Chapter 502
Chapter [-]: What’s Wrong With Women?
Menghe went out, Xuejian took a sip of tea before opening the letter and reading it slowly.As soon as she read the letter, Xuejian laughed, and so did Fu Jinghao. He never had any sweet words, but just an introduction to his own life.Write the daily life to Xuejian.

But after seeing the fact that he entrusted himself to find someone later, Xuejian still looked at it seriously.Thinking about it, I am not familiar with the surroundings of this prefecture city, and I am afraid that I will have to find someone who often runs around to inquire about it.After reading the letter, Xue Jian put down the letter and began to think about Fu Jinghao's current situation.Fu Jinghao understood Xuejian's thoughts, Fu Jinghao wanted to have his own ability to marry Xuejian and go home.

In the past, he was always a son of a Hou family and achieved nothing.Now after the family change, he is still shrunk in the mountains.But Xuejian is different. Although Xuejian is a peasant girl, she is now leading the whole family out step by step.Also step by step to do bigger and felt that he was much lower than Xuejian.So, this time he came out and wanted to work hard.But he didn't want Xue Jian to become a prince now, a title he couldn't match!Looking at what the letter said, it seems that he doesn't know that he has become a prince.

Xuejian thought about it, it would be better to write to him and tell him about this matter.When Xuejian thought of it, she took up a pen and wrote a letter.Just after writing a few sentences, Ban Xia's voice came from outside the door:
"Miss, it's time to eat."

Xuejian likes to finish things in one go, and replied:
"Okay, go and tell the little brothers, I have something to do, let them eat first, and I will eat after I finish my work."

Pinellia oh and left, I'm used to it, every time Xue Jian thinks of something, writes something, it's always like this.Go find Sister Xingni by yourself and leave some food for the young lady.

Ban Xia is gone.Xuejian picked up the pen again and wrote.In addition to telling Fu Jinghao that he was named the little prince, he also had to tell him why he was named.Because Xue Jian was afraid that he would be overwhelmed.I don't want to put too much pressure on him.Moreover, Xue Jian wanted to encourage him to make more achievements in the army. As long as he had confidence and achievements, he would not underestimate himself.No matter what, Xuejian still hopes that he can grow into a responsible and magnanimous man.

It was dark when a long letter was written.Xue Jian pretended to have a good letter and was about to eat, but heard a strange cat meowing again, Xue Jian rolled her eyes, every time this person came, she was afraid that others would not know that he came quietly.I do it quietly, but always make some different voices, it's hard for people not to know!

Xuejian simply sat down again, and raised her voice:

"Guardian Bai, please come in when you are here."

Sure enough, the door was open, but a person jumped in from the window. Well, I am used to this kind of appearance, but Bai Haoming turned around and walked five steps before Xuejian seriously, bowed with fists in his hands and said:

"See the little prince."

Xue Jian turned her head, looked at the person who deliberately did this with some headaches, and then pretended:

"Well, get up."

Bai Haoming got up instead, laughed and said:
"Miss Shen, I really didn't expect Yi to become the little prince. I haven't been here for a long time. I don't blame me this time. It was because I was injured last time when I went to fight with others. So I left the matter of sending letters to others." But now I'm fine. I'm here again, but I didn't want to come and you became a prince. Wow! I can't imagine it. You have become a prince. It's the first time I've heard that a woman is a prince."

Xue Jian said lightly:
"Rare is more strange, what's the matter with women? How can women be inferior to men?"

Bai Haoming is a male chauvinist, just about to open his mouth to defend, but looking at the little girl sitting calmly, he has to admit that many big men can't do what she does.She is right.Bai Haoming rubbed his nose, he couldn't argue anymore, if he continued to argue, he would be boring himself.

Bai Haoming took out a thick envelope from his arms.He handed his hands to Xuejian, maybe he didn't realize that his actions in front of Xuejian seemed very respectful.

Xuejian took the letter and said casually:

"Have you eaten yet?"

Bai Haoming's eyes lit up and said:

"Not yet."

His eyes lit up because once he came here by himself because he didn't eat, but Xue Jian made some fried rice, even though it was only served with some pickles.But that was the best meal Bai Haoming had ever time I thought it was something to eat.

Xue Jian glanced at him and almost reminded him to wipe off his saliva.He raised his voice and called out:
"Who's outside?"

Ting Lian stood at the door and replied:

"Master, the servant is here."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Go and ask the kitchen to prepare some food. It's enough for two or three people to eat. Don't want too much. I and Mr. Bai didn't eat it. Just put it in the small hall beside me. Then call Mr. Qiu and Murong." Young Master, come and accompany you.",

Listening to Lian squatting down and saluting, she answered yes and went down.

Bai Haoming found a place to sit down by himself and said:
"Young Master Qiu and Young Master Murong are here?"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Yes, they are all here. My master is also there. Do you want to meet?"

"No, no, no. I don't dare to be presumptuous in front of Senior Mo!"

Xuejian didn't pay any attention to him, just opened the letter, took out some things from the letter to read, needless to say the map, I will read it later, read the letter first.Mr. Hu is getting happier and happier now.The travel notes I write cover more and more topics.From customs, to farming and planting, there are customs and taboos.Everything is written very clearly, and everyone who has read it seems to be able to feel a kind of artistic conception of being there.Not only these, even Mr. Hu's writing style has changed because of writing these, and it has a more human touch in it.

After looking over it briefly, Xue Jian noticed something.Mr. Hu mentioned a point.Now we have gone to the east, and the entire dynasty has gone nearly three-fifths of the way. There are some fruits in various places, but some of the same fruits have different tastes in different places.This is just an emotion of Mr. Hu, saying that one side of the water and soil support one side of people.It is the same with this fruit.

see this.Xuejian thought of one thing, that is clamping.I have never done it myself, but I have seen my grandfather do it in my previous life.Maybe, give it a try?
Coincidentally, there are many fruits on the back mountain of the mountain I just bought.It's time to use it.Xuejian was thinking about this, when the dishes came from the kitchen.Qiu Yuan and Murong Xing also came over, but there was also a small follower, naturally Murong Shan.Knowing that she still has a cousin here, Murong Shan naturally dressed herself up a bit.Bai Ximing saw three people coming in.Also put away that ruffian, stood up straight and saluted the two of you.He only nodded slightly to Murong Shan.

Xue Jian put down the letter paper she was holding.Take it for a while and say:

"Let's go, let's go to the small hall to have a meal, Protector Bai, I was just finished working when you came, and I haven't eaten yet."

(End of this chapter)

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