farmer's daughter

Chapter 568 Looks like someone is about to suffer a disaster

Chapter 568 Looks like someone is about to suffer a disaster
Chapter 560 IX It Looks Like Someone Is Going To Be Disastered

After the old man Mo took Xue Jian away, the emperor immediately turned black.I have not achieved my goal today.It is not suitable to look for opportunities to talk about it in the future.I sacrificed to the world just now.Turning around, he heard Lian Quchen telling King Liang that the little prince was engaged to the eldest son of the Fu family!

The emperor's heart was extremely dark, in fact, even Quchen and the others guessed part of it wrong.The emperor didn't want to accept Xue Jian's heart yet.After all, Xuejian is still young, and even his grandson is older than Xuejian.This emperor can be regarded as a wise king, besides valuing power, he is also a wise king when dealing with state affairs.

He wanted to control Xuejian only because he heard that Xuejian was a god who came down to earth, and some of Xuejian's performances were indeed shocking.Therefore, he guarded that Xue Jian was really here to take his position.He asked some priests to inquire about this matter, and as a result, each of them introduced some methods of immortality to him.

But it's all the blood of the heart that needs to be seen.To take the blood of a person's heart.Then, this person may only die.The emperor is still hesitating.If Xue Jian dies, it will cause a lot of trouble. Now Xue Jian is not an ordinary little peasant girl, but a prince whom she has appointed herself, and she has not violated any laws and regulations. No matter what she wants, she can't find a reason. .

Another troublesome thing is Prince Rong on her head, this old man can't afford to offend him, so the emperor is upset, he wants to live forever, but he dare not kill Xuejian casually.Later, Taoist Tianxin said.You can look at Xue Jian Ba ​​Zi.Then use Xuejian's horoscope method, go to Xuejian and then take the blood of the heart.It is also driven by the interest of immortality, so he agreed.But I don't want to, Xue Jian's horoscope is too hard.On the contrary, the Taoist priest who cast the spell was backlashed.

Regardless of whether the emperor can live forever, the Taoist priest can't do it.On the contrary, it caused his own morality to retreat.In this way, Taoist priest Tianxin also felt resentful.So, to the emperor, Xue Jian is not a god, but she should not be a living person either!

Although he was deceived, he was deceived.After hearing this, Xue Jian was in a bad mood.Unexpectedly, there is such a magic that can be calculated in this world.So what is it if you are not a human being?
Return to the Prince's Mansion.Xue Jian was very silent.When Fu Jinghao stepped forward to ask how it was, she just said softly:

"It's fine for now."

Then just sit on the side.I don't want to say a word.Fu Jinghao could only stay with him worriedly.Because old man Mo disappeared when he came back, and he didn't know what to do.Even if Fu Jinghao wanted to ask, he couldn't find anyone to ask.

A little eunuch at the door reported that Mr. Murong and Miss Murong had arrived.Xue Jian knew that it was the third senior brother and Murong Shan who had come.He was also busy welcoming people in.

Murong Shan and Murong Xing came together, and quickly saluted Xue Jian.Xue Jian quickly helped them up and said:
"Senior Brother Three, Sister Shan, how is your family? Is your mother okay?"

Murong Xing laughed and said:
"The family is fine. The Chinese New Year is fine. My brother is married. My sister-in-law is with my mother every day. My mother is more open-minded. Xue'er, just say that you and Fu Jinghao are engaged? Didn't Fu Jinghao come to Beijing with you? "

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Yes, he came. He was still here just now. Maybe he went out for something."

Murong Shan smiled and said:
"Xue'er, when will you go back to Qingyang? My mother told me. I agreed to follow you again. And my little brother, my little brother was forced by my mother to find your second senior brother."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Xue Jian asked.

"It's not that my younger brother refuses to go on a blind date. My mother said he is 17 years old. If he doesn't get married, others will say he is too old. So my mother chased him to go on a blind date."

Having said that, Murong Shan covered her mouth and smiled.

Xuejian also found that the expressions of the siblings were much better than the last time they went to Qingyang.It seems that their mother is separated from their father, which makes them feel a little bit happier.

After a while, even Quchen came, looked at the little junior brother here, and asked:
"Where is the person I told you to investigate?"

Murong Xing frowned and said:

"I sent people down, but it is said that no one is in the capital. Then I thought about it, I only have two places I didn't check, one is your home, and the other is in the palace. Of course there is no one in your home, that is in the palace You have the people in this area, so let me come and tell you."

Lian Quchen turned to look at Xuejian before saying again:

"Xue'er, tell me, what's going on in the palace?"

Xue Jian talked about what he saw and encountered in the palace today.Including what I eavesdropped with old man Mo later.Anyway, the two senior brothers are not outsiders.It's okay to talk to them.

"Ah! Then if you are not a living person, could you be a dead person? You are so ridiculous. Which dead person in this family can be so alive? The emperor also believes this? Isn't this talking nonsense?"

Murong Shan first cried out from the side.Lian Quchen was stunned when he heard that.It seems that the emperor really put his mind to it.It's just that they don't know what they want Xue'er's birthday horoscope to do.

Lian Quchen said:

"Then Xueer, is what you said really your birth date?"

"It's true. I didn't think that the emperor was tricking me. I just replied casually. I didn't think about it. I just don't know why the Taoist vomits blood. I think he is a monster. .”

Lian Quchen frowned and said:

"I also recognize this Tianxin Daoist. This person is a person with some real skills. He is really famous in learning Taoism. His lay family also lives in this capital. Their family was also regarded as an official family. , just suffered a crime and was dismissed from office. Now it seems to be doing some business for a living."

Xue Jian said with a sad face:

"Then why do you say that I am not a human being? What am I not human?"

Lian Quchen didn't answer these words, although he had his own knowledge about Xuejian in his heart, but no matter what, it seemed that Xue'er was Xue'er now.And Xue'er didn't do anything harmful to nature, even if Xue'er is not human, she can only be a god, not a lonely ghost as the Taoist priest said!

Only then did Lian Quchen ask where Master had gone?But when I heard that she disappeared after sending Xue'er back, Lian Quchen frowned, then stretched out and said:

"Master has made a move. It seems that someone is about to suffer disaster."

After thinking about it, Xuejian understood, maybe the master went to find some kind of Taoist priest or the emperor.

Lian Quchen looked at Murong Xing and said:
"Just stay here and protect Xue'er for a while. I'll go and have a look first. Make arrangements to see what's going on in the palace. Master and I didn't come, so you can't leave."

Murong Xing pointed to a baggage thrown aside and said:

"Don't worry, I'm ready to stay."

(End of this chapter)

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