farmer's daughter

Chapter 611 I know, but I haven't done it

Chapter 611 I know, but I haven't done it

Chapter 610 I know, but I haven't done it
At dawn, Xue Jian woke up on time as usual, because the real root cause of the disease was eliminated, and Xue Jian had no fever after a good night's sleep.

Xuejian woke up and saw the person sitting by the bed, she was surprised and said:

"Did you not sleep all night?"

Fu Jinghao smiled and said:

"Slept, just woke up before you."

The girls brought in the washing water, and Fu Jinghao took care of washing Xue Jian before saying:

"Master has been here just now, to see if you slept well and didn't disturb you."

Xuejian asked:

"What about the situation of Prince Batu and the little brother?"

"It's all right. The poison has been discharged. Only the wounds are left."

Xue Jian lowered his head and thought for a while:

"Don't tell the outside world that our poison has been cured. You go tell the senior brother and them."

After a little thought, Fu Jinghao understood what Xuejian meant, and he nodded and said:
"it is good."

Then Fu Jinghao went to talk about the matter with Lian Quchen, who was still in the Prince's Mansion, and even Quchen also called Manager Cheng to give orders.Chengda General Pipeline:
"If you don't tell me, I don't know. Only a few people in the master's yard know. I'll remind them. No one outside knows."

Lian Quchen nodded, and Manager Cheng went to work, so Lian Quchen asked Fu Jinghao:

"What does Cher mean?"

Fu Jinghao frowned and thought about it:

"She didn't say anything. I guess she wanted to find out who was behind the scenes. Did the elder brother ask anything last night?"

Lian Quchen shook his head and said:

"I didn't even ask! Because I still don't know the cause of the matter. I'm waiting for Xueer to wake up and talk about what's going on, or it won't work if I ask those people. Listen Cher's opinion."

Fu Jinghao nodded and said:

"She's sober now, she's reminding me of this, I'm afraid she has some ideas. I'm going to take her out to eat, but she can't stay still. If you let her stay in the room for a while, she will run out by herself."

Lian Quchen chuckled and said:
"How is it? But you are fine now, your mission is to accompany her, and the emperor really takes care of you."

Fu Jinghao rolled his eyes at Lian Quchen's teasing, got up and went to Xuejian's yard again.Sure enough, as he expected, after Xuejian asked Mother Tang to change her medicine, she got dressed again.He was leaning on the head of the bed and was about to stand up.Because she also has a wound on her leg.I'm afraid it will be broken again if I use force.Fu Jinghao hurriedly shouted:
"Wait a minute! Look at you, you are so impatient. I know you can't stay, so I'll take you out for dinner?"

Xue Jian smiled and said:

"Don't go out, you take me to sit in the flower hall over there, and call the senior brother in. Let's discuss it with him."

Fu Jinghao nodded and picked up Xuejian.Nanny Tang picked up a soft cushion first, thought about it, then turned around and hugged the mattress that Fu Jinghao had used last night, and went to cushion the chairs in the flower hall, so that the master could sit more comfortably.

Fu Jinghao put Xuejian on the prepared chair, and Banxia hurriedly brought over a small stool and put Xuejian's feet on it.The other girl also hurriedly put a small quilt she was carrying on Xuejian's lap.Seeing their cooperation, Xue Jian really cooperated very tacitly!laughed:

"You treat me like a milk doll!"

Mammy said on the side:

"This has to be taken care of. If there is an injury, there will be a cold. The weather is cold. I'm afraid that your wound will hurt when you get old!"

I heard that when you get old, your wounds will hurt.Fu Jinghao covered the little quilt tightly again.Also put on a small shawl.She was originally a little Xuejian, but now she can hardly see anyone, as if there was a pile of quilts and clothes piled up there.

Xuejian glared at Fu Jinghao angrily.Fu Jinghao pretended not to see it, but still looked around to see where he didn't cover it well.Xuejian said angrily:
"How can I eat like this?"

Fu Jinghao replied smoothly:
"Your arm is hurt, I'll feed you!"

Xue Jian had nothing to say.I had to suffer.

Set up Xue Jian.Fu Jinghao went to invite Lian Quchen and the master in person.Sit down together and discuss what to do next.

Old man Mo hasn't spoken much since last night. This is too embarrassing. The two children were poisoned under his nose, and he didn't even notice it.Fortunately, someone came to heal.Otherwise, my prestige in this life will be ruined!

Even Quchen looked at Xuejian and said:

"After I sent the immortal monk away last night, I was arranging some patrols in this mansion. Also, I went to General Mu's place, but I found out. General Mu searched all night, and only found these People used various identities to sneak into the capital. Of those who died, seven of them were not from my clan, and these seven people may be from Wuli or Wula."

When old man Mo heard this, his eyes flashed, but he didn't say anything.Xue Jian also nodded and said:

"That's right, if it was Hu Guo's, he wouldn't dare to attack Ba Tuo like this."

Lian Quchen shook his head and said:

"It's not from the Hu country. People from the Hu country look very different, and these people are similar to us, but they are not from our tribe. Because the clothes they wear look the same as ours, but their underwear is different. "


The black line at one end of Xuejian was found out in this way.

Lian Quchen said again:
"The four in our house haven't asked yet. I want to hear Xue'er's opinion on this. Let's see what Xue'er has to say."

Xue Jian widened his eyes and said:
"Didn't you interrogate? I thought you had an interrogation. Let me hear the result of your interrogation."

Lian Quchen smiled and said:

"There are only four of them, and they are still the kind of people who want to die. If nothing is found in the first trial, it is not easy to retry. Therefore, we need to discuss a plan so that we can pass the first trial."

Xuejian bowed her head and thought about it, then said:

"Only separate trials."

Fu Jinghao said:

"You, this was the last thing you said last night before you fell into a coma. You said you were going to interrogate people separately. If you asked how you were going to be interrogated, you didn't say anything. You passed out."

Xue Jian thought about it, as if he had said something?Or just thought about it?
Xuejian said again:

"People are brought up for trial one by one, and the results of the trial are compared with each other. In fact, it is easy to say death, but people like them who want to die but have not died will be afraid of death. It's not that they have no integrity. Among the four, there is always one who is afraid of death. As long as there is one who is afraid of death, there will be a breakthrough."

Lian Quchen and the others looked at Xuejian.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"I don't know what kind of death methods exist in the prisons now. Will the officials beheaded? Or other methods of death."

Fu Jinghao said:

"Well, most of the people in the prison have their heads beheaded, as an example to others! And in the army, there are five horses to quarter their bodies."

After thinking about it, Xuejian said quietly:
"Actually, some methods are more cruel than these! It's just that I haven't heard of it in this place. I know it, but I haven't done it."

No one thought to ask, why do you know?Because, they all have the same idea, they believe in Xue Jian.

(End of this chapter)

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