farmer's daughter

Chapter 522 We Are Not Married Yet

Chapter 522 We Are Not Married Yet

Chapter 520 Three We Are Not Married
"You mean the old prince?"

Zhuang Ensheng looked up at Xue Jiandao.

"I haven't seen it, and I haven't heard that the prince has seen him."

Xue Jian pondered for a while and asked:
"Then did anyone chase you along the way?"

Zhuang Ensheng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said:

"No, but it feels like someone is protecting us. I, I'm not very good at taking care of the baby. Sometimes the baby is hungry, and I have to feed him some porridge that is coming. When he urinates, I only have to change the diaper, but I don't have time. Wet or something, the diapers were all wet, later. When I passed by a small village, I stole the pants of two other children. But I kept the money there."

Zhuang Ensheng spoke in a quieter voice, and he was also a little embarrassed.Xue Jian and the others didn't care about these trivial matters, the three of them looked at each other suspiciously, Xue Jian said to himself:
"Didn't Master go to the capital with him? After going to the capital, he knows the current situation of the senior brother, so it is impossible for him not to visit the senior brother? The junior senior brothers have gone. There is no news of the master. Could it be that something happened to the master?"

Xue Jian's soliloquy was heard by the two senior brothers.The expressions of both of them changed.Duan Fei stood up.He waved to Zhuang Ensheng and said:
"Go down and rest first."

Then he turned to Xue Jian and said:

"I only received a letter from the emergency channel used by the big brother, saying that I want to pick up this child. I didn't say anything else. I thought the situation was still within his control. Now it seems I'm afraid things in the capital will be troublesome. In this case, I will let Bai Haoming go to the capital."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Not only do you need to enter the capital, but you also need to ensure that the news channel will not be interrupted. Now it seems that no news has been sent out. And the person who sent the child out has not brought any news. I am really anxious."

Qiu Yuan also stood up and said:

"Second Senior Brother, you are here. It's better for you not to show up. Senior Brother said. For the rest of us, you'd better not get involved in court affairs. Just don't arouse others' suspicion."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Yes, you are everyone's backup. In this way, you and the second sister-in-law will live in a yard in my backyard. There are two yards left empty."

In addition to the small white building, there are four small courtyards in the backyard of Xuejian.One was used to set up traps, one was used by the parents, and two yards were left empty. They were originally built for the younger siblings, but now they are still young and live with their parents.

Duan Fei was embarrassed by Xue Jian's casual arrangement, his handsome face turned red again.Busily waved his hands and said:
"No, no, no, I can just live in the front yard. We, we are not married yet."


Xuejian looked at the third senior brother in surprise and said:
"Didn't you say she was the second sister-in-law?"

"Yes, they have been engaged since they were young. It's the first time I've seen her. I only knew her name before, but I haven't seen this person before."

Duan Feidao:
"If nothing happened, Mr. Hu and I were going to go to their house to rest for a few days before leaving, so I sent them a letter before we got there. She came out to welcome us, and the child happened to be delivered too. We changed I came to you with the idea, so she followed. We, we really have nothing to do."

Xue Jian suddenly felt that this second senior brother who was famous all over the world was so cute, and he was also shy!

Xuejian laughed again and said:

"Then you also have to live in the backyard. The backyard is the focus of our place now. Two children, one is the son of the elder brother, and the other is the child of my uncle. They are the targets of those people. How many of you live in the backyard?" Guaranteed. As for Sister Hui, I will let her live in my small building. Anyway, I am living in another yard now, because I am also their target. When you come, we can sleep soundly. "

Talking about Xuejian, she deliberately stretched her waist and said:

"To be honest, Second Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother and I haven't slept much these days."

When Duan Fei heard this, he thought about it and said:
"Okay, it's just that there are some family members living in the backyard!"

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Our family is all from the country, so we don't pay much attention. There are no front and back yards in the country houses. Besides, special circumstances are treated specially! You live in the back yard, and the third senior brother lives in the front yard."

Duan Fei nodded, yes, now is an extraordinary period.Duan Fei followed Qiu Yuan to the backyard, and Lu Qiuhui followed Shi Chun to look around. The houses and many things in the house were very strange.But it's all very enjoyable.After turning around for a while, while sitting in a pavilion by the small pool, Duan Fei and the others also came in.

"Duan Lang, come and take a look, see how many beautiful fish are raised here."

Duan Fei also entered this backyard, and he naturally felt the difference between this place and other people's yards, especially the small white building that stood out.Then there's the layout here.Very different.Hearing Lu Qiuhui call him, Xue Jian secretly found out that the second senior brother's face turned red again.I'm really sorry.What if this is in the rivers and lakes?
Xue Jian and Qiu Yuan also went to have a look, Xue Jian said:

"Sister Hui, do you like my yard here? Have you visited the small building?"

Just as he was talking, Xiaocao passed by with a few ledgers in his arms, and Xuejian called out:

"Sister, come here. Let me introduce you."

"This is my second senior brother, and this is the second senior brother's fiancée, sister Hui. From now on, sister Hui will live in my apartment in the small building."

"No, no, no! No, you are the little prince, how can I live in your room?"

After hearing Xue Jian's arrangement, even if Lu Qiuhui didn't want to deal with court affairs, she knew some rules.That's the little prince.

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Sister Hui, at home, I'm not a little prince. I'm the junior sister of the second senior brother. You can just call me Xue'er. The little prince is an official title, and it's only used in that kind of place. Besides, this The little white building was originally prepared for our sisters, but after it was repaired, I really lived in the little white building for very little time, and I basically lived in this courtyard."

Xiaocao also laughed and said:
"Yes, Sister Hui, do you want to go and see first, what kind of arrangement do you like? See if there is one at home, I will change it for you."

In fact, after Lu Qiuhui saw the courtyard, she also yearned for the rooms in the small building, but it was difficult to go to see it with Shi Chun's company. Now that Xiaocao invited her, she was a little moved.

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Yes, you can go and choose. I have four or five sets in my room, and I haven't used them yet. If my sister likes it, I will give it to my sister. All of them are made of patterns designed by myself. I Mom, they embroidered it."

Lu Qiuhui sighed:

"Little Prince, you are so amazing. Butler Gangshi is still telling me that you designed this courtyard and this small building. These are all designed by you. You actually designed your house? You so amazing!"

"Sister Hui, I have another thing that you don't know about. I'm good at designing weddings and dowries. Would you like me to design for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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