farmer's daughter

Chapter 489 Planting Corn Again

Chapter 489 Planting Corn Again
Chapter 490 Planting Corn Again
Xue Jian knew that those people had come to find him, and then ordered:
"Any strangers who come to the village and Zhuangzi, please go out. We are not a passage here, and there is no road to pass us. These days, if there is nothing to do, we will organize a few children to play at the intersection. Stop all people and cars you know coming, and report back in time."

Wu Qiming nodded and went out.Pass on everything that Xue Jian ordered.

Xue Jian saw some dark clouds in the sky.He hurriedly asked someone to take out some grass mats and use them directly to cover the ground where the seeds of rapeseed were sorted out.Because the field has been repeatedly used fertilizer.It's best not to have a heavy rain.

When I got home, I looked at today's seedlings again, and found that most of them had two leaves.This made Xue Jian very excited.

When sending off my brother-in-law today, Xue Jian asked, she wanted to buy the mountain that was connected to her Zhuangzi's land.Is it okay? I don't want my uncle to say:
"The holy majesty has already made a decree. As long as Xue Jian wants any land, as long as it belongs to the government, they all support it, and it is private. If you can buy it, you can buy it. If you can replace it with the government, you can replace it."

Hearing this news, Xue Jian was very happy.It was agreed that I would go to the government office tomorrow to get that piece of land settled.Then the mountains over there can be reclaimed and corn can be planted next year.Maybe you can try to grow mountain corn this year.

At night, when Xue Jian returned to her room, she took out a small box from her sleeve pocket.This was handed over to Xuejian by Youyou today, and the person who handed it over didn't say that Xuejian saw the box, but also knew that it was a letter from Fu Jinghao.That's right, the two of them, the master and the apprentice, have been going to the border town for more than a month, and they don't know what's going on now.I just want to ask, but I don't know where to send the letter.

Open the box, as always, there is a letter, a handmade gadget, but this time the one made for Xue Jian is not made of jade, but a string of beads made of wood.But this wood looks red, and it feels heavy in the hand.It is also a good wood if you want to come.Suddenly remembered that in Shenjia Village, I still had a set of good wood that I hadn't used yet.Just find a time to pull that thing out.

Fu Jinghao's letters are several large sheets, and I remember them all.It is very clear that they left from Leisurely Villa until now.After they left Leisurely Villa.He also bought a horse and galloped all the way to the border town.When they arrived at the border town, they realized that they had found the wrong place.The two place names have the same pronunciation, but fortunately, the distance between them is only a day away.over there.Finally met my grandfather.Naturally, the two cried bitterly when they met.

Then Fu Jinghao also said.I stayed with my grandfather.The master said that he would go wandering by himself after staying for a while, and Fu Jinghao said that life now is not much better than in the valley.He had to go to practice every day. Although he was still young, he didn't have to go, but Fu Jinghao said that he wanted to earn Xue Jian a marquis back.So I'm working very hard now, and I emphasized again in the letter that I can't let Xue Jian get engaged and get married if I don't come.As soon as he had achieved fame, he invited his grandfather to the Shen family for an engagement.

This silly boy, Xue Jian laughed after seeing it.It seems that this kid doesn't know that Xuejian is now the prince, and he is still needed to earn the title of Lord Marquis?
Xuejian thought about it and wrote back to him, and told him about her stay in the capital, and said that she had seen people from their Fu family when she was in the capital, but they were far away and had no contact with each other. .But I heard that people in the Fu family are not doing well now.The reputation in Beijing is not very good.

In the end, Xue Jian said that although he had been conferred the title of prince because of his master's kindness, he was most looking forward to the position of Lord Marquis that Fu Jinghao earned back.This gave Fu Jinghao the greatest encouragement!
After 20 days, the seedlings of Xuejian were ready for planting.Xue Jian personally took the raised seedlings with several people to plant in the field, which surprised Madam Tang and the others, who did not expect to cover the field with a roof.

It took two or three days to plant the four greenhouses.Xuejian began to sow rapeseed.The development of the mountains over there has also begun to enter the itinerary.The mountain has been bought.Murong Xing has always had an inexplicable liking for mountains, so he went to the mountain to take charge of the observation point, which is also a place connected to the deep mountains and old forests, fearing that there may be beasts infesting, Murong Xing went to look at it, Xue Jian would be happy Take it easy.

The seedlings planted by Xuejian found that all of them were alive within two days.Every day, Xue Jian took the girl to the field to have a look, and the seeds sown over there began to germinate within a few days.It seems that the germination rate is not bad, and some of them can't germinate anymore.

After a few more days, the rapeseed seedlings that came out were good or bad.Xuejian goes to the field every day, pulls out some that are too dense and plant them lightly in another place, to see if they can live.Remove the ones on the yellow leaves early, if you are sick, don't mess with the ones next to you.

Everyone can see Xuejian's hard work. These days, Xuejian has visibly lost weight.Seeing that Xuejian has lost weight.The most distressed person is of course Liang Chengfang.Liang Chengfang thought of ways to give Xuejian whole meals all day long.To make up for her.

Now Xuejian is disheartened every day.No one will think that she is the new prince when she comes!Today Xuejian is going to bring some people from the village to plow the land.Now most people in the village know how to use cattle to plow the land.For this reason, Xue Jian specially prepared four oxen and four pear heads for farming.

Today, Xuejian will plow the land, and after two days of sunning, the rapeseed seedlings will be transplanted.The recent rapeseed seedlings are growing very well, and many people have never seen them before. People in the village come to see how Xuejian does it every day.They also reminded each other to remember, because Xuejian said that this thing will be planted in large quantities from next year.Xuejian will teach you what to use it for then.

The weather is now entering the end of autumn.The corn in Xuejian's greenhouse has grown taller.But now there is less sun.In order to ensure the fruit of the corn, Xue Jian now returns the brazier to the corn field for a period of time every night.

Xue Jian also asked the women in the village to make many straw mats for themselves with the straw that came out this year.Xuejian is also planning to make four greenhouses.It's just that she's not going to use the shed to grow corn this time.Xuejian is about to plant some vegetables.Because when winter comes, everyone eats vegetables that have been marinated for half a year.It's really not tasty.

And before building the greenhouse this time, Xue Jian told everyone his purpose, because this time, besides the place planned by Xue Jian to plant rapeseed, there is still a lot of vacant land left. Although a large amount of wheat still needs to be planted, But I heard that Xuejian was going to teach everyone how to grow greenhouses, so every family reserved a piece of land for themselves to make greenhouses.

Every day, someone came to ask Xuejian how to do it.One taught the other, and in less than half a month, many sheds, large and small, appeared in the village.Of course, Xue Xue saw the most and the biggest.

Then Xue Jian asked someone to go to the boss who sold seeds in Fucheng, and bought some vegetable seeds planted in summer and planted in spring to raise seedlings, and then distributed the raised seedlings to everyone and planted them in their own fields. There will be fresh vegetables to eat at home in winter.

(End of this chapter)

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