farmer's daughter

Chapter 582 A tenant who does not want to be a master is not a good tenant

Chapter 582 A tenant who does not want to be a master is not a good tenant

Chapter 580 Three Tenants Who Don’t Want to Be Masters Are Not Good Tenants
On this day, Xuejian started a new busy life.

After breakfast in the morning, Xue Jian first went to the field to check every shed, because starting this year, Xue Jian will take back all the land leased to her tenants.From now on, the tenants are regarded as Xuejian's hired workers, and all the things they plant are returned to Xuejian, but the wages Xuejian pays make many people who work in the city jealous.One after another came to ask Xue Jian if she wanted someone here.

Xue Jian didn't look like a little prince when he was about to go to the farmland. He was wearing coarse clothes and trousers, but he didn't wear a skirt, because the skirt was really troublesome to go to the field.Even the trousers are too wide, so Xuejian learned to use cloth strips to tie up the trousers from below the knees.It is also convenient to act like this.In this era, not only women, but also men cannot expose their skin casually.Therefore, when everyone saw Xuejian leggings, they followed suit, and soon became popular in Qingyang Mansion and even the surrounding area.

Before Xuejian came to Beijing, she arranged the plans for some sheds in the field.Therefore, when she came back, the ground had been loosened several times.Now every piece of land is soft and there is no frozen hard ground.

After running all over the field, Xuejian summoned Pang Panghu, Song Gentu and Xiaomu.Together with the family's elder brother-in-law and father Shen Sanzhu, everyone met and assigned the task. Song Gentu was responsible for going back to the village to gather all the old people and women who could move, and to make a large number of straw mats.

Speaking of Song Gentu, some hard-working women have already started doing it at home.Some homes already have a pile of them.Xuejian immediately assigned a boy to fetch the table.It was placed at the door of the open warehouse specially made next to Zhuangzi.Whoever brings the mat to hand in will check it, then make a record, and pay the money according to the record.

Xiaomu is mainly responsible for leading some people to prepare bamboo strips.Used to support straw mats.But it must be strong enough, not too soft.

The task of Pang Panghu is to select some good farmers to divide the land into ridges.One row after another is easy to make a shed.

The main work assignments are done.Everyone to complete their own.Let the men, women and children in the village be able to move.The children were not left behind either. They all carried small baskets made of bamboo and ran with the people in the field.Some are eaten by the family, and some are sold to Xuejian.Unlike other landlords, Xuejian said that the loach grew in my field and was originally my property, but Xuejian weighed it according to its size and weight, and then gave the money to the children.

This makes these children feel very fulfilled. At the beginning, when they knew that this little girl was the master of their own family, they only dared to peek at it from a distance, and found that this little girl was really different. She is beautiful, and what she does is also praised by adults.Therefore, everyone has more respect than fear for this little master.Later, the little master's younger brother came.When I was free, I took the children in the village to read together, and everyone regarded the younger little master as the husband.

From time to time, the master would come to give them lectures, which were very interesting. Everyone knew that the flying butterfly was transformed from a caterpillar, but the master said it differently. The master said it was called transmutation.People can also change. Now I am a tenant family. If I work hard, the master will release my household registration in the future, so I can also become the master.The master said that a tenant who does not want to be a master is not a good tenant!
This sentence entered every tenant’s home with the children’s mouths. Now everyone is holding back their strength. The master said that a tenant who does not want to be a master is not a good tenant, so he must strive to be a good tenant!
Xuejian, who came from the surrounding areas of Qingyang Mansion, learned how to grow corn and new irrigation. Many people now live in the homes of these tenants.But it all feels magical.

The tenants here did not fix their masters thinking of the law, nor did they go to the house thinking of the law. Instead, they thought every day how to do more work, how to cause less trouble to the master, and how to think more about the master.Everyone in the tenant village is working hard towards one place.No one is holding back.I work hard when I go to work, and I also work hard to weave mats when I go home.It is said that the owner of these cushions bought them with money.

Coming to the village of this little prince shocked the peasants a lot. Unexpectedly, tenants could have new clothes to wear, children could have sweets to eat, and they could also eat some meat every day.Such is the life of a landlord!

It is said that among the people who came to study, some were quick-witted, and quickly made engagements with the tenants here, married their daughters here, and some married their sons as well.Just for the good life here!
When they came, they thought they were learning from the people in the little prince's mansion, but they didn't expect that the little prince would personally guide them every step of the way.The little prince, who looked like a lady from Fugui's family, also went to the ground with everyone in coarse clothes, not only teaching everyone how to do it, but also telling everyone why they did it.

Especially seeing that the little prince put two braziers in each shed, saying that they were used to warm the sheds.This makes these farmers feel fresh.Because no one makes a warm basin for the ground, the charcoal is expensive.

After three days of preparatory work, the most critical work is now, which is to mix the seed dumplings.Before mixing this material, Xuejian asked the people who came to study to bring paper and pens, but several of them could not read a single word.After thinking about it, Xuejian took advantage of the fact that her younger brother and younger cousin Liang Junlin were not in class today, so she asked Chengwen and her cousin to set up a table on the side.Xuejian will give the lecture, and Xiaohui will show everyone the practical operation on the side.See how the gnocchi are made.

Over the past few days, as more and more people come to study, people from far away places are also arriving one after another.Because those who come here have to learn from scratch here.Therefore, Xuejian simply taught in batches.Every day I talk so hard that my mouth gets dry.Sometimes Xiaohui will tell the story.And after Chengwen and Liang Junlin showed Xue Jian the transcripts, they copied them for a whole day, each copied nearly a hundred copies, and then sent them to take away.One for one, everyone cherishes it very much.

The dumplings that are made must first be put in the greenhouse to grow seedlings.Xue Jian has now built four greenhouses.Groups of people follow into the conservatory every day to see, but you can’t mess with the things in the conservatory. Everyone knows this. After all, the master here is the little prince. He looks friendly, but everyone’s awe of power still exists in their hearts. .

(End of this chapter)

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