farmer's daughter

Chapter 584 Prince Rui

Chapter 584 Prince Rui

Chapter 580 The Fifth Prince Rui
The seed balls placed in the greenhouse germinated, which caused a great shock among the people who came to study.They didn't believe that the seedlings could still emerge after being roasted on the fire without drying the seeds, but now they saw a small white spike coming out of each seed ball.They all believed that the seedlings in this greenhouse really germinated quickly, and the seedlings came out in just two or three days.

The same people who came to study, some of them had the heart to copy all the records in the greenhouse every day.Because the conservatory is in accordance with Xuejian's requirements.Who came in, what did they do, when the charcoal basin was placed, and when water was poured are all recorded.When each group changed seats, it was recorded. These are the real experiences.

Seeing that the seedlings are beginning to emerge, this side naturally has more confidence.Because the people who come to learn have never seen what a corn seedling looks like, and they are all waiting to see.There is also a room in Xuejian’s backyard where some seedlings are placed. The seedlings here are peanut seedlings. Now Xuejian cannot be promoted because there are not so many seeds. Xuejian just planted them for two seasons first. Take your time again.

This thing is considered a cash crop in modern times.With peanuts, there are so many uses for it.It can be boiled, fried, eaten raw, or used to extract oil!
The canola planted last year failed.Xue Jian thinks it's not her own way that is wrong.It must be that the seeds are bad.It looks good, but there are not many rapeseeds.How much was confiscated in total.Xue Jian still plans to plant again in the second half of the year. Without other sources, he can only plant these seeds repeatedly and study repeatedly to see if he can bring some vegetable oil for the people of this dynasty to eat.

At the end of the first lunar month, when Xue saw that all the work here was going well, the imperial edict came from the capital, and the one who received the edict was shocked to see hundreds of people kneeling down in the sky. There are so many people in the little prince's family?

The person who came to deliver the decree was Mr. Lei Guanganlei, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs.Later, Xue Jian heard that Lord Lei was so blushing and thick-necked in the court that he wanted to pass on this decree.Because according to the rules, it is impossible for an official like Mr. Lei to go to such a far place to deliver a decree, but Mr. Lei wants to see how the people Xuejian organized and learned here, and how the scale of expansion that Xuejian said of.All of this is directly related to the income of the household department this year.In the end, even the eldest son came forward to support him, and Lord Lei came to Qingyang to announce the decree.

When I got to the ground, I looked far and wide, and I didn't know what was planted on the ground this time, and all of them were built into small sheds.But it looks neat and tidy, which is pleasing to the eye.Mr. Lei can only suppress the doubts in his heart, and declare his will first.

The meaning of the imperial decree this time is clear, and King Liang has officially ascended the throne after the Lantern Festival.Now I am preparing for the big wedding, and after the big wedding, it will be a matter of sealing the queen.However, because the king of Liang ascended the throne, the world is amnesty, and similarly, these people with titles will be promoted or rewarded.Xue Jian and this group of people played a decisive role in King Liang's accession to the throne.So, they will all be rewarded.

The most obvious reward is Lian Quchen.The Lian family was originally the Duke's family, but because the Duke of Lian offended the late emperor because of some things last time, the emperor found an opportunity to lower him to the Marquis' residence.Lian Guogong became Lian Houye because of this, and he became more careful in doing things from then on.Although the grandson Lian Quchen gained the emperor's attention later on, he didn't give Lian Quchen a formal official position, he only used it when he needed it.But everyone can see it.The emperor really likes Lian Quchen.

Of course, the emperor liked Lian Quchen for another reason, which was suddenly figured out in a conversation between Lian Quchen and Xue Jian.The emperor didn't like Lian Quchen because he had Lian's family.It was because Lian Quchen was old man Mo's eldest disciple.And old man Mo was very erratic and hard to find, so the emperor got news once that old man Mo had thrown several disciples into that building, so he found someone to prescribe the medicine, and then sent a letter to Princess Changsun.

The reason why Princess Changsun was chosen is that the eldest grandson has a high status, except for the princess, she is the tallest, and the second is the status of the eldest grandson's family, which is a family that cannot be joked about.The third reason is because I heard that Princess Changsun secretly likes Lian Quchen.

So, taking this opportunity, Lian Quchen was tied up in the capital, because the Princess cannot leave the capital, and her grandparents are old.Nature can't leave.As long as the princess stays, after a few years, with the bondage of a child, wouldn't Lian Quchen also be left behind?It has to be said that the former emperor's calculations were also successful.Later Lian Quchen stayed willingly.

That's why he was reused by the emperor.But now that King Liang came to power, he knew about the entanglement between Lian Quchen and the Lian family, so he directly granted Lian Quchen the Marquis of An, and took the right prime minister.Although it is still dominated by Prime Minister Zuo and Prime Minister Lu, everyone can see it.In the future, the younger generation will be with Lian Quchen as a relative, as long as there are no accidents, they will probably cooperate with Liang Wang for a lifetime.

Therefore, this newly released An Guohou has now become the hottest Hou family in the capital.Those who can deliver the words will show off in front of their friends.But the door of An Guohou's mansion is difficult to enter.Among other things, the butler, Sun Xiong, was the one who killed a lot of people. He was a soft-hearted guy.

The Minister of the Household Department and a father-in-law in the palace came to announce the decree. This time the decree was to invite the young prince and Prince Rong to Beijing to attend the emperor's wedding, because the young prince is already a prince, what else can he seal?Then there is only a text idea.Little princes are called little princes, without a title.The purpose of this visit is to give the little prince a title.The emperor bestowed the name "Rui" on the little prince, so he can't be called the little prince anymore, he has to be called Prince Rui.

Xue Jian twitched the corner of her mouth, is this a reward for herself?Then I heard Master Shang Shu proclaim again:

"The emperor gave Prince Rui a pair of purple jade pendants."

"The emperor bestowed on Prince Rui:"

Another reward came down.This snowy warehouse has to prepare a new room.After looking at it, there were two carriages loaded with the sent things, which seemed to be quite a lot, and the ones that came out of the palace could be worse?Not bad.Even the emperor can't make a move, can't he!

All the people kneeling behind Xuejian were peeking at the things the emperor bestowed.That is a good thing that I have never seen in my life!Everything was sent to the mansion, and Xiaocao was still in charge.

As soon as the imperial decree was announced, Xue Jian received the imperial decree and welcomed Lei Shangshu into the house. Lei Shangshu was a person who couldn't hide his words, and said as soon as he entered the door:
"Prince Rui, you have to tell me what this shed is for? Are these people here to learn how to make a shed?"

(End of this chapter)

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