Chapter 595
Chapter 590
Prince Wula's words caused repercussions in the hall, and his request was a bit of a surprise to see them.Originally, I wanted to find a reason to bring the topic up here, but I didn't expect the prince to think this way himself.Xue Jian and Lian Quchen looked at each other, was it a coincidence or
I still don't dare to think about what Xuejian is. If Wula Kingdom has hidden stakes in the palace, it would be a bit scary.If this is the case, then Wula Kingdom has no good intentions.

All the ministers below are talking about what the prince said.This is a good opportunity to climb the dragon and become the phoenix.If he could fall into the eyes of this prince, he would be the crown princess of Wula Kingdom in the future, that is, the future queen.

Everyone thinks so, but some people don't even think about doing it.First of all, this is marrying to a foreign country, and I don't know that my daughter will not be able to survive after marrying out. I heard that the people over there drink blood.That's so disgusting, those people are very fierce, just looking at this prince, he is stronger than the men of his own dynasty.People who love their daughters will not think about this way, Xuejian saw He Qing's wife gently moved her daughter behind her, and took advantage of the shadow of the dark place to block her daughter behind her. , obviously protecting her daughter.Xue Jian secretly praised such a mother.

But there are also those who want their daughters to come forward.I hope that my daughter will be prosperous and rich with her family.The corner of Xue Jian's eyes flickered to Mrs. Lian's sideways glance at her daughter a few times.Judging by the expression, Mrs. Lian didn't want her daughter to marry so far away, but Miss Lian had captured the position of the princess!Xue Jian secretly sighed:

' Madam Lian is going to be disappointed.This woman really has a heart. '

While sighing, Xuejian saw that there were quite a few women like this in the field, all yearning for that position.

Presumably the emperor also saw these ready to move people, the emperor pulled the corner of his mouth and laughed loudly:
"Hahahaha, Prince Ula is right. For the sake of the bloodline of the Ula Dynasty, I have agreed to Prince Ula's request today. I announce that the daughters of the ministers who are willing to marry into the Ula Dynasty will be rewarded with the title of princess. The dowry will come from the imperial palace. And this girl's natal family will be rewarded heavily, and the incumbent in this woman's family will be promoted two ranks!"

In the Eastern Dynasty, it is rare to be promoted without great merit.It's all going on slowly, and some people with gray hair are still on the sixth level and can't get to the fifth level.I will never have a chance to visit this palace!
As soon as the emperor's news was announced, the discussion in the hall became even more lively.The emperor waved at Lian Quchen.Lian Quchen got up and went to the table on the emperor's side.After the emperor whispered to Lian Quchen, Lian Quchen nodded repeatedly.Turned around and stood in the middle of the road:

"Any girl who wants to go, invite your girl to come over there and write down her name at Eunuch Li's place. Wait a minute, we will let these girls do some performances and let Prince Ula see your ability. If there is anything special It’s ready, please tell Eunuch Li in advance.”

Snow Tongling saw that all this seemed to be proceeding according to his own plan.Can't help but relax a little bit.Some leaned half-prostrate on the table.But she was coughed by Nanny Tang behind her.Involuntarily sat up straight again.

Xuejian felt that now she had a conditioned reflex to the sound of the nanny's coughing.He hurriedly turned his head to see if Mother Tang had a suggestive cough or if she really had a cold.When she saw it, she just hit Mammy's staring eyes, Xuejian stuck out her tongue, and sat down obediently, listening to the song and watching the dance.

But if you sit well, your eyes are wandering around. Seeing that Mrs. Lian can't stop Miss Lian's heart, Miss Lian's girl really went to report.And that action, it seems that she is also a young lady, very proud.If Eunuch Li hadn't received the holy will, he would definitely not have lied to her.But now Eunuch Li is doing everything according to the little girl's orders, making her think that she is more powerful than the chief steward in the palace, and Eunuch Li agrees to everything she says.

Signed up.The girl also walked back with her head held high.Xue Jian couldn't see this kind of person, looked at a fruit core at hand, and quietly stretched out her hand to flick it, the girl happened to walk up to Madam Lian, who happened to be drinking a cup of hot tea.Xue Jian made a move.

The fruit core hit the girl's hind leg, and the girl threw herself into Madam's arms, startled Madam Lian, and even poured down a bowl of hot tea, which was just right It fell on the girl's neck.Even though it was winter, the tea still scalded the girl so loudly that she didn't care that she was in the palace.

The girl's cry and Mrs. Lian's cry were one higher than the other, attracting everyone to look this way.Mrs. Lian realized that she had caused trouble. This was not an ordinary banquet. This was the emperor's wedding, and there were three princes from other countries.This is an embarrassment to my family and my dynasty.

Mrs. Lian's face turned pale with fright, she hurriedly got up, staggered to the front of the emperor, and kowtowed to apologize!Although the emperor said he was extremely unhappy, he was a Madam Hou after all, and he saw that it was the girl who fell on top of her that frightened her.The emperor said slowly:

"Madam Lian, please sit down."

Hearing that the emperor did not convict, Mrs. Lian quickly kowtowed to thank her. When she looked back, the girl was so frightened that she knelt down beside her chair.Mrs. Lian couldn't be more angry.As he walked over, he stepped on the girl's hands with all his hands and feet.That girl is calmer now.So shut up quickly, even if Madam stepped on her hand with a little force on purpose, she couldn't resist crying.I had no choice but to lie down and turn to look at the lady.I hope that my young lady can save me!
Mrs. Lian and Miss Lian couldn't help but recognize this girl.Hope she goes quickly.She doesn't want to leave a bad impression on Prince Wula now, she has to handle her own affairs well.As for this girl, isn't it his own business to deal with her when he goes back?

The girl couldn't be arrogant now, but lowered her head, and gently retreated to the side over there.When she stood up, Xue Jian saw the backs of two black hands. It seemed that Mrs. Lian tortured her hands just now.

Miss Lian's registration worked.After the dancers in the palace finished dancing, the first person to come on stage was the daughter of a fifth-rank official, but this girl's facial features were not so delicate, but what she performed was something that Xue Jian was interested in.She can write with both hands!Moreover, in the live performance, the characters written by the left and right hands are not the same, even the emperor praised:

"I'm afraid this girl has a heart! Two hands write different characters, and they both write very well!"

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(End of this chapter)

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