farmer's daughter

Chapter 520 There is also a difference between Senior Brother 2 and Senior Brother 2

Chapter 520 There is also a difference between the second senior brother and the second senior brother

Chapter 520 There is also a difference between the second senior brother and the second senior brother
Duan Fei was speechless, could it be said that the master liked other cooking and food, could it be said that the master liked other people's cleverness, so he insisted on accepting disciples?

Duan Feidao:
"How about this, Xiaohui, you can go to Qingyang with us, I'm afraid that kid will be better with you here, look at us big men, we can't take care of him well."

Lu Qiuhui nodded and said:
"Okay, wait for me, I'll leave a message when I go back."

The sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes are not so particular.Lu Qiuhui's grandparents and Duan Fei's grandparents were life-and-death friends, and they both had sons at that time.Agreed to marry the third generation family.But something happened to the Duan family, except for Duan Fei who was rescued by old man Mo, everyone died.After Luqiu's family heard about it, they expressed that they would take Duan Fei to Luqiu's family to raise him.But old man Mo took a fancy to Duan Fei and took him away.Only one jade pendant was left as an engagement.

Afterwards, when Lu Qiuhui grew up, she knew that Mr. Duan, who had made her fortune in the Jianghu world, was her fiancé, so she left home alone to find Duan Fei based on her several years of martial arts practice. I want to see what Duan Fei looks like.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the rivers and lakes, he had to deal with things everywhere and take care of everything.But he didn't want to encounter a hard stubble, and he almost fell.Fortunately, Duan Fei just passed by.After saving her, when she learned that the person who saved her was Duan Fei, Lu Qiuhui was startled and terrified, and hugged Duan Fei and cried loudly, but Duan Fei didn't recognize her. Pushing her away said:
"Girls respect themselves, Duan has a fiancée."

Then, Lu Qiuhui, who was dressed in dirty clothes and had a face stained with tears, burst into tears and said with a smile:
"I'm Luqiu Hui, I came out to look for you."

At that time, in front of his subordinates, Duan Fei's face turned red up to the ears!

Lu Qiuhui remembered that scene most clearly!

After waiting for a while, Lu Qiuhui came carrying a bundle, not only carrying one, but also carrying something in his hand, which was a baby carrier.There were also some children's clothes and a small cup and spoon in the basket.

This solves the big problem.Although Lu Qiuhui has never brought up children, girls always have to be more careful.After changing the child's clothes and feeding him some water, everyone was ready to go.Put the child in the carrier, and the child fell asleep after being rocked.

The child was naturally carried by Duan Fei.Mr. Hu was sitting on a little donkey with two burdens on him, but the person who brought the child took a rest and ate something, and then followed them up.

Down the mountain, to a small town.They just bought a carriage.Then drive towards Qingyang.Along the way, they all received messages from various places in Fengying Building.According to the news, in Qingyang, people are allowed to enter but not to leave.Duan Fei didn't know what was going on in Qingyang, so he had to ask Bai Haoming specifically. After receiving the news from the landlord, Bai Haoming said that he was on his way to Qingyang. He replied happily:
"Come on!"

Duan Fei and his party entered Qingyang after some inquiries.After arriving in Qingyang, I went directly to the Fucheng of Qingyang, but I am now forbidden to leave the Fucheng.They didn't dare to enter the city, Duan Fei got out of the carriage, and when he was standing at the gate of the city watching, he saw Qiu Yuan riding out from the city.Duan Feifei stepped forward to stop him.As soon as Qiu Yuan saw Duan Fei, he got off his horse and stepped forward to salute:
"I have seen Second Senior Brother."

Qiu Yuan respected this second senior brother very much, many of his martial arts were taught by his second senior brother.Because the eldest brother is going back to Beijing.Master loves to run around, so the second senior brother took care of him.

Duan Feidao:
"I can't enter the city now. I wanted to go to the city to have a look. I don't know if my junior sister and the others are guarded in the city."

Qiu Yuan said:
"You don't need to go into the city. Junior Sister is still in Zhuangzi. Let's go, I'll take you there."

Duan flew to the next finger and said:

"There are people."

Qiu Yuan looked at the carriage and said:

"Okay, let's go, it's not far away."

Qiu Yuan brought Duan Fei and his party to Zhuangzi.Along the way, Qiu Yuan talked to Duan Fei about the little junior sister.But every sentence is praising little junior sister.Hearing this, Lu Qiuhui's heart felt sour, and she wondered if this little junior sister was so capable, would they all be moved?
When they arrived at Zhuangzi, Qiu Yuan handed the horse over to a boy.Duan Fei said:
"Is it safe? Shall I drive the carriage in?"

Qiu Yuan was stunned for a moment and said:

"Who is there?"

Duan Feidao:
"Eldest brother's child."

Upon hearing this, Qiu Yuan looked around and said:

"You didn't tell me sooner."

He turned around and ordered another boy to lower the threshold.Drive the carriage in.Then he flew in first, Xue Jian was drawing some pictures in the room, Qiu Yuan shouted excitedly:

"Junior Sister, Junior Sister, come out quickly. Second Senior Brother is here, Second Senior Brother is here."

Xue Jianfei jumped out.Looking at Qiu Yuan excitedly, he said:


"Really, I even sent the eldest brother's child here."

Before Qiu Yuan could finish speaking, Xue saw a little foot and flew out.When we got to the front yard, we saw a carriage come in and stop.

Standing in front of the carriage was a man in a thin Tsing Yi, who looked very energetic in his hard attire!Hearing the sound of Feishen, the man turned around. The real sword eyebrows and starry eyes, handsome facial features are very handsome. When he saw the little girl standing beside Qiu Yuan, he couldn't help but twitched his thin lips, a little arrogantly, and then With a little mischievous smile.

"You're the little junior sister? You're really young!"

Xue Jian stepped forward with a smile on her face and saluted seriously:

"Xue Jian met the second senior brother! There is also a difference between the second senior brother and the second senior brother."

Duan Fei was about to ask what it means that the second senior brother is different from the second senior brother, when the people in the carriage behind started to get off.

Lu Qiuhui, who was coming out of the carriage, looked up and saw a little girl, a real little girl, and she was relieved of some things that she was struggling with just now.After getting out of the car, he turned around and took the basket handed out by Mr. Hu.

Xuejian immediately noticed the basket.Seeing a white little guy sleeping soundly inside, he doesn't look very fat, but a little thinner than the last time I saw it, I think I have suffered these days.

Xuejian hurriedly stepped forward to take it, and only then happened to see the woman in red in front of her.At first glance, it looks like a heroine's dress.Xue Jian took the basket, but raised her head and shouted in surprise:

Lu Qiuhui burst out laughing.road:

"My name is Lu Qiuhui."

Xue Jian let out a cry, but Qiu Yuan behind him exclaimed in shock:

"Second sister-in-law!"


Xue Jian turned her head to look at Qiu Yuan and looked at Lu Qiuhui's second sister-in-law, was that the second senior brother's wife?Let's see Xue Jian, why didn't the second senior brother introduce it?

But he saw that the second senior brother's face was as red as a monkey's butt. How could this look like a hero in the world?Xuejian couldn't help laughing, and was about to make fun of them.But at once, he saw Mr. Hu getting off the carriage.Xueer immediately called out:
"Ban Xia. Hurry up and invite little aunt out!"

(End of this chapter)

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