farmer's daughter

Chapter 538 That's Someone's Daughter

Chapter 538 That's Someone's Daughter
Chapter 530 IX That's Someone's Daughter

The more Mrs. He thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became. She was doing old things by herself, but she didn't expect that when she was old, she would do something that involved herself.well!Although it was just a child's words, but that child is not someone else, but the little prince, what he said in that family is more important than what her father said!
Mrs. He returned home sullenly all the way, the elder grandson brought the younger grandson to welcome them into the house, and looked at the elder grandson who was tall and handsome.Look at the cute little grandson again.For some reason, Mrs. He's eyes turned red, as if she had done something to the two children.

He Zijie is also a boy who is almost 15 years old, so he is more sensible. When he saw that his grandmother's expression was not right, he hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him.But the little grandson didn't know how to look at his face.As soon as I saw my grandmother and mother come in.There was no one else, so he looked back without giving up, and turned around and asked:
"Mother, didn't you say you wanted to bring Sister Yuewei back?"

"What do you bring? That's someone else's daughter!"

Hearing what the little grandson He Zichen said, he roared in a low voice, and He Zichen immediately hid behind his mother.I don't know where I said something wrong.

Mrs. He stretched out her hand to pat the youngest son, and gave the eldest son a wink. Fortunately, this He Zijie is smart, so he immediately changed the subject and said:
"Grandmother, I received a letter from my uncle. Would you like to see it? I put it in father's study. Shall I get it for you?"

Mrs. He's most important thing in her life is the development of her two sons. When she heard that she had received a letter from her eldest son, she must have something to write.Because I just came back.Here comes the letter.Then hurriedly urged:

"Aren't you going to take a look?"

He Zijie turned around and went to get the letter.He Zichen also ran away with his brother. In his opinion, it would be better to leave here with his brother. It seems that grandma is not happy.

He Zijie took the letter.Mrs. He opened it, but for some reason, her eyes couldn't see clearly.Ask He Zijie to read the letter
The letter was written by He Qing to his younger brother He Yuan, mainly to say that there have been major changes in the capital recently, and because of the help of the eldest son, he might be promoted to a minister.I also hope that my younger brother will say a few good words in front of the little prince.Because everyone in the capital now knows that the current crown prince and princess will mention the little prince in a few words.It can be seen how much they value the little prince.

After hearing the elder son's letter, the old lady was even more sad. It seemed that the little prince couldn't afford to offend her. The eldest grandson's marriage was tied up. Thinking about it, the old lady wept even more.

Just in time, He Yuan came back, saw his mother crying, thought something was wrong, stepped forward and asked, saying that he had read the letter from his elder brother, He Yuan was startled and thought something was wrong, quickly asked, Madam He Going forward, talking back and forth about what happened today, He Yuan finally knew why his mother was sad today.Haha laughed, stepped forward and said:
"Mother, don't worry about this. I've seen Xiaocao's child before. He is in good health and good-looking. In every way, he is worthy of our Jie'er. As for not taking concubines, mother, we don't care about it." Forget it, Zijie has to decide for himself.”

After saying that, he turned to look at his son and said:
"Zijie, what do you think?"

Although he was a young man, He Zijie blushed when he heard about his marriage.He stammered and said:
"What did I say? I... I haven't seen anyone before!"

Seeing that the three elders in the family were all looking at him, He Zijie calmed down and said:
"Although there are three kinds of unfilial piety, and having no offspring is the greatest, but if the husband and wife can last a long time, they will live a lifetime without regrets! When I went to study in the capital, I once heard that the eldest son Lian came to the school to talk with the husband, and it was also about husband and wife. The way to get along. Lian Shizi said that in life, the person who will accompany you the longest is your pillow person. After your parents have been with you for more than ten years, you will have to start a family and start a business, and you will be the only one who will accompany you all the way. Your pillow. In the future, when you have children, and when your children grow up, each of you will have a family and a career, the only person who will accompany you to your old age will be your pillow.”

The old lady, He Yuan and his wife also listened carefully to what He Zijie said.He Zijie said again:

"At that time, our husband retorted: A man should be a son in his life, he should be a father, and heirs should be the most important thing. Even the son said: To be a son? It is to fulfill filial piety. What is filial piety is the meaning of the elders, what is the elders Meaning? Every elder wants their children and grandchildren to have a good life! How do you call it? It is good for children and grandchildren to live in harmony with their husbands and wives. Therefore, finding a good bedside person is to be filial, and to live your life well. It is to be filial!"

He Zijie is indeed a scholar, and when he talked about some things, he said clearly:
"That day, Mr. Lian and Mr. Lian gave us a class on family and ethics. We felt that we benefited a lot. So, the girl Shen you are talking about, first of all, I have never seen it before, so I am not good at it. What is Miss Shen's opinion of this person? Second, I don't think the little prince's words are abrupt. On the contrary, I think the little prince's words are reasonable!"

When He Zijie said this, the three elders in the family were a little surprised.First of all, I didn't expect He Zijie to think about such a deep question at such a young age.Secondly, he did not expect that He Zijie would not follow the world, but agree with the little prince's words.

The old lady paused and said immediately:

"My grandson, you don't have to comfort grandma by saying this, forget it, even if you offend the little prince, I won't engage in this marriage anymore."

He Zijie said seriously:

"Grandmother, grandson is telling the truth. If you don't believe me, you can write and ask your uncle. After hearing what the son said that day, I went back to the mansion and discussed it with him. The uncle also thought for a long time and said, even the son is worthy of being the emperor." Even family affairs are taken a step further than others. Uncle believes that even the words of the son will come true after many years."

He Zijie said with some embarrassment:

"So, I think I would like to find a chance to get to know Miss Shen. If Miss Shen is really as good as her mother and grandmother said, why would Zijie think so?"

Mrs. He heard a stone in her heart fall to the ground, raised her face and smiled and said:

"That little grass girl is really good. If it weren't for this concubine thing, your grandmother would have thought she was pretty good. Last time, on the little prince's birthday, there were people from the capital and local gentry. She made arrangements for it. Reception. After three days of banquets, there is nothing wrong with it. This is a capable and smart girl."

Even He Yuan, who was listening, nodded and said:

"I don't know how the Shen family teaches their children. One or two, don't look like a daughter's family, they are better than men in doing things! I also know this Shen Da girl. It is said that she studied with the manager who came from the capital. After two months, the little prince's house has been taken down. She is the material to be the eldest daughter-in-law."

Even Mrs. He heard that Shen Yuecao was being praised one by one like a flower, and she also said:
"I'm talking too much. I didn't expect Zijie to be so sensible, but you know, that natal family is a little prince. You have to abide by what you say and what you say. If you wait for that girl in the future, or you have something wrong What, the little prince said it himself, she is a protector!"

"However, if you don't talk about the concubine, I really like this eldest girl of the Shen family. Although she is not born in the Shen family. But the little prince really values ​​her!"

(End of this chapter)

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