farmer's daughter

Chapter 602 Something Happened to Prince Rui

Chapter 602 Something Happened to Prince Rui
Chapter [-]: Something Happened to Prince Rui
As soon as Xue Jian rushed over, those people came towards Xue Jian.It seems that their goal was to meet Xue Jian.Although Murong Xing's pressure was relieved, but when he saw Xue Jian, he became very anxious and shouted:

"Xue'er, hurry up, they just want to assassinate you!"

Xue Jian shouted while defending herself:
"No, I can't leave you behind!"

After all, Xuejian has no actual combat experience.After a few rounds, two more people surrounded him, and someone took the time to stab Xue Jian's left arm with a sword.It was the first time she suffered this kind of pain, Xue Jian immediately let out a cry.Murong Xing also saw it, and quickly moved to Xue Jian's side and shouted:
"Xue'er, you go first. If you go, I can get away. The two of us are no match for their numbers."

"And I!"

Prince Batu, who took a step back, swung his whip, but he didn't have any weapons at hand.Because they entered the palace, their weapons were confiscated, and when they came out, they were too busy chasing Xue Jian, and didn't go to get back their own weapons. Fortunately, they used the whip well, even though it was a bit shorter.

Prince Batuo fought his way to the two of them.Murong Xing measured it and said:

"Prince, you can't get hurt here, you protect Prince Rui and go first, I'll finish the job."

But it seems too late now.As soon as Prince Batu came in, those men in black quickly surrounded him, feeling that no matter who they were, they would die if they entered their circle!

The three were back to back, Murong Xing looked at Xue Jian and said:

"Xue'er, look out. Just behind me, look out. I'll take you out."

Murong Xing was about to break out.At this time, another four or five men in black jumped down from the wall. It seemed that these men were hiding in the dark and attacked. When they saw the prey entered the encirclement, they wanted to come and harvest together.So it's all out.Murong Xing fixed his eyes, and whispered to Xue Jian:

"Get ready, the longer you delay the better, the senior brother will arrive in a while."

Xue Jian nodded, although his arm was hurting and bleeding, and he didn't have time to bandage it, but look at the bleeding places on the little brother's body.But in front of him, he can't help but choose, he can only fight!
Xue Jianqiang cheered up, and first filtered through his head what Master and the others usually said, how to fight against the enemy, but no matter how many of them counted, they had no chance of winning. Judging from the men in black's attack just now, they are not weak, nor are they temporary. Put together people.More than ten people are all masters.

Could it be that he was beaten back to his hometown once he traveled through time?Well, this is not the time to be distracted, Xue Jian raised his attention again, and accidentally bumped into Prince Batu who was standing beside him.This silly prince should not be involved in the matter, what is he involved in.If you die here too.That's a problem for the emperor, he can't afford to pay other people's princes!

Men in black surrounded them, and a man in black behind them spoke:

"We only want Prince Rui, the rest go."

How could Murong Xing leave, this is his junior sister, and Ba Tuo will not leave, this is the master he has identified!Therefore, neither of these two people will leave.If you don't leave, then stay. This is what the men in black meant. A man in black snorted coldly, and the men in black around started to attack.

Murong Xing tried his best to protect his junior sister, he didn't care about the sword that pierced his body, as long as he didn't stab at a fatal place, sometimes he didn't even defend himself.Just help little junior sister block the sword.And Xuejian also carried what the master taught to the extreme, and also made a cruel heart, this is the enemy, not her seniors.The more you use the moves, the more familiar you are.The more you fight, the more you have access.

Batu's riding whip was cut short by someone, and he became angry.He stretched out his hand and grabbed someone's sword. Although he usually used a knife, it was not so easy to use a sword, but he could still use the sword as a knife, and he could still fully display his moves.He was stabbed several times in order to block Xue Jian.Ba Tuo didn't back down, but insisted on it again and again!

Another sword stabbed Batuo, the blood on the drawn sword splashed on Xuejian's face, Xuejian yelled:
"Ba Tuo, get back and find us reinforcements! Don't love to fight any more. I recognize you as my apprentice!"


Just one word, Batu didn't say much, and rushed into the men in black again!
It was dark and dark here, and Lian Quchen's half-closed eyes, who were sitting in the palace drinking tea and waiting for the dinner to start, were suddenly dazzled by a burst of light in the sky.Signal! !

Lian Quchen stood up abruptly, and said to the eunuch who was waiting on the sidelines:
"Go and inform Fu Jinghao that something happened to Prince Rui."

The little lady listened in and said that something had happened to Prince Rui, and her legs gave way in fright, but she immediately ran to find General Fu Jinghao, who he recognized and was the youngest of the newly promoted generals.

Even Quchen himself didn't care whether it was affected or not, and flew up on the spot.Jumping towards the source of the signal, from his point of view, it was probably on the way Xue Jian returned home.

Lian Quchen quickly flew over the palace and left the palace, which was seen by many people in the palace.Flying up with Lian Quchen, there was another father-in-law, that is, the father-in-law Gu who was protecting Xuejian into the palace.Gu Gonggong originally wanted to follow Xuejian back to the mansion, but Xuejian asked him to stay first, saying that he would come to the palace to attend the dinner later, and he was accompanied by Murong Xing, so he didn't go with him. After Lian Quchenfei left the palace, Eunuch Gu couldn't think about it.The only one who can make Lian Hou Ye so indifferent is the little master besides the princess.The princess is in the palace, only the young master.So Eunuch Gu also flew up after Lord Lian Hou one step later.

Fu Jinghao was in a different position from Xuejian, Lian Quchen and the others because of his different status. After the banquet, some people came up to say hello to make sure they were familiar.It's good to have a relationship in the future.Fu Jinghao is better than Lian Quchen in this point, no matter who Lian Quchen is, he just ignores him.He has always been cold, but Fu Jinghao is much gentler.Greet and socialize more with the visitors.No, Wen Xijin, the nephew of the empress dowager's natal family and a newly promoted military officer, was chatting enthusiastically, and walked towards the palace gate together while chatting.

The little eunuch who was looking for someone asked several people, and finally found Fu Jinghao. Seeing the two little generals from a distance, the little eunuch shouted recklessly:

'General Fu, General Fu, wait a minute. '

Fu Jinghao wasn't used to others calling him General Fu, and he didn't realize whether he was calling him or Wen Xijin reminded him:

"A little eunuch seems to be calling you."

Fu Jinghao turned his head to look at the little eunuch who was running over, and saw that his hair was all messed up, and he lost his image at all.Fu Jinghao frowned.

"General Fu, hurry up. Something happened to Prince Rui!"

(End of this chapter)

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