farmer's daughter

Chapter 526 The Emperor and Liang Wangzhang Are Here

Chapter 526 The Emperor and King Liang Are Back
Chapter 520 The Emperor and King Liang Are Back

When the rumors spread, it was time for the prince to be grounded.The prince respectfully left the East Palace, went to the imperial study, went to the emperor to plead guilty, and treated the emperor with special humility.Established the image that a prince should have.Some unexplained ministers in the court also praised the prince's attitude.

The emperor has been very cooperative with the prince from the beginning.It was also the appearance of a father's kindness and filial piety, so that people in the court came out to accuse the rumor spreader. The emperor obviously still hugged the prince, who said he was going to praise the king of Liang?

But some people are confused, what are the father and son of the Dongfang family doing?It was staged after a while, and when the smart people kept silent, the princelings raised their tails to the sky.It seems that when the prince succeeded to the throne smoothly, and he ascended to heaven as a chicken and dog, something happened in the capital.This is not a small matter, someone assassinated the emperor!

When the emperor was walking around in the imperial city with Prince Lian in plain clothes, someone assassinated the emperor, and he did so by name!Lian Shizi repelled the comers and killed three assassins.However, Lian Shizi was injured when he blocked a sneak attack arrow for the emperor.Injured his leg, word spread from those who refused to rush to rescue, even the crown prince, I am afraid he is going to be disabled!
The emperor was escorted back to the palace, the emperor was furious, and immediately sent the imperial physician to treat Lian Shizi's illness, and called Liang Wang to investigate the whole incident.This matter made everyone in the capital feel insecure.Who did it?
Said it was the prince?It's not like, seeing that the emperor is so kind to the prince, and the prince is so filial, but if this thing succeeds, wouldn't the prince be the one who will benefit the most?
Well, but the people from the prince's faction didn't want to take on this matter, so they hurriedly expressed it.There is no need for the prince to be so much, the prince is filial and everyone is watching.I'm afraid someone is going to frame the crown prince, right?These words are meant to refer to King Liang.Liang Wang has lost a lot of face in front of the emperor recently, so, seeing that the crown prince is about to ascend the throne, he will have no chance if he doesn't make a move.Therefore, it must be Liang Wang who did this.

But why did the emperor send Liang Wang to investigate but not the prince?Didn't the prince arrive immediately to save people?

While everyone was still discussing, another incident happened, someone poisoned the well in Lian Shizi's house!Killed several girls and boys in Lian Shizi's family.Because everyone had eaten that day, there was a boy who treated guests, saying that he had passed his own life, paid for it himself, asked the kitchen to tidy up the table, and invited some good friends and friends.I want to be happy, but I don't want to, everyone who eats with me is dead, poisoned!

Check it out!Well water is poisonous!This will never be tolerated!It is said that Prince Lian leaned on crutches and beat the people in the kitchen half to death.Some guards were also fined.

When the emperor heard about it, he was furious!They were sent to surround Lian Shizi's family.Said it was to protect Prince Lian and the princess!In this way, Lian Shizi was besieged.

However, in private, there were rumors that the emperor and Shizi Lian went to the street that day because he was bewitched by Shizi Lian.As for the people who knew that the emperor was going to go to the streets, apart from Prince Lian, there were only two princes.Lian Shizi was injured to save the emperor.The emperor turned around and asked Liang Wang to investigate, then only one other person was responsible for this matter.That is the prince.

Just when everyone was making wild guesses, another report was received from the border town, saying that the foreigners from the southwest and northwest had united.Want to divide the territory of the Eastern Dynasty.The prince stood up in time.He said he was going to defend the border and protect the dynasty.And the princelings exaggeratedly praised the prince's determination.The unaware people also cheered for the prince one after another!The situation turned towards the crown prince, and King Liang never said anything, as long as it was something the emperor asked him to do, he would do it, and he didn't care about anything else.This made Liang Wang's supporters calm down.Only the Minister of the Ministry of Officials is still preparing to marry a daughter.It seems that nothing outside has anything to do with them.

What is unexpected is that the emperor made a decision that made all the emotions even more explosive!
The prince supervises the country!

Let the prince supervise the country!Isn't it just sending the throne to the prince?The princelings, in particular, began to celebrate in private.But he didn't want to be in court, the prince who had always supported the emperor and was not close to the king of Liang suddenly made an attack. The court asked the emperor why he made such a decision. Do it, especially in this special time!
But this time the emperor seemed determined to go his own way, not only did he leave Beijing lightly, he said he was going to patrol the border.Cheer up the soldiers in the border town.To frighten the Gentiles.He also took Liang Wang away.Leave a capital for the prince to operate.

It is said that the prince supervised the country on the first day, doing what he should do seriously.

On the second day, Jian Guo also worked seriously, and discussed with the ministers how to deliver food to the border towns.

On the third day, someone came up to play, fearing that the emperor was going on tour this time, and even the crown prince would have to protect him. Therefore, outside the palace where the emperor sent troops to surround the palace, there was another circle of concern for the eldest son.

As a result, Lian Shizi was heavily trapped in the princess mansion to recuperate!

But when the emperor came out of the capital, he toured mountains and rivers all the way smoothly. He didn't seem to take the things in the capital to heart, and from the fifth day onwards, among the things that were played, there were some wrong things about some of the capital officials. There are more.Crown Prince, you have done it right and wronged several Beijing officials.I changed to someone else to do it.The general who guarded the city was also replaced. Within ten days, the capital was basically in the hands of the prince.Even King Liang's future Yue's family was punished for having a bad family style and lax discipline because of a family member who uttered wild words.Wei Shangshu raised his white beard and punished himself by confinement at home for half a month.The Shangshu Mansion was closed for half a month!

In the next half month, the action of the crown prince getting closer and closer.The queen heard some rumors about the previous court and asked someone to send a message to the prince.Just one sentence:
"Bound in a cocoon!"

Then, the queen fell ill.And refused everyone's visit, even if the prince asked to visit, he didn't see him.

But this did not stop the prince from getting more and more complacent.Because I have power in my hands, I have tasted the benefits of power, and because I have power, I can get what I want.Even the princess, who was always tough at home, has become much softer now?Isn't it because he was afraid that once he became the queen, he wouldn't make her queen?

The queen was ill, and the news reached the emperor and King Liang somehow.Both were worried about the Queen.He turned back in a hurry, so the emperor returned to Beijing without reaching the border town during his border patrol.Of course, Xue Jian knew where the emperor was patrolling, but came to Qingyang City.

And the farce in Beijing is about to be staged.Because, I received an urgent report.It is said that the border town is in chaos now, and those who went to greet the emperor after receiving the letter from the central government did not receive the emperor, but only received a broken team, saying that the emperor and the king of Liang were dispersed by the bandits.Now everyone is in a hurry to find someone. Maybe those gangsters don't know it's the emperor and the king of Liang, and they are afraid that they will suffer a lot more.

So, the prince was so angry that he vomited blood.He vowed to find his father and King Liang back.even if

just find

All the ministers praised the prince's filial piety.Those who are loyal will write directly, but the country cannot be without a king for a day, just ask the prince to ascend the throne as soon as possible!

So, after three requests and three speeches, just when the good intention was being reached, the messenger at the gate of the city sent news that the emperor and the king of Liang had returned.

The prince froze in the court at that time, and all the ministers were also speechless.The messenger looked around in a daze, why did no one respond to this big news!

(End of this chapter)

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