Liang Shengyue welcomes the prince back to his hometown."

Xuejian twitched the corners of her mouth twice in the carriage, sighed, got out of the carriage with the help of the girl, and said:

"Uncle, don't do this. Get up, I don't want to do these things here. The emperor said, I am still the same as before, and live the same life as before. If you do this, how will I live by myself in the future? Then I won't leave Kneel all the way."

Liang Shengyue straightened his body and said with a smile:

"How is it? Your Highness is tired from the carriage ride this time? Hahaha, your parents told you to come, I told them not to come, and wait for you at home. So, are you going to eat at my place later or go back Chuang Tzu go up?"

Xue Jian looked at the carriageway behind:

"Look, there are so many people, going to your place to eat will make you poor. Go back and eat yourself."

Liang Shengyue laughed and said:
"I can't eat enough for one meal. Don't worry, you come to eat as the prince eats, and there is a subsidy."

He said that he also smiled very unkindly.

Xue Jian sighed and said:

"Is everything okay at home? How about my little cousin? Let me tell you, my elder brother gave birth to a pair of twins. Uncle, you can't do it. You have to work hard!"

Liang Shengyue heard that the girl was neither big nor small.Raising his hand, he patted Xue Jian on the head and said:

"What nonsense!"

Seeing that everyone was waiting, Xue Jian stopped talking to her uncle and said:
"Uncle, you can take people back to the mansion too. I'll go home first. When your family comes to Zhuangzi in the evening, I'll go back and have a look. If there are so many people coming, I can't live there. If I can't, you have to give me a place. , I will repair the house again."

Liang Sheng nodded, led Xue Jian into the carriage, and went back by himself.

Xue Jian led the carriage team back to Youran Villa directly. As soon as they arrived at the villa, Xue Jian got off the carriage, and saw a beautiful big villa in front of her eyes.There are still many places that have not been repaired when we leave.Unexpectedly, when I came back, the whole manor was repaired.The walls were painted white.The eaves are all painted with red paint, which looks extraordinarily eye-catching and generous.

Xuejian liked it very much.Even the fathers-in-law and girls who got off the carriage looked at this manor in surprise, it was really beautiful.I have traveled so far along the way, but I have never seen such a beautiful house.

Both Shen Sanzhu and Liang Chengfang waited at the door with their children and family members. When they saw the carriage coming, Wu Qiming stepped forward to set up the horse stool for getting off the carriage.Xue Jianyi got out of the car.Chengwen and Yuewei came up and held their sister's hand, very happy.

Seeing a nanny behind Xue wanted to reach out her hand to stop her, Shi Chun hurriedly stretched out her hand and said:
"That's the prince's younger brother and sister. Don't treat her as a prince here, she doesn't like it!"

Lian Quchen had repeatedly told this nanny before she came, so it's okay to think about it.Lu Xuejian also said once that when they arrive at their home, they should treat themselves as members of the family, and they can't always be called by the prince and queen, but by the master.Then, life in the capital cannot be compared with here.I want to go home and live freely.

Xue Jian stepped forward and knelt down to salute Shen Sanzhu and Liang Chengfang. It turned out that she was the prince.You don't need to be greeted like this.Even as usual, she didn't show respect like this, but Xue Jian was afraid of what her father and mother would think.If you think you are a prince, you will have a distance from yourself.Xue Jian reassures them that she will always be their child!
Shen Sanzhu helped his daughter up, but he didn't expect that the child would become a prince once he came to Beijing!I was still thinking about not being able to come back.Unexpectedly, Xue Jian came back again.

(End of this chapter)

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