farmer's daughter

Chapter 600 Sunbathing

Chapter 600 Sunbathing

Chapter [-] Basking in the sun
Lian Quchen glared at the people of the Lian family angrily, even though Lian Quchen thought he had nothing to do with the Lian family, but in the eyes of the world, Lian Quchen was a member of the Lian family!Even if Lian Quchen intends to marry this younger sister far away, he still needs others to ask for her, instead of rushing to post it himself!This made others look down on Lian Quchen, not to mention that he was a father.Among other things, if the Lian family has such an aunt, others will point out their daughter in the future.

So even Quchen hates iron but not steel.Lian Yuxiang got down on the ground, so she naturally had no chance to chase the prince, and felt very sad.Wow, I was about to cry.Lian Quchen threw something again, and directly touched Lian Yuxiang's acupuncture points, causing her to pass out.

Mrs. Lian looked at her daughter who was lying on the ground without making a sound, and was worried that something happened to her daughter, so she turned her head and stared at Lian Quchen and growled:

"What did you do? She's your sister!"

Lian Quchen said coldly:

"Take it back and teach me how to be a human being! Don't lose face to other countries!"

Lian Quchen didn't want to recognize such a younger sister, and he didn't care about others, so he dragged the Princess away.Mrs. Lian blushed with anger, and looked at her daughter who was still lying on the ground, she was really ashamed.

Mrs. Lian called the servants brought from home to pick up the young lady and took her out of the palace to get into the carriage. Even the family members left without leaving a single one.

And Xuejian walked out of the palace in a huff, and went directly to the place Mother Tang had ordered to be prepared and sat down.And the three princes who followed also consciously found a seat with themselves and sat down.The maid served tea, and the four of them sat without saying a word, as if they were competing for whoever spoke first would lose.

Seeing the strange atmosphere in this scene, Lian Quchen, who came over, paused for a moment, and said something to the Princess, who nodded and walked away. It seems that Lian Quchen sent the Princess away.Then Lian Quchen walked over with ease, pulled a chair and sat down facing the sun, and slowly closed his eyes, looking carefully, he thought he was asleep.

Of course he couldn't have fallen asleep.Some of my junior sisters are a little hateful, but I can only bully them myself. There are several big men surrounding my junior sister. If they dare to bully others, they will know if Lian Quchen is asleep.

Just as Lian Quchen sat down here, another person came, it was Murong Xing.Murong Xing was wearing a dark red brocade robe today, with a slightly sullen face, he seemed to have grown up by more than ten years.When he saw Murong Xingxue, he thought of Princess Yu.Involuntarily, his eyes changed, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

The princes sitting opposite Xue Jian also saw the change in Xue Jian's expression.They all turned their heads to look over, and the three gazes looked straight at Murong Xing, and Murong Xing was taken aback for a moment.Just now their seats were farther away, and they were in the main hall, so it was not easy for them to go over and ask what happened, so now that Xue Jian came out, I wanted to ask.But being stared at by these three people again, Murong Xing didn't know what happened.The footsteps also paused.

"What are you doing in a daze? Come and sit and bask in the sun."

Lian Quchen didn't open his eyes, but he knew that Murong Xing was coming, so he spoke.Several other people didn't know who Murong Xing was.Seeing him hear Lian Quchen's greeting, he came over and pulled a chair, and when he passed by Xuejian, he lowered his head and called out:

The inquiry in the eyes was very clear, Xue Jian nodded, chuckled and said:
"It's okay, let's enjoy the sun."

Although Xue Jian is usually very relaxed, but now there are three princes sitting in front of her, it is not easy for Xue Jian to sit leaning on a chair, so she still sits there upright.In fact, I was secretly cursing these people in my heart.

Seeing that Xuejian was really fine, Murong Xing put the chair between Xuejian and Lian Quchen, then sat down on his own, closing his eyes and basking in the sun.

If someone looks at it from a distance.There seemed to be an eerie air flowing through the place.So everyone else looked at it from a distance and dared not come over.Look, the three princes sit in a row.Here are Prince Rui and Lord Lian, huh?Isn't the second son of Murong Hou's family in the middle?Even though he is Prince Rui's senior brother Lian Hou Ye's junior, how did he sit in the middle?
While others were speculating about the relationship between them, Murong Xing was resting on his nerves.Among the three princes sitting opposite, Prince Batu didn't seem to care that one or two more people sat down, and just looked at Xuejian seriously and respectfully.It seems that Xuejian is really respected like a god.

The prince of the Wula country seemed to have a dark face all the time, maybe he felt that he had a crush on the girl from the Lian family, but he didn't expect that the girl from the Lian family would shock him even more!But I have already said to the emperor that I want this girl from the Lian family, do I want to slap myself?Or should I stiffen my neck and take this matter on my own?

After much deliberation, Prince Ula felt that whatever he did was not very good.So, only sitting here with a dark face and sulking.You said he was targeting Prince Rui?No, he didn't dare!
And the one who sat the most stiffly was Prince Qiu of Wuli Kingdom who was sitting facing Xuejian.Prince Qiu still had a smile on his face, but the smile was a little stiff from Murong Xing.He had heard that Prince Rui was engaged, but when he saw Murong Xing, he thought it was Murong Xing.

Murong Xing didn't feel anything special, anyway, when the brothers and sisters were together, he always sat next to Xue Jian unconsciously.Maybe it's because he got used to it after following Xuejian for more than a year, and felt that this was not just a junior sister, but a younger sister that he should protect.Even Quchen didn't feel strange, they were used to a few people being together and being at ease.I also know that since I have this junior sister, Ah Xing has spent more time with her junior sister, and some basic martial arts are still taught by Ah Xing.

Six people, just sitting here, at the beginning because Xue was angry when they met each other, each of them was not easy to speak, but after a while, it seemed that no one could find a chance to speak, so, it became the six people sitting together. Sitting here.

The sun was gradually setting towards the west, Xuejian felt that she hadn't sat so quietly for a long time, she completely ignored the three people in front of her.I was thinking about how to plant the land at home, how it has been planted, and what to do next, but I have some clues. I just want to ask someone to bring a pen and paper, and write down some of my thoughts.


There was a snore around me!

Xuejian knew it was the little brother without even looking!Little brother, this person can fall asleep as long as he is sitting down.Standing up is full of energy.

Watching the little brother fall asleep.Xuejian stood up gently, and took out something from a small pouch on her body. Lian Quchen saw that it was a black line at one end, and what Xuejian took was a lip painting she made herself.Draw it in red!

Xuejian smiled slyly, and quickly painted on the tip of her right index finger with the brush, to see if it was not red enough, and then painted it twice, it was enough.Then he walked over gently, facing Murong Xing with a point between his eyebrows!
The movement was quick, but it also woke up Murong Xing.He jumped up all of a sudden, looked at Xue Jian and said:
"what are you doing?"

Xuejian smiled innocently and said:
"It's nothing, you didn't hear me when I called you, so I pointed at you with my finger, promise, that's it."

Then, Xuejian stretched out her left index finger.

(End of this chapter)

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